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 Apr 2015 Joseph Childress
Sail away, small bird.
Over distant oceans
Tip down your beak
Let it touch the sea.

Sail away, small bird.
Don't let the crashing
waves touch you. Don't
let them spray your wings.

Sail away, small bird.
Drown out the roar
Of the current with the
gentle hum of the breeze.

Sail away, small bird.
Away from everything.
Away from home.
Away from me.
the light
bounces off of your eyes
and fills the room
with your beauty
your devotion
your heart

the shadow
bounces off of your face
and covers me
with your passion
your life
your soul

t'is love
booming from deep within
and fills my world
with your passion
your piety
your presence
Solid pitch
Liquid strain
Blood curdled scream
Agony, pain

Fog driven steps
Casting away
Murdered inside
Don't want to stay

Trapped in the moment
Object of time
Cold hard walls
Prison is mine

You were there
Spirit of dust
Push right through me
My heart was a must

Shake this disease
Molded like clay
Wrapped up arms
Can longer say

Gone like a whisper
Voices in ear
Shh in the silent
No longer there
Haunted by your past love, taken away in a flash
This feeling of emptiness couldnt get any more empty. As I lay here forcing tears
From surfacing in my cracked eyes I
Wonder if he feels the same way.
Lost in a whirlwind spinning in
The core of mother natures
Scorn. Please just take me
Away from here. Out of
This misery I reside in
Do with me as you
See fit. Spare my
Life, or take it.
If you spare it, take me to fields of gold
    That gleam in the suns jealous skies.
          Shining its beauty in my shadow
               Lighting my way through the
                    Darkness my heart insists.
                          Lead me into a place
                               Pain isnt allowed,
                                    Only love
*If you take it, may I forget the pain and
    Sorrow I once felt. Allow my spirit to
         Rise free and unburdened. Let my
              Lifeless body rest free of any
                  Unfinished business on earth.
                        I want not to be a restless
                             Spirit. I wish to fly with
                                  The birds in the sky, be
                                       One with them. See
                                             Things how they
                                                  Were meant to
                                                      Be. In peace
when i first met you i was shy and still wore
pink and had an uncanny obsession with
sweaters and you had smiled at me so warmly that
i couldn't help but have smiled back because
you looked so happy
when i first realized i was in love with you it was
a warm july sun and a humid air and you were
laughing as i rambled on about a book
that i can't remember the title of but
god, i had never thought that people could look beautiful
under the horizon because the sky was too distracting
but on that particular day, i'm sure the horizon was jealous
of how light your hazel eyes looked and how deep your dimples were
i laid awake that night, thinking about your smile
and how happy it made me, and how terribly bittersweet
this was going to be
when i look at you know, i do not see the sun-kissed
boy with laughter in his eyes and a permanent smile on
his cheeks, i see a shadow of the boy i used to love and
sometimes i wonder if i should care at all that you're sad, because
you never seem to care when i am, though i suppose that is what
love is itself, loving somebody so unconditionally that
even when they laugh and mock you, you would still cry with them
the very next day
although then again, i'm sure you don't know what love is
this is very bad. and raw. and unedited and the start of a series of poems where the title is a lyric in a song, this one is I Miss You by blink 182
 Apr 2015 Joseph Childress
you won't be expecting it
and you probably won't
even want it but it'll hit
you like baseball bat to
the shin and you won't
be able to get back up
for a bit and it'll hurt
like hell and it'll leave
it's mark on you for a
while but everything
fades eventually
and that is love
 Apr 2015 Joseph Childress
The postman boy
Has gotten weary of the stories told
Wrongly by dear Oblivia on the yards
Every morning.
The postman boy comes for
The warm-hearted letters of distance sons
But on his hands are letters of slander and
coalition he did not fathom.
Above my body  
Questioning my
own Reality

Harmony surrounds me
peaceful tranquility
all encompassing
auras of reverie

Atmosphere defies my shape
I will undefine
Shapeless (be ethereal)
Nameless (nonexistance)

I am stuck fast asleep now
Lost in a pensive meditative state
My third eye is awakened
Liberation from cyclic existence (x2)

I am washed with zen
Cleansing me of my own sins
Bliss exists it's intrinsic

From One we stem
As One we'll find our way
No more pain emotions unfold
No more pain, No more straying

Your mind
New light
(Floating above my own body)
Lyrics for my band's new song. I will send a demo upon request if interested.
© Subnuba 2015
Lyrics by Reid Donovan, Derek Wilkerson, Adrian Ocaña
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