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414 · Jan 2015
Where do you run?
Gary Jan 2015
His ears are bleeding
His throat on fire
From the lies trapped deep inside

The words so violent
with breath of delusion
And eyes of fog
Making it hard to see

The mind cannot  be free
Once beaten not to think

Like the soul
Hidding in the darkest shadow

Trapped for life
Confined in a corner of abuse

No remorse,  no regrets
His feet  murderous weapons
Stomping on others dreams
Leaving them, once he is done
Looking like a trampled flower garden.

With their roots torn
And beauty now hidden
He looks in the mirror

His razor like ungroomed nails
Tare into his cheeks
As teats run from his eyes
Blood runs from his cheek

What have I done?
Who have I become?
I am unraveling
I've become undone.
Gary Aug 2014
It's late at night, he's drunk again
******* on a cigarette,  writing about where he's been.
He sits as his usual table, in the middle of the room.
An old wooden table, his mothers mothers friend bought at a flea market, times ago.
There are words and scratches covering it's every inch.
Imprinted, from his nightly thinking.
So everynight, once he dumps his overfilled ash tray and cleans the clutter of loose papers, he can see all the memories he once wrote.
Memories,  not good or bad.
Just reminders of what thought each evening in past has brought.
Half words, half sentences,  words over words.
Complete mess, just as his life.
Not even a full sentence, as are his daily thoughts.
Broken sentences written.
Broken sentences spoke.
Broken sentences - read.
Double words over one another.
Slurred speech,
Stumbles in speech.
His thoughts lost in time.
As he reads all his lines.
Telling the same story over,
Every time.
He cracks open his nightly companion, sets his reheated pizza on the table.
Putting out his smoke and scratching his head.
Guzzlers his lagar,  before he turns in.
The morning has awoke,
Hours later, he would follow.
Stumbling to his table, spilling coffee over the scattered nights work.
Looking at all the damage the night has done.
He scratches his head, as he puts out his **** on the floor.
Exhales while laughing at the papers.
"Looks like you need it more then I do today!"
He began to walk away, finding some suds with a floating ****.
Then proceeds to drink his last sip from the earlier night.
"I'm going back to bed." He says, The coffee gets me sick anyway.
412 · Jun 2014
Rocky Road (12wds)
Gary Jun 2014
Talking to the stars
Only caused jealousy
Between the moon and I
411 · Mar 2017
Potholes and hand gernades
Gary Mar 2017
Reading through my archives
Of life
On little pieces of paper, napkins and fast food wrappings.

I came upon a note to self and proceeded to read it.
It was dated a year ago and the time was "way past closing time"
So I figured it must be good.
It said "dear self your work ***** and is to short lengthen it!"

At first I was taken back at how angry I was at myself, but then remembered how my readership had been slowly decreasing.

I decided to listen to this old drunken "wisdom" of mine and lengthened many of my works.

I actually didn't think they were to bad either, until I posted them and only got few comments with no likes.
The comments read "your poetry is to long and boring" "what happened to your short blunt to the point fluency? "

That's what a get for listening to the drunken me and taking advice from a fool.

Critics are fine, but bad comments can hurt a guy.
Guess I'll go back to my usual writes with my slowly dying off fan base for a few praises to brighten my ego for however long this three line poet has left in this field of potholes and hand grenades.
410 · Dec 2014
The literal truth
Gary Dec 2014
They tell me the sky is blue
Then why does it make  me so happy?

They say not to take things so literal
Then why do they get so upset?

If they want me to be honest
Why must I think before I speak?

Why are the only ideas of yours, they agree with.
Come from their  books?

Why is freedom of speech,
silenced once heard?

Why does history never change ou world
When we all live in a highly evolving society?

Why are we killing our brothers and sisters?

Why do we say we are civilized?

Why do we only care, when someone is staring at us?

