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 Jul 2020 JC
Corrinne Shadow
The tears slide down my cheeks.
It's been a rough few weeks.
I try to rise, to move, to stir;
But all I can do is cry
Into her fur.

Her tail flicks over my arm.
It stings from fresh self harm.
I sob in tandem with her purr
'cause all I can do is cry
Into her fur.

Her rough tongue scratches my nail.
I stifle a broken wail.
My vision's nothing but a blur,
Since all I can do is cry
Into her fur.

I cannot surmount my situation.
I'm fighting a war above my station.
Perhaps someday some change I'll spur.
Till then, I only cry
Into her fur.
 Jun 2020 JC
Gunnika Mehra
Some times life gives you lemons
Sour , which trouble your sensitive tongue
The sourness goes down the throat
And leaves it's imprint behind.

But what life also teaches us after every lemon
Is that you can always drive it away
Mix the sour with sweet
And it pleases the tongue that way.
So isn't it all about finding the right flavour
Something you can savour.

So next time life gives you lemons
Look for ingredients that will dilute it's pain
And then enjoy the lemon that way.
 Jun 2020 JC
Sunny Ipanema
 Jun 2020 JC
Let's get tanned on the beach of Ipanema,
Where the breeze is always lively and artistic.
We'll climb Arpoador just to watch the sunset behind The Two Brothers as it casts color on the sandy bay.
As the night draws in we will head to a restaurant, where the air is drunk with bossa nova music and dance our night away.
Pack your bag let's travel.
 Jun 2020 JC
Theresa Hartley-Mace

We all dream
But don’t always remember
But dreams can be amazing
Or crazy as sin!

I seem to dream
Dreams that I’m in
Of weird and wonderful buildings
I don’t know where to begin!

But the best dream would be
Just floating in a beautiful blue sea
With a golden sandy beach
And a nice warm sun
And a gentle breeze
Just sounds so perfect
This, can I dream please?

Or being with nature
In a forest at night
With fireflies playing
Giving some light!

Dreaming is fun
Even an unpleasant one
Its just like a bedtime story
Great fun or gory!
 Jun 2020 JC
A new day
 Jun 2020 JC
A new day.
The sun will kiss me
the rain may caress my skin
and the breeze will be full
of promises.
 Jun 2020 JC
We were all just blank canvases
And God is the painter
He painted us
Each one a different shade of beautiful
The world is like an art gallery
Because we are all art
 Jun 2020 JC
Be let in
 Jun 2020 JC
I often stand outside your dreams,
waiting to be let in
 Jun 2020 JC
 Jun 2020 JC
Summer nature song
Sweet chorus and cry from far
Birds flies with freedom
Just came back from an outing. It's a lovely day out today!
Stay safe and well today, everyone!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
 Jun 2020 JC
Kelsey Banerjee
sleep tastes
like milk tea and cinnamon,
for maybe fifteen minutes
drowning in sugar
so that your tongue is sweet and numb.

I used to wonder
why you slept so long
plaid covers up to your nose
pillow imprinted
with your crown.

now I know
that dawn often tastes bitter
and the remains of the day
sticky like pomegranate rot
when dusk arrives
like a cool drink in summer
I can finally slake
this thirst for something different.
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