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 Oct 2014 Jazzelle Monae
you are
 Oct 2014 Jazzelle Monae
You are the sun that sets at the horizon
the mist covering me
the one saving me from illusions
war and love's fusion.

You are the fire in my eyes
my deep abyss
the one who stays with me all night
the one who will always be mine

You are the bottom of the sea
Inquisitive, tempting
Dark as can be
my infinity

You are the light in the dark
my companion
you've loved me from the start
you hold my hand when the soldiers march.

You are everything I wished to be
I see myself in you
I know today you're free
by the graves at midnight I shall wait for thee
Written for the love of my life,Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus.
“We” are becoming a game

A game of Hide my feelings
And Seek your touch

A game of Memory
While you memorize my curves
I memorize the curves of your smile

A game of ring around the truth
and let the thought of being together fall right down
my cheek as I cry from your words of
Guess Who doesn't love you

“We” have become that Puzzle
With the pieces that all look the same
And I’m not sure if our pieces fit together

One of those puzzles with the pieces that look like they’ll fit
But you won’t know for sure till you finish
But you aren’t sure you want to try hard enough to find out

A game where you Chute me that look
And I start to climb the Ladder
Even though I know I’m gonna have to slide back down eventually

A game where I constantly think about the sweet Candy that is you
and Land right back into reality
Knowing you’ll never get the Clue
And I’ll be the one who is Sorry
Even though I should have known you were Trouble all along

I’m starting to learn that this is Life
And the War with myself isn’t worth it
It isn’t worth
feeling like the Paper
While you are the Scissors
when really we are both stuck under this Rock

We just keep calling for Red Rover
to send sanity right over our way
so we can finally figure out the Monopoly of
Forged seduction

I’ll just continue to Go Fishing for the words
to unlock our mystery
so we can finally Connect
our Four arms together

‘We” are becoming a game
Where we are constantly Tagging
each other to be the one to say It first

A game where feelings are Cooties
and we have to Circle our brains
to find the Spot
Where we find out if we even have a Shot

You’ll just keep making me Tick
While I try to find a way
to Tack a label
Toe how I feel

Until I realise this is just Child's Play
I'm in love with someone's daughter
living in the shards of a broken home
Cutting herself on two year-old letters
These are moments she can't fake;
reasons to feel alone
So used to abuse, her tears start to shake
I hold her close as her head starts to ache
"I love you too much,
so I can't let your heart break."
She said, "I know you love me,
but you've made a mistake."

I never meant for anyone to be my pulse.
I promise not to step on your feet
if you teach me how to waltz.
my mind is wheeling
my thoughts are peeling
my brain is creaking
my synapses are snapping
my feelings are fleeting
my reality is reeling nothing is really as it seems
i insist, to ponder this, all in tonight's dreams...
if you know what i mean...
 Sep 2014 Jazzelle Monae
It's all written right in front of me,
Tattooed in my mind
I open my mouth to speak the words I long to speak
No sound leaves.

And so I'll write instead
I find myself writing in riddles
Causing confusion yet you still want to help
The things I long to say?
They continue going unsaid.

I want you to understand
I want you to know
I want your help
But I am scared ?

Through talking out aloud
Through messages
Nothing escapes my lips
Nothing is given away

It's not loud enough.
The jigsaw remains incomplete.
I'm sorry.
I can't keep you in suspense
But still I cannot say.

Unlettered &Unspoken;
Hidden. Remaining a secret.
Forgive me.
One day perhaps?

© maria.who

( comment below please )
Who am I?
I'm a piece of work.
A block of marble,
A chip of rock.
A driftwood face,
Waiting near a dock.
A song without refrain,
You won't sing again.
A pattern, pinned for sewing,
A garment good for stowing.
A man in queue,
Looking back at you.
A canvas smeared in gesso,
Leaning near a frame.
A sonnet missing
A rhyming couplet,
An octave and a sestet.
I am
A work in progress
For Joe's request.
 Aug 2014 Jazzelle Monae
You standing for one night
Leaves me crying for a day.
And I don't think running in circles
Will make me less dizzy
Like you told me it would.
Of course I wanted your heart
I just wasn't sure what to say,
And my life kept spinning
And I couldn't make it stop
Long enough to land where you are.
I think this means goodbye.
if i died tonight
i'd understand why.
i'd understand why we met.
i met you
so that i wouldn't
forget you

and if i died tonight
i'm sure i wouldn't forget
how you talk before you think
maybe that's why your words
are always jumbled and wrong
how you have to lift up your shirt
just so you can scratch your back
how most of the time you try
to make me laugh
and i act like you're not funny at all

we were destined to meet
just so i wouldn't forget you
and how beautiful of a monster you are
at then end of the day
you'd still be the nostalgia
i want to happen in the future
you are still the pain
i want to feel
hey. i know its been a while since ive posted a poem but yeah, heres a other one. hope you guys like it and feel free to message me on here, im fine with making new friends! really hope this poem trends and hit like. thanks.
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