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18.2k · Feb 2015
We lied there on the grass
Thinking about life
How it went so well
With or without strife

We shared the same thoughts
We were inseparable
All of our years
Our fun, always on a double

Then you sat up
Looked me in the eyes
Smiling so sweetly
I can't break the ice

I smiled back and hoped
That this wouldn't end
But then you spoke up
"I'm glad that you're my best friend"
I know the title's cliche but there's no other way to describe this poem.
2.4k · Mar 2015
I guess it was never mutual
And there's nothing to mend
It's time to move on
You're just an imaginary best friend
It's scary to know that the one you treated as a best friend, never really thought of you the same way.
2.2k · Dec 2014
Second Chance
I fell
I drowned
You broke my heart

Everything went dark
I sank
To the bottom-most part

I lost all hope
To find light
I dare not live again

But someone pulled me out
and gave me a second chance
And freed me from the binding chains

"The world's unforgiving,
Innocence is meant to be stained
But don't throw away your life"
She said as if in pain.

Day by day, I live in fear
Of what might happen
Everything's so vague and not so clear

But each day that passes by
I learned one thing
I'm lucky to have lived
A second chance in life

I fell
I drowned
You broke my heart

I stood
I rose
And was given a brand new start

Something from my original story.
2.1k · Dec 2014
It wasn't me
I couldn't go forward
I couldn't move on
The day you left me
All alone

I cried all night
And looked at myself
It was all my fault
It was my mistake

I was imperfect
I was full of flaws
No wonder you left me
For another girl

Then someone knocked me
Into my senses
Telling me all the beautiful things
I've never heard before

I didn't know
I thought all over
The good things I had in me
Surpassed all my errors

I couldn't be happier
The moment I realized
The culprit wasn't me
It was you
Have confidence in yourself and look at all your blessings instead of your flaws.
1.8k · Feb 2015
Sun and Moon
The sun rises from the east
It goes down to the west
The moon rises from the east
It goes down to the west

They do this repeatedly
They chase each other in circles
Every day, every night
The same, never-ending cycles

Never reaching each other
Never knowing how one feels
Hot and cold
Soft and steel

But it's a sacrifice
For the common good
Just like you and me
You are the sun and I am the moon
Knowing that it's for the best makes it even more painful.
1.7k · Dec 2014
Whisper of Madness
Come with me
I'll make you stronger
I'm always here
Just take a step closer

You won't regret it
I just want one thing
Bring me your soul
Now, isn't it amusing?

I'm the only one who cares
Didn't you tell me that?
The only friend when you're in need
Don't pretend that I don't exist

Why do you keep pushing me away?
Is it because of that person?
I'm much more better than him
Why can't you see that?

I can give you immortality
So pick me instead
What can he give you?
Suffering that can make you dead

I can make you immortal
I can make you lose your fears
It is better this way
I won't let you roll your tears

What's that?
You said you're already contented
"He gives me life,
To feel the pain and enjoy its emotions"


You have succeeded
In driving me away
Fighting the MADNESS

But deem me,
I'm always here
I'll keep coming back
When you have your fears

1.2k · Dec 2014
Never-ending Cycle
The rose bloomed
It was beautiful
The colors sprung
It was full of life

Bees rejoiced
Butterflies flew
For the, oh, so pretty
Rose and morning dew

One day it looked tired
From all of its glory
It started to fade
It started to wither

The rose was never the same
It's just like all of us
Trapped in a cliche
And never-ending cycle
1.1k · Dec 2014
The Ticking of the Clock
The ticking of the clock
It's so annoying
It makes me shift
It drives me crazy

It always makes me wonder
When I'll be able to leave
The ticking of the clock
It's an agony

Why are you always here?
Here to bother me
The ticking of the clock
Thinks I'm full of pity

You were always there
And I didn't know why
The ticking of the clock
Cared for me and cried

Just as I was getting used to it
Day by day
The ticking of the clock
Turned slowly and walked away

I would always wish you gone
The room's now silent
But what I would give
To have the clock rewinded

You'll never know how much important someone is until you've lost him/her.
1.0k · Feb 2015
The Wall
I look up and see the wall
I see no way out
If I climb it, I fall
I can't do it, there's no doubt

I can't move forward
With this obstacle in my way
My chance of escaping this problem
Is so far away

When all hope is lost
I sat and I cried
I didn't know what to do
I couldn't because I didn't try

Little did I know
Waiting at the side was a door
Open and unlocked
I couldn't see it before

I took a step through
I entered and found the light
Who knew there are many ways
To move forward and fight
Being frustrated at what you can't do will not benefit you. Instead, find other ways to move forward and overcome the obstacle.
879 · Feb 2015
Wait, don't go!
It's all that I can say
I've fallen so low
It's been one heck of a day

I don't know what to do
I can't reach you
Not even a spec
Without you, I'm a wreck

I tried to run after you
But then I fell on the dirt and clay
And then I realized
My legs didn't work the same way

I can't remember how to walk
I've been crippled for so long
I didn't know how to stand on my own
Now I know, my perspective was wrong

My life didn't depend on you
I need to stand up and rise
And to cure myself
And soar in the skies
828 · Mar 2015
Never a Reality
I walked along the hallway
Quiet and shy
Nobody ever saw me
They often averted their eyes

Though it made me happy
To finally be noticed
By someone unexpected
And willing to listen

But it only lasted
For a few days
You finally gave up
And went another way

I walked along the hallway
Hopeful that you would smile
But instead you looked away
And pretend we're apart for a mile

Now it's time for me to realize
To break this sad flowing stream
It was never a reality
It was only a dream
The moment when you thought someone truly cared for you, but only ended up the one who will drag you down further.
713 · Dec 2014
I am the Glass
I am the glass
Sitting quietly on the table
Silently doing what I can
Doing what I am able

I am the glass
Fragile and sincere
My friendship and love
Knows no boundary with my peers

I am the glass
That you'll never find in the store
Unique and one of a kind
And there's nothing more

I am the glass
That you took granted and sent away
You think I was like the others?
No, I was special in my very own way

I am the glass
That was tipped over and betrayed
And no matter how much you piece me back together
My trust will never be the same
659 · Jan 2015
You don't know how much
How much I care for you
And even if you said you hated me
I will always love you
Sometimes, all it takes to deliver a message is one stanza ;)

— The End —