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Hussein Dekmak May 2021
After gazing at my father’s serene face,
I asked him about soul searching.

He answered me with a warm smile,
My precious child,
You will find your soul in the simplest of things.

You will find your soul in giving charity to a homeless on the street Corner.
You can find your soul in the daily services that you render to people;
Services that you pour your heart into.

You can find your soul by losing yourself in doing things that you enjoy:
In being always surrounded by people whom you love,
By sharing a smile with a stranger,
By being the messenger of kindness, 
In helping people overcome their pain.

You will find it in always doing your best to inspire and uplift people, and by planting the seeds of hope and happiness in their hearts.

You can find your soul in the tears you shed in the middle of night, asking God for forgiveness for your misfortune and mistakes.

You can find your soul in purging your heart from greed, arrogance, and hatred.
And instead, replacing them with love, generosity, and humility.

Hussein Dekmak
Heart # Night # People # Planting # Seeds # Shed # Searching # face  father # child
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2021
Kindness is like rain to a thirsty tree. When kindness touches a heart, it breathes new life into it, and makes it bloom with love and joy.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2021
The elderly man who used to greet me with a soft smile, while sitting on the bench in front of his lawn, is no longer around!

The bench is still there, yet the elderly man had been replaced by his grim - faced grandson playing on his phone!

As I pass by the bench, I wonder what type of legacy the elderly man had left behind!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2021
In the midst of the rise of Asian bullying during the COVID 19 pandemic,
Let us show them our sympathy.
Advocate against Asian hate.
Stand with their cause.
Give them warm greetings.
Treat them with more kindness and humanity.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2021
It will require bit of humanity to:
Lose yourself in serving others,
Soothe their pain,
Plant smiles on their faces,
Brighten their day,
Lift their spirit,
And strive to restore them for a better future.

Your humanity, my friend
Is your eternal legacy, which is more precious than your wealth, Education, and a lifetime worth of accomplishments!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2021
Her cry was the thunder, and her streaming tears were the pouring rain that breathed new life into the earth. Her catharsis signaled the start of a new spring with fresh grass, blooming flowers, and the ever lasting melody of the birds.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2021
Today is a new day; a new promise wrapped with blessings and gifts.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
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