Why do we only care, when we are the victim?
405 · Nov 2014
Gary Nov 2014
Bullied and beaten his whole life.
His body drown,
His soul trapped under ice.
Judged by a town,
He was a only  few,  
noone told their secret,
But, they all knew.
In the creek, in the town
Under ice, they'd be found
Wooden cross, sacrifice
Belief so strong, it took their mind.
Judging all who doubted a faith
Killing in the name of
Their fathers grace.
Nightmarish screams
Echo across the lake.
In a deserted town
Who'd never admit their mistakes.
400 · Oct 2014
love's one way street
Gary Oct 2014
I told her, I loved her
With a tear filled eye.
I told her I needed her,
All she could say was, goodbye.
399 · Dec 2015
Haiku 2
Gary Dec 2015
Protest peacefully
Screaming violence
Never taken serious
399 · Nov 2014
Gary Nov 2014
Her eye's read sadness
Her heart filled with love
The city streets, filled with madness
The homeless were giving hugs
Not asking for much
Her eyes grew dim
Keeping her heart open
But letting no one in.
They saw in her eyes
A world filled of darkness and despise
Seeing to much of the city's night
Her mind was her shield
For her heart, they wouldn't steal
Fronting a pain so deep and dark
To strengthen her shield
Of a bullet proof heart.
399 · Oct 2014
A love story
Gary Oct 2014
Lie to me again, she whispered

I love you, he replied.
398 · May 2017
In a other time
Gary May 2017
Staring in the mirror gave my soul a minute to breathe. Remembering times when I wanted to be anything but normal never wanting to grow old. As the lines in my face only deepen, so do the thoughts of a once younger man fighting to be different. Now as my age sets in a bit, I hear the thoughts of once me.
I snicker a bit, thinking "you never knew what you were thinking man."
Now I embrace these new thoughts,  thoughts of an older man. A man who has been down many roads and seen many seasons. A man who now only wants to be normal, blend in with the crowd and be listened to. I need not to be heard with my loud voice, or seen with my rebel look. I just need to be normal,  thankful when I can live normal.  Thankful for my senses allowing me permission everyday to see, hear, feel, smell, and taste life. Thankful for feeling love, through family and supportive friends. For the special connection I feel and am grateful for each day when I see my lovely wife. Grateful to be able to call my "normal" life, "my life." Grateful to learn from my past, to see my future and never to waste a single minute of life's precious minutes wishing I had anything else.
Gary Jun 2015
The script is never finished
This rewritten bogle of the once poetic mind
Is now just a lonely road
to non sensual loving words
Leading to a heart,  with nothing to show except for its deadening one way street for the broken and untrusting.
This world burns of fire, as it freezes our soul.
Stopping life in its tracks
Painting some abstract strokes
Of a now still life.
Of a life that was, once known
This battered city of the hopeful hearted has devoured every dream
And blackened all its goals
Leading the newly blind
To steal and collect there souls
Rewritten words,
claimed as new thoughts
Piles of guilt
Innocence now lost
Rewritten is this script
Taking from all its originality
Claimed by others as knowing
Known by me
As never learnt.

Now I kneel
And bow to thee
Take my head
For I need it no more

I beg of thee
Slice it clean

Let my bottled thoughts
Absorb to the ground

As they pour from my mind
Bleeding patters of time.

As my thoughts pour
Unleash my sea of dreams
Unleash my once secret,
Secrets for all to see.
(while they still can)
Until they all vanish deep
in the depths
of this trampled ground
To be buried for good.

I bow to thee,
in a guilt of plea
Take this life
set me free.

When the blood of one's thought becomes our sand.

I am a stone.
I am the mountains stone.
With your strength,
You pick at me,
until I become to weak.
Until I can't take no more.
Losing my grip, slowly I separate,
With each hit.
Until finally, I fall,
Plumething down.
Rolling, bouncing around,
This ragged mountains terrain.
Bouncing off rocks,
Crashing to trees,
A never ending journey,
This seems to be.
Finally I land in to the rivers bed.
separated from my old,
I'll make this, my new home.
Submerged in water,
Trapped in a corner -alone
you'll never see me again,
Moss covered, green
Blending in, society.
Watching your every move.
Protecting all who you bruise.
Thinking I'm not there.
yet I live in your lungs,
For I am now your air.
I will decide,  when to leave you.
For all you have done in these woods.
Once you've realized to late,
You have killed all that's good.

