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hannah 1d
the once ceaseless erupting globules of life on the surface
grow less frequent
lachrymosity ebbs out of your lungs
like a bleeding wound
your body goes limp
but you feel somewhat at peace

the weight of the water silences the voices
it envelops you
into an emancipating abyss in between what seems like life and death

you are flung out of the water
your body arches
as air fills your lungs once again
eyes shoot open
you see the world as it is
you see what lies beyond the crater of darkness.

you get a taste

before you are pushed down again
forced into the depths
even though you want to live,
even though you want to experience joy
but the shackles of the abyss are put on you once again

this time
instead of serenity
all you feel is longing
your body aches to see the world again
you are denied
until once again your crater becomes all you ever knew
the darkness feels comforting.

but that's not the way it works.
we don't get comfort.

you are flung between the world and the abyss
over and over again
as the clutches of the demon in your mind
torments you with the knowledge
the knowledge of knowing what you can never truly have.

because you and i?
well the abyss is all we ever knew.
*this is what depression feels like
hannah 2h
w h o r e
     what a life
shamed for the hands I never wanted upon myself
scorned for the advantage he took
the advantage he took because I was broken
too broken to refuse
voice drowned out

because he's all I ever had
i never had him either
hannah 8h
capricious: an outcome driven by sudden, unpredictable change (adjective)

your head gets heavy
a feeling of doom springs about
it lingers
enveloping you in fumes of doubt
it sets in, a cloud above your head.

it takes control
a silent, grey dread

colours fade out,
light grows dim
the heaviness spreads,
filling your eyes to the brim
shades of grey is all you can see

you search for colour,
to bring you back to reality

for the world you knew
sinks beneath the tide
into the dark abyss
of your mind
where shadows hide.

the abyss becomes all you know.
a strange, cold, familiar comfort, is it not?
hannah 1d
tears separate the pain from the person.
as they fall, grief melts away,

but then why does she still feel this agonizing pain?
this feeling that just wont go away
her chest clenches in on itself
is it guilt?

for what?
she is the victim.
she is the one who is hurt.

after a person is battered down so many times,
after they have been slashed and throttled and pull apart into tiny pieces.
after they have been hurt over and over again.
they become the hurt.

it is not voluntary.
it is not wanted.
but they become the hurt.
and hurt, hurts.

they become the person that they once loathed.

now, as those waterfalls weep,
as the rivers stream down their face,
the excruciating pain of guilt overtakes them,
for they were once hurt, yes,
but now they have unwillingly become the hurt.
it is all that defines her.
what she abhorred,
she has become that hurt.

and hurt?
it hurts.
i hope you cant relate
hannah 2h
'you're my world' he'd say
then immediately fade away
manipulation is a bitter pill to swallow
hannah 8h
i let you take me. 
is what u want me to believe
heresay 'no' wasn't loud enough
but i loved you
i really did
for a long time even after it happened
i don't want you to come back
because im scared

they say love is strong enough to transcend dimensions
but when its not reciprocated
when you'd do anything for them
well then you're not very safe, are you?
theres a burning pain inside me that wishes things were different
that wishes,
the things you said.
how i wish that they were true
and i wasn't being blatantly lied to
and pathetic as it is
i'll still always love you
hannah 8h
i'm scared that you'd do what you always do
get me on the fence
feigned proclamations of love
that i believe
your little dove

let you come back
just for you to say
'its only for a minute'
and before i can protest
you use me and disappear
leaving only fear, so clear.

why do u fill the gaping darkness inside of me so perfectly
maybe then i'd learn that its all an illusion, certainly.
i want to hate you
instead i hate myself
bc i can't.

— The End —