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Dec 2014 · 497
The Garden of My Mind
Grant Horst Dec 2014
Rich fields of interest, yet to be harvested
The crop of my choice has yet to be planted
Looking inside I have an overabundance of diverse seeds
It’s up to me to plant a new one everyday
Sadly, not all grow to be a part of my world
Some ideas thrive and even drop unfamiliar fruit
Some are neglected to be trained, and soon wither
Each new seed is an experience, learning from the next
Finding new ways to grow is a tricky quest
The embodiment of my inner soul is my reflection in the natural world
And our physical body is the vessel on which we embark
Life is a journey to find the idea that will flourish
The idea that branches out and enhances all others
I’m just waiting for that one
One to change my world
One to willfully tend eternally
You can never harness them all, so take your pick
Our minds are delicate, choose what you want to grow wisely.
Dec 2014 · 704
Sorrows of a soggy painting
Grant Horst Dec 2014
Sorrows of a soggy painting
Here I am trying to cover the walls
That is stained with all the sorrows of yesterday
Looking back, sure I could’ve done things differently
But we went our own paths and I’m still indifferent
For you, I wanted to give the world
Now I’m here trying to erase the murals
That were once engraved with our smiles

Misery needs company but why me?
I’m just a lone wolf hunting for the chance to be free
I close my eyes and all I see is the fading glimpse of what we used to be

We were only two kids not a care in the world
Never one without the other, we needed each other
I would look in your eyes with you right back at mine
Beginning a new chapter not thinking about the time
Pure bliss engulfed my mind I felt so alive

But one night everything seemed to changed
You didn’t respond to my texts or my calls
Until it was too late you said “we need to talk”

Thinking about us but expecting the worst
I walked in the room and saw my heart on the table
Crushed and bruised, can this please be a fable?
I fell to my knees and couldn’t even breathe
Choked up on the idea of what we could be
Why, why did this happen to me?

Your perception of the bigger picture changed
Morphed into a brush caked with too many colors
In your new vision I was not part of the final piece
So you decided to let loose the agony of one painting
And prance along numerous pictures of those young and old
To feed your soul drowned in lust and desire
So deep you don’t know if you’re using the right tools anymore
I think my final picture is better without her, but I do miss the warmth of another
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Twisted Ship
Grant Horst Dec 2014
Marvel            at the beauty the great sea provides
Unite               against the sick power which ensnares us
Teach              the evils that we don’t serve darkness
Indulge           in the sweet luxuries we've been deprived
Night              is when we strike, then take flight in the morn
Yawn              when it’s all over and set sail on our new life
I don't even know which direction we're heading anymore
Dec 2014 · 586
High Now
Grant Horst Dec 2014
Being high just feels like a long sigh now
My cries of struggle have just become dry now
While the sly guy is flying way up in the sky now
Seeing all this success around me just fries my eyes now
I feel like not even trying like I should just die now
I'm so shy maybe I should dye myself into a spy now
The end is nigh as I reminisce it's almost my time now
You can try to deny but the hourglass is not so high now
Never really written a poem heavy with alliteration before, feedback much appreciated
Dec 2014 · 469
State of mind
Grant Horst Dec 2014
What happens when i'm trapped in my own state of mind
All these things i must decide comes down to do or die
Nothing will matter soon as time flies the situation multiplies
Now the light of hope has ceased to exist
Sitting around wondering why is now where I reside
Life is a prison we are locked inside
Death has the key to set us all free
Happiness lets us forget who we are
Allows us to sit by and gaze the stars
Pain reminds us that we are mortal
Emotions keep us from being normal
Struggle is the force we shall endure
To learn reality, and keep us in order
Thoughts are what keep us alive, even the bad ones too.
Dec 2014 · 562
Grant Horst Dec 2014
The palace of isolation
The gorge of nothingness
A vast field of unoccupied landscape
The area where the unknown and known reside
Entire galaxies are less than a brushstroke in the mural of the universe
Waiting to be filled, longing for interaction
Creation led us to be distant
Destruction may bring us together
Should a bridge be formed to travel?
Or remain a single point with no traffic
We require a taxi to navigate through the void
Where the fare may be our greatest achievement
Or abandonment in a deserted region with no map
What lies beyond the great unknown? We may never know. The universe is an array of blank space waiting for an eager traveler to map it
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Beautiful Chaos
Grant Horst Dec 2014
The world is filled with beauty
Long stretches of landscape and wildlife
Only to be ruined with the desire for nightlife
The trees stand as guardians without a shield
As the natural animals calmly graze in their fields
Acres are destroyed because of our greed for yield
Species devastated like a swift avalanche
The overwhelming need to breed advances will be the death of us
The earth aches as we willingly drill her beauty
And the pores exfoliate to a mess of gloomy vapor
How could we do this to our home?
We have bested our creator of life
Do we control her just in spite of conquering the land?
Or is the element of greed too powerful to handle.
Be kind to the world as she is a fragile muse
Dec 2014 · 405
All is well
Grant Horst Dec 2014
All seems well at first glance
What is hidden beneath may not surprise you
The mellow compromise between life and nature
Leaves me uneasy despite how I appear

Where there is life there is pain
Exiled to the same fate as our enemies slain
A fate where we can run but there is a wall
A barrier barred with hope that there is a greater cause
One to live for, die for, and put everything else before

But where to look?
Where can we find our purpose
Our shield to stand behind
The grail of passion and selflessness in matrimony
A joy that could leave us at peace within
Alas, if we knew what that might be
Then these thoughts never arise

All seems to be well
Our false shroud of security that we depend on
Torn away by the knife of desire and temptation
Cutting deep into our soul
Making us act out beyond our will

We must resist this overwhelming power
But we must never cower from our problems
So buckle up and wrestle them head on
With our honor which keeps us on our feet
And loyalty to ensure we don’t back down

These internal battles leave scars proudly displayed
By our character and our right to be free
Our enemies see the battlefield and are left in dismay
They will be back, as long as greed exists
A man will take another down just to be on top

But for now we take rest
And indulge in the luxuries plundered from the spoils of war
Eventually we pass it on to the next generation
Reaching revelation of what to do is still the ultimate goal
But I fear this cannot be reached by normals means

The mystery of not knowing left onto us
Hope, the strongest element of human soul
Runs rampant with no leash big enough to withhold
And as we grow old the young should know that
Life is not an endless well, rather an untouched sandbox
Alas, all is well
Life is fragile and decided ultimately by you how it's spent. It's decided by you and nobody can tell you what is wrong and what is right. We all end up the same way.

— The End —