I know the way I left you wasn't the easiest way to leave. I'm sorry I couldn't have made it easier- somehow lessen all this grief. But you see I've been struggling for some time with a broken heart and my best efforts to repair it couldn't begin to start To take away the pain I felt To help me feel some hope My spirit was dying daily and I lost all strength to cope So don't let yourselves be troubled Never think to blame yourselves For I have gone to God who is over all Seeking the One True Source of help Know that I will love you for forever and that I can't wait for you to see the wondrous gift of healing God is fashioning in me.
infinite. these thoughts are infinite at times it feels like too much so many things so many stories so many times i remember, the times we used to be together they were great like our first date that one day or should i say night in the drive way... when our love took flight
im not real, neither are you just keep pushing try to get through the pain feels real thoughts seeping through time is non existent.... when I'm writing to you
like a long lost shadow with no one to follow the steps in the sand are gone washed away..... withered away, is my old self yelling for me to come back the voice is slowly drifting away.
She hides behind her eyes withered and tampered tempered i am, she needs to be pampered, help i give but she won't receive, see i want to help her, so she doesn't have to grieve ....