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Nov 2015 · 777
Sitting quiet
grumpy thumb Nov 2015
In a cafe sitting quite
wondering how tired
the waitress's smile is
as she shifts a slinky pivot
around tables
a routine on autopilot.
There's a tattoo shreak of violet
on her wrist.
Last night purged brightly from regretful mists:
Sprawl of limb
hinge and ******
flesh contorts
then erupts.
I read her script
she knew my score
rebound *** nothing more...
I think.
am sure.
...aint I?
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
Ebb and flow
grumpy thumb Nov 2015
Mellow the sea tide inching in
nibbling the shoreline
swishing kelp and swapping shells
stealing footprints
and time.

A lazy pen crawls the page
lapping gradually from margin's line
an inky gull's opportunist eye
scavenging the scene
with a rhyme.
Nov 2015 · 1.8k
Fog bank
grumpy thumb Nov 2015
Thick fog
muffling street lights,
confusing shadows,
smoothing edges.
Silent stretch of phantom arms,
damp embrace.
Smothering distance
harsh city vanishes.
As wondrous as it is eerie.
****** into its vacume of nothingness.
Oct 2015 · 685
She never asked
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
She never once asked why
I keep the twisted rosewood stick
or if it holds significance.
Or why Flann O'Brien's
"At swim two birds." has a place
by itself on the shelf.
She never understood my love
of jazz, metal or classical music
or wondered why
Hieronymus Bosch and Caravaggio prints
are in the hall.
She once said I should get rid of them all
"They don't match the décor."
She never understood the humour
of Leonard Cohen,
nor appreciate the raw beauty
of a Bukowski poem;
claimed they were just ***** old men.
She couldn't fathom why
I am drawn to decrepit ruins
or could spend hours just walking
without a destination.
She never will comprehend my love
for the ghostly hue of twilight.
now she never will
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
More cut up from what was given
than what was taken in her leaving.
There is no mistaken
all was possible
for a while we were unstoppable.
then pop went the bubble.
The hardest patch will always pass
once removed rose tinted glass
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Five knives
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
Strange! Never noticed it before
distance from bed to door
in footsteps one per word
paced from sole to soul
"It is over for good."
Each a precise dagger throw
expertly tossed in the dark
piercing deep hitting the mark.
Oct 2015 · 858
Cold day
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
My heart feels old today
it rattles like a stone in a can.
My eyes feel cold today
as they strain for gems in a prospector's pan.
My feet feel heavy today
trudging the ruts I've created time and again.
My thoughts feel tired today
they eloped with all hope and ran.
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
Screaming silence
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
Internal scream yearns to echo
lacking surface to rebound
when insides are hollow
a cry is the loneliest sound.
Breaking silence's seal
anguish looms worse
when none care to listen
desperate pleas become cursed.
Oct 2015 · 5.0k
Soft misty rain
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
Vision obscured by soft misty rain dampening harsh city lights
spilling slippery from storefronts and traffic train
shimmering upon pavements
between steps and stains.
soft misty rain
don't I know you?
Oct 2015 · 3.2k
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
Treated the plywood to be weatherproof, jigsawed to size base, sides and roof.
Applied non-toxic wood glue,
clamped pieces 'til sturdy and dry
not forgetting an entry hole through which birds may fly.
Took time with the birdhouse,
hung it snug in a tree.
If it will be used for the winter
I'm waiting to see.
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
Do you know any good doctors?
My pen needs a laxative
Spot of writers block
Oct 2015 · 571
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
Has anyone else just heard a bell toll?
Am I the only one?
Have they been ringing long?
Is there meaning in their song?
Oct 2015 · 899
Sky gifts
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
The sky gifts the ocean raindrop kisses, embraces it with shimmering sunlight upon its ripples.
The ocean returns its love
with affectionate reflections
assuring the sky of where its heart is.
Oct 2015 · 3.5k
Not every caterpillar
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
Not every caterpillar
wants to become a moth or a butterfly.
Not every snowflake or drop of rain
wants to fall from the sky.
Not every petal of every flower
wants to tilt its face towards the sun.
Not every second of every day
wants to die the second it's begun.
Oct 2015 · 797
Seasonal romance
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
When Autumn kissed the tree,
its leaves blushed and fell.
Starlings took to wing,
oh what scandal they had to tell
Oct 2015 · 2.6k
The harvest
grumpy thumb Oct 2015
The weighted press of measured steps on stair
accompanied by an echoed call to the familiar.
The first syllable of her name severed  midway,
yet it tolled long after the utterance rang out.
The comfort of routine;
tethers of association
snapped under the strain of realisation.
A mocking gift from forgetfulness...

...she left him..

Mechanical body shifts
fighting urges to hesitate and listen to her vanished sleeping breath.
Vacant the cold bedroom,
the chamber harbouring her scent on fabrics, pillow and scantly furnished dresser top.
Each sniff raw as salt on opened wounds.
She left
and left him
only remorseful residues
from the harvest
of three years and five months.
Sep 2015 · 882
Singing until morning
grumpy thumb Sep 2015
Moonlight played "I love you"
Shadows sang a passionate song.
Our bodies joined in the chorus,
a perfect harmony
'til golden dawn.
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
grumpy thumb Sep 2015
gentle winds navigated our craft
safely through
the turbulent waters of life.
Then you set sail
to voyage a separate course.
And my heart
in the wake
of your passing love.
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
grumpy thumb Sep 2015
Lips trace flowing contours
delicate as scrimshaw on a tusk.
Fingertips trail flesh,
tattoos etched of lust.
Canvas bodies shudder
beneath artists' brush.
Lovers pulse flourish;
with each push and stroke and flush.
Sep 2015 · 479
Day fall
grumpy thumb Sep 2015
I listen to the day's fall
the reverberations of fading bird's call
and children ushered in for the night, neighbours' cars pulling into the drive, faint light switches flicking on,
roller blinds pulled
curtains drawn.
It all happens in reverse
come the morn
when the last of the night falls
into dawn.
Sep 2015 · 992
grumpy thumb Sep 2015
Streetdogs rattle
a drunken cackle
spilling home after hours.
Scuffing pavements
dragging heels and dignity low.
Voices traveling further
than they need to go.
The ****** persist in splitting peace
invading night.
Children pretend to sleep
believing the bowsies are cool.
Wanting to be just like them.
Some will too.
Sep 2015 · 2.6k
The last swallow
grumpy thumb Sep 2015
The last swallow swooped a departing circle
spiraling low
over dusk reaped fields of stunted straw.
Corn harvest gathered,
hay baled for winter feed store.
Gold trashed under combine tracks and tractor trails scarring the soil which birthed it.
The swallow's the last wings of a fading love.
The field a churned despondent heart.
The crop waning memories,
nothing more.
Sep 2015 · 2.1k
Graceful Quiescent
grumpy thumb Sep 2015
Graceful quiescent
bronze ballerina
frozen liquid pirouette
rooted from toe-tip
flowing calf to thigh stem
stretch sublime.
Off-shoot extends
then bends
at knee
runs the shin to
soft ankle twist.
Toe to knee again.
Budding groin
torso flowering divine
unfolding to
delicate swan neck leaning
face in ecstasy
tilting up.
Petal arms reaching
slightly bowing
to tulip cup.
Finger tips
elegantly caress
the sky.

— The End —