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Magic exists all around us.

2. When you laugh your nose crinkles up so perfectly that your freckles dance like little dandelions in the wind. Know that you are special.

3. One day you will find yourself. For now you are allowed to be lost, you are allowed to be confused and you are allowed to be scared. We all are.

4. You have experienced pain and you are still here. I am so proud of you. Do not disregard yourself you beautiful warrior.

5. You have stardust in your veins, you are a living, breathing, walking extraction of the universe. There are galaxies inside your head, moons in your eyes and the ocean in your heart.

6. You are enough.
Your bold green eyes with flakes of gold keep me hypnotized.
I can't do anything without worrying that one day your eyes will turn cold.
I cling to every word you say as if any of them will be the last ones I hear.
You've kept me like this for months now - I admire you, I do, but please.
Let me go.

I'm dangling by a thread over the life I had before I laid eyes on your freckled face.
Just let me go I plead, I can't keep doing this.
You give me that big smile showing your bright white teeth.
My heart melts at the sight and sinks because I know I will always be under your spell.
 Jun 2014 Heliza Rose
I've written you a letter and I'll send it soon.
It's two pages, twice folded and slipped
into an off-white envelope
where I've licked the back flap
and pressed it down firmly.

Your location is scribbled on the front,
centered almost perfectly
and my address sits top left
just in case your house is no longer there
and the postman decides to return to sender.

However, the corners are beginning to fray
and a small coffee stain
curves around one side,
looping over the place
where a stamp should be.

Your name is starting to fade
and I'm not sure if the 6 in your address
is a 6 at all. So maybe the postman
will just lose it in a sea of forgotten paper
and one day you’ll swim over to it.

I would like you to read the letter I've written,
but the idea behind a message in a bottle
only works if you toss the **** thing overboard.
And the only time I ever told you I loved you
is collecting dust inside my desk.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. But I have others to post throughout the coming weeks!
*Originally titled "Postage Unpaid" but didn't feel right.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @
 Jun 2014 Heliza Rose
She didn’t always drink her coffee black.
The milk would spill in, staining the drink
until the perfect hue was achieved
and she’d think what her mother used to think.
“You are always right where you need to be.”
And she’d watch a sugar cube float around
for a few minutes, until the bronze sea
took it away. And her silk dressing gown
trickled past her body just as her new
buyer came to the door. She took one sip
and tried not to let her mascara strew
or even let the mug smear at her lips.
She poured everything down the kitchen sink
and tried to forget what her mother might think.
It's not a perfect Shakespearian sonnet, but I like where it ended up.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @
 Jun 2014 Heliza Rose
I remember asking my dad,
“How many stars are in the sky,”
and he said something like,
“Way too many to count.”
But I’ve counted.
And after recounting
                                      and recounting
and scribbling in my notebook
under my fathers flashlight
I can tell you that there is
indeed a number.

And to this day I prefer
reading the stars over anything.
They’re the oldest book ever written.
Space: the oldest canvas to be sewn
and the cosmos the paint of Picasso.
Each spec is its own character
each pair a set of eyes
where I can lose myself in their gaze.
A celestial connect the dots
where I collect the pictures
and pick out my favorite spots.

But when my son
is old enough to ask,
“How many stars are in the sky?”
I’ll just hand him a notebook
and tell him to read what he sees.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @
Did I love you when we first met?
That sounds cold but, truth is often painful.
Was I looking for someone like you?
That is a brutal truth.
Were you persistent?
Did you win my heart?
Eventually. With roses? No, with chocolates? No.
You won my heart, by accepting me.
You won me by being you.
I love how our love grew.
I wasn't looking for love, it somehow found me.
Did you write me poems?
Sing me love songs?
Did we have anything in common?
But, love grew, desire bloomed.
We needed each other, we still need and want each other.
Over coffee, Monty Python and a gentlemanly kiss on my cheek
I knew that love was real, it crashed into my heart like a wrecking ball.
Is love like the movies?
Is it *******.
It's more like a Wile E Coyote cartoon.
You bought an ACME love boulder!
Meep meep!
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