Remember the script is never finished, only recreated.
I am a stone, standing tall
I am the mountains stone.
With your strength and jealousy
You pick at me,
picking and striking
until I become to weak.
Until I cannot take anymore.
Losing my grip, slowly I separate,
A little more with each hit.
Until finally, I fall,
Plumething down
Rolling fast andbouncing around,
This ragged mountains terrain.
Bouncing off rocks,
Crashing to trees,
A never ending journey,
This seems to be.
Finally I land in to the rivers bed.
separated from my old,
I'll make this, my new home.
Submerged in water,
Trapped in a corner -alone
you'll never see me again,
Moss covered, green
Blending in, society.
Watching your every move.
Protecting all who you bruise.
Thinking I'm not there.
yet I live in your lungs,
For I am now your air.
I will decide,  when to leave you.
For all you have done in these woods.
Once you've realized to late,
You have killed all that's good.
Looking back,
At burning your own fate
Suffocating your health
trying to breathe,  too late
Your past history now,
Layed out on a shelf
Your story's been found
And you scream out , for help
Your past, may not haunt you
Yet, revenge, it will stalk you
Once karma has turned its back
At your most vulnerable of times
Is when it will attack.
393 · Jun 2014
Dear poetry
Gary Jun 2014
You are wind,
You are fire,
The flame that burns to my creative soul.
Are you created?
Are you gifted?
Or are you just a thought?
Maybe you are magic,
The way you bring a visual to your readers with a few cleverly chosen words.
Who are you? Poetry?
I ask who? Are you?
You run through my veins,
Deep in my soul.
I live for you, in you, with you,
Just to share part of your name.
Poet, am I?
I am, poet I am and if not then poetry set me free.
For without your title my words mean nothing.
My words, not a message no more.
My words now just a mere conversation blending with society and it's normal ways.
388 · Nov 2014
Gary Nov 2014
Use your love as a shield. People who cannot accept it, shy away from it. Like the burning of the suns ray. While people who accept it, also live and understand its true meaning. These are the people who  will be true friends until the end.
386 · Oct 2015
Sundays Best
Gary Oct 2015
Its sunday afternoon
You wanted ice cream
But it's to hot to float
In the summers sun

You cried,  I felt  bad
And made you a slushie
You gave me a dollar
With some numbers
It made me smile
Knowing that a stranger
Would call you that night.
385 · Dec 2014
Gary Dec 2014
Lava like words
Fire like thoughts

Heartache, heartbreak,
Words heating so high
Temperatures in flames

Bullet in vain
Aimed for the vein

Pretending to be blind
To prove thee others insane
When words are the bullets
You use in your game.
377 · Jun 2014
Begining to be
Gary Jun 2014
Sitting, starring, open mind and closed eyes.
Hoping, praying, asking God questions of why?
Listening,  being, who I am.
Who am I?
My road awaits, one of many.
My challenges will never cease,
Nor will I ever stop accepting them.
Lit up is the path leading me to this new road/journey.
My vision brought me to this point, my vision will not guide me wrong.
May my open thoughts of purity bring my sense of strength, trust and understanding of my self shine. My soul, my beautiful soul that has been through it all and never left my side deserves it, understanding. Please I beg to be understood by you.
Signed: yourself (your one and only.)
377 · Jul 2014
In my veins (5 wds)
Gary Jul 2014
376 · Feb 2016
The struggle of beauty
Gary Feb 2016
People use to write poetry
With a quill to parchment
The hands eloquent swipe
Barely able to keep up
With the poetic minds thoughts

The poet, like a warrior
Swiping mad his feathered pen
Trying to capture his feelings
Leaving the quills blood
To fill the scars made
Upon his parchment
capturing his wording
For the world to see

Words displayed in books
Like caged animals in a carnival
Never to be free to roam again
Displayed for the on goer
To examine with a fine tooth comb
Displayed for the on goer
To tell their own story
Of the caged beasts life

Forgetting the true story
Behind the struggle and strength
Needed to even begin
This glimpse of beauty

Books become cages
For the once free thought
Cages capture the beauty
Of a once free beast
Both to be admired differently
Then either has ever expected.
Gary Jul 2015
His thoughts,
Once heard by his mind.

Love of his words
Deepen with every thought

His words,
Once spoke from his tongue.
Surface into belief

Ears decifer how the message is received
Usually causing defensive language in return

Words of daggers thrown to ****
To stop the message
For his blood to spill

Now his tongue tries to heal the wounds on his scarred soul.
To heal the wounds of a heart.
375 · Feb 2015
Sacred be thy name
Gary Feb 2015
Sacred be thy name
Unharmed, untouchable, unseen
Protected by God
Respected by all
Sacred be thy name

Once wishing for peace,
Now, living peace
Eternal -definition of peace
Sacred be thy name

Living in damnnation
To create a new nation
To give a once blinded society
A gift, to see the world
With true sight.
Sacred be thy name

Not holy, not war
Nothing to fight for
No more harm
Respect all as beings
Give us all a chance to be heard
once we are able to see
Sacred be thy name

Sacred be our name
All as one, for one honor
of each other, for each other
For our mothers,  for our fathers
Sacred be our name
Gary Dec 2014
As I lay me down,
To feel
the shape I'm in.

