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 Feb 2016 J B
I want to...
I yearn to dream,without the nightmares.
I want to experience color in all it's depth.
I desire to fly,to escape,
to be free.
I want to love and be loved back with more than was given.
I hope to sleep to sleep in peace where my pain can't touch me.
I cry to the expanse of the starry heavens for hope,for hope to be my skin wrapping me from within.
I yearn,dream,want,desire,hope,and cry... to Believe.
I must take a leap of Faith,so I can...Believe.
 Feb 2016 J B
Your strength is beauty itself.
I cannot see you,but I see your evidence all around me.
You make the leaves of the trees
sing a one of a kind melody.
You encompass me, while blowing your power
through me.
Your strength can even move my frame off my feet,
You can cool my body with a delicate breeze,
And up root a tree that has lived in this world
for hundreds of years.
I feel your power,yet I feel more of the power of delight
by the Wondrous creative power of the Almighty.
I actually feel closer to Him when the Spirit of the Wind
through every strand of my hair.
His Being wraps around me and
I am in another dimension
of time and space.
May the Spirit of the Wind ever blow
in all worlds, in all heavens,
filling me with the
Spirit of Love,Power, and Strength.
 Dec 2015 J B
Mike Hauser
Just when your world collapses

To the point of fall apart

There still resides a tiny spark

Deep within your hungry heart

The tiniest of slivers

A slight glimmer of hope

A righteous nod from the voice of God

Letting you know you're not alone
 Dec 2015 J B
I sit on the step
And draw
The cold around me
Like a blanket,
Savouring the numbness
And the heat
That begins within.
Swallowed by the night
Drunk on wine
And stars.
Hot tears on cold cheeks.
Seasoning for
Chapped lips
Bringing fresh tears.
I take refuge
In the silence,
Under the gaze of
Sympathetic eyes.
My friends.
My constant companions.
Drunk on wine
And stars.
Say my name
Say it gently
Use your words
To caress me
Speak your thoughts
Speak them out loud
Confess your love
Amidst the crowd
Scream your wishes
Scream your dreams
Make your reality
Better than it seems
Whisper your pain
Whisper your fears
Release the tension
Wipe away your tears
Open your mind
Open up wide
Let my love in
Let me inside
 Dec 2015 J B
Longing to be a Writer,
a wordsmith of the spirit,
the possibility within my soul,
can I see the ability to really do it.
Aching to grow to become more,
yet so afraid to open my door,
Others will see and make their choice,
Whether or not to hear my voice.
 Dec 2015 J B
Feeling like a bird who has lost it's wing and song,
How do I make the sun shine it's light,
Giving the darkness the fear to leave,
And never return being clothed in Glory,
The Power restores my flight and my voice,
Now I fly higher than high and say ,"Goodbye," to the Weeping Willow
 Dec 2015 J B
Is it possible,can it be?
Spirit and Soul,
Can the Light really make me whole?
The darkness feels like it possesses me,
Can Your Light really set me free?
Pain has been a resented friend,
Delusion speaking that their is no end.
In the distance, the still small Voice of Hope
Lovingly speaks,"You can do more than just cope."
Can I hope, can I believe, can I pray,
Just a seed being sown today,
Allowing sunlight to expand it's ray.
Rain comes to water my ground,
Impatient in my wanting to be safe and sound.
Finally it is my Harvest day,
Reaping my destination that Wholeness is on it's way.
Healing takes time, I hate that,but I must stop fighting it,cause I can't keep living like this. Because this is not living, it is barely existing.
 Dec 2015 J B
Do you see me or do you see her?
She looks like me,
She moves like me,
Speaks like me,
But she is not me.
I hate her so much,
Hate the life she can touch.
She is the darkness,
Can I make a wish to make her go,
Day to day I must work to tell her no.
She is the old man and I am the new,
Living in the Light of God,that is the glue,
To keep centered,really centered on You.
This is not easy,for it is hard,
Speaking this to you, being the Bard.
Heart to heart to let you know,
you my friend are not alone.
We are all broken with two sides,
forever taken in the bye and bye,
I work on the one with the glimmer of Light,
And waiting for the other one to lose their might.
 Dec 2015 J B
Light... I need some light,
Smile, a child's smile,
Joy, to possess my entire being,
Peace, to make negative thoughts stop racing,
Faith, to keep me chasing Hope,
Hope, to keep me chasing life,
And Love to be Loved.
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