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Justyn Huang Jan 2019
In order to be deep
One must traverse a
Desert of shallow waters
how 2 deep
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
I have a micropenis...
And it really doesn't ****
As much as I thought it would
Mainly cause no girl wants
An imaginary ***** going anywhere
Near them, I mean they have ******
For that.

So I'm suing every ***** company
For making products that promote
A false sense of self worth and an
Incredibly over-inflated beauty standard
That is all but impossible to ever live up
To: basically anything larger than 0.5cm
is up for grabs.
(Except mine-- which is never grabbed)

Wanna hear a sexist double standard?
Girls have the "itty bitty ***** committee"
But guys have no "teeny weeny peeny task force"
Le sigh~ ***** to ****
Or to never at all
An inside joke between me and my friend that I'm not taking overboard XD
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
You drive me crazy.
You drive me insane?
You drive me to the edge of
The World
where "I miss you's"
never left my brain.

You drive me so fast down
Memory lane -- time

You drive me mad, bonkers
Off the road at times too.

But if there was a way
I'd want to be driven,
it'd always
Be with
Love poem? Or nah.
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
Hope always
Rises with the
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
If one tries too hard to be deep
They end up stuck--
In the basement
Justyn Huang Dec 2018
When I can't tell if
My underwear is
clean or not,
I sniff it. But
of the smell
I still wear
it anyways
since my
*** always
be so
Just a joke-ish kinda thing - there are so many serious poems out there lmaooo.
Justyn Huang Dec 2018
I don't really care about
Atoms, photons or parallel
Universes where you and I could've
worked out differently and existed

cause all we have is here and now
so I'm going to try my best to make
this life worth it, meaningful and
happy for you to live in.
About giving someone your all
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