As I wonder what went wrong
To put my body
in this hell,
of being.

My thoughts are as clear- now
As my fogg filled mind- now

Can't remember -anything
As it all blends- together
In time.
Can't call heads or tales.
On a double sided dime
Called life.

To equal not a thing,
If nothing, is something.
Then that must be, what I have.
Is time, not to equal a thing.

Help me from this hell,
Please help me find salvation.
Guard me tonight,
Please help me find safety.
Help me see some light.
(Just a glimmer, a sign)

are my complexed thoughts.
To live,
under this control.
my everymove.
Round and round,
We go.

Like a mad crazed- carni
Are my emotions,
Round and round
Till I can't stand- no more.

I am the puppet,
my nerves, your strings
Pulling and tugging
the pain you bring.

Tearing and shredding
all, my dreams.
I am at the mercy of this,
Un-named, disease.

You give me no choice,
But to lie.
Trying to deceive.
Pretending life is pretty,
With the ugliness in hate
That you breed.

Yhe enemy now lives,
where my soul use to be.
Pulling at my hearts
Very fragile strings.

Fighting to be brave.
Fighting to be saved.
To pray away,
All the pain.

I pray,
each day.
Praying, to stay sane.
Praying, everyday.
To my God,
I plea, show me the way.

Help me please,
get out of this hell!
Reverse to good,
This horrible spell.

Help me please.
Please God, help me,
Find my salvation,
Please God, I plea.

Guard my soul tonight,
God help, find salvation.
Please help me, I plea.
Guide me safe, to my light.

Invisible you may be to,
so many.
Sneaking into others,
with unfamiliarity.

Changing their lives.
Turning them upside down.
unsuspecting, without a choice,
One day when you are found.

The shape I am in.
My mind worn thin.
This pain aches, in my heart.
Is where all the weakness
Does start.

God help me,
Guide my thoughts,
through the night.
Let me feel you, in me
Let me,
know it's alright.
374 · Aug 2014
Open mindedness
Gary Aug 2014
Our eyes can only be expected to follow their minds dream.
They will get lost if the road is closed.
373 · Nov 2014
Gary Nov 2014
I never feared challenge, actually I have always accepted challenge. For it is simple to accept, challenge shows no fear. To erase “fear” from the vocabulary really makes any sentence with the word challenge in it a lot easier to over come. Fear is self made and taught passed down through generations as a tool, used for when we don’t want to, or don’t want others to do something. With out the word fear, what is a challenge? It is a simple feat given to us. A feat to help us learn so we may pass down our lessons learned, to others so they may have a smoother road in life.
370 · Sep 2014
Dear John (10wds )
Gary Sep 2014
Darling I will sleep with you
In my heart tonight.
Gary May 2015
Bullied and beaten his whole life.
His body drown,
His soul trapped under ice.
Judged by a town,
He was a only  few,  
no one told their secret,
But, they all knew.
In the creek, in the town
Under ice, they'd be found
Wooden cross, sacrifice
Belief so strong, it took their mind.
Judging all who doubted a faith
Killing in the name of
Their fathers grace.
Nightmarish screams
Echo across the lake.
In a deserted town
Who'd never admit their mistakes.

Resurfacing his demons of the past.
He climbs a thorn filled vine
To scape over the tallest of brick walls.
Nail like thorns breaking off in his palms,
With each slightest movement of hand.
Some briars even as deep as breaking through the backside of his hand.
Although the pain immense,
His grip holds tight, to achieve the top of wall.
His legs shredded, from the razor like thorns.
Pants completely  torn,
As soon will be his flesh.
They say once a king has taught his men all they can learn. To beware, beware for some men take the gift of kindness to their advantage. Once shown the strength held in numbers, if his men choose anarchy. They can defeat and overthrow. Un grateful,  un knowing, selfish beings.
Unleash the Lions!  As he run for his life. With each grasp, climbing higher each time. Bloodied, torn and exhausted. Finally he lay his beaten body on the top of the wall. His once followers, never man enough to follow his call. Cowards! He yell with his last whimper in voice. ******* go to hell,
Once given no choice.
366 · Nov 2014
When Darkness Falls
Gary Nov 2014
You trust in no one,
Keeping your eyes squeezed tight.
Hoping they won't  see you,
As you turn out the light.

