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 Nov 2014 Genie
Because I'm not
Honestly, I'm sort of glad.
I'm just saying
We all make mistakes
And you made a huge one
And maybe I shouldn't have been so blunt
Maybe I should have been nicer about it
But you should've been too
I just wanted to say
I don't hate you
I'm just not your friend
And that was inevitable
So I wrote this
Just to tell you
I'm not saying I'm sorry,
That would be a lie
I just wish it didn't have to be so harsh
 Nov 2014 Genie
Neda Zeidieh
 Nov 2014 Genie
Neda Zeidieh
A blank paper*
I have in my lap
but in my mind
it's more than that
with a touch of imagination
i can create so many *creations.
This is in tribute for all the creative writers and poets on ``hello Poetry``, it all takes a blank paper to spark a bit of imagination :)
You were that star
I wished on every night
You were that star
In the darkest of times
You were that star
In the constellation of my mind
But stars fall
And that's what happened to *you
 Nov 2014 Genie
 Nov 2014 Genie
They thought she was a beauty queen
With a beautiful face
She was a pretty thing
But her heart was cold as space
With a glare that left a mark and sting
Her soul is a dark and empty place
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