Like smoke,you want to dissappear,
To the night.
Hoping to blend in with the shadows
Keeping you out of limes light.

Never again,
Will you allow them to see you.
Never again,
Can they judge your will.

Hear your thoughts- in a passing bye.
See your face- in the darkest of night.

****** to a nation,
Of judgemental peers.
Painting the story of your life,
Filling your head with fear.

Click your heals together,  tonight,
Disappear, deep in the darkened night.

Abandoned, darkened and cold
Is the only place safe enough to call home.

Where being you, is feeling so real,
Not to live up to their lies.
Without  judgment
Of their dagger filled eyes.
Gary May 2016
Her hand, open for love
Her heart, closed from fear
360 · Jul 2015
Today in the news
Gary Jul 2015
A world in disarray
Filled with un-truth
Creating hate filled fear

No one can walk down streets
Without having fingers pointing
No one can wear a thing
Without offending another

How does a country so strong
Have so many
Who don't believe in a single thing
It - we - stand for?

Listening to facts,
not what we believe.
Not taking others actions
So personally.

So quickly we erupt
So little do we listen
Offended by intelligence
Offended by answers
Quick to blame others
Quick to shame ourselves.
358 · Sep 2016
12 past 2 bar room blues
Gary Sep 2016
It's twelve past two
And my whisky is dry
Getting sick of this mirror
Staring at this guy
Empty stools are surrounding me
I feel like I'm gonna be jumped
They all look like hell, bent up and ripped
So tough
This bar smells of **** and moan
To many whiners call this home
Your life's so bad heres my belt
Go hang yourself
Put your memory on some shelf
I'm starring down this guy in the mirror
Slamming down my drink
Light my smoke
Let it all sink
Put out your smoke!
Some ******* says
******* punk!
I'm trying to be better off dead
352 · Aug 2016
A man named Red
Gary Aug 2016
Red was a man who had whiskers long and a temper short.

He was a man with out a home
Who worked in the park where I walked every day.

He painted pictures from his memory of how he remembered things to look
You see they took ol' reds sight in Vietnam one cold night.

I would talk to red (not to long) everyday. What ya seeing red, what's the memory of the day?

He would pull out a sketch book and show me his thought.

Once it was a big bright sun in the corner of the page.
Under the sun, blackbirds flying.
Under the black bids where a long row of clouds raining, raining stars on top of a boy laying in a field of grass.

I thought it looked cool, (all these different thoughts mangled into one).
Although his placements of somethings would be incorrect I would never tell him.

So what cha' think? Beautiful! I replied your thoughts are perfect! The rain earlier this morning, the birds feeding  in the grass under the clouds! Very cool!

Red shrugs his shoulders and said,
"I never thought of what was happening today. I was thinking back to when I was a child laying in the tall grass that grew in the fields. The fields behind my home. I would watch blackbirds eat while others sang, high up in the Sun till darkened night.

Feeling embarrassed about what I had said. I was moved on how simple yet heartfelt and powerful reds thoughts were.
I apologized, Red I never he stopped me. It's my memory everyday, showing me his note book he had the same picture in it pages and pages worth. You see beauty in this picture.           My story is sadness, see I never explained the stars and clouds. I had a abusive old man he would beat my mother and **** her daily in front of me. He never hurt me, he said this is how you treat a woman son go then go pass out.
I would sneak up to  my sobbing mother and hold her tight. She pleaded to me never to be this way. I nodded silently and walked out side.
Scared to someday become like my father, I decided to end my life (I thought this was the only way) I ran out in front of a street bus.
The next thing I remember is awaking by my mother saying thank God your alive! I told you not to play in the street! Mama! I said reaching for her. Yes my son, God hasn't taking your life, but has taking your sight.
I always would listen to the blackbirds play in the sky on sunshine days my friend, and still do to this day.
But now also after the play the clouds come in to take them away, turning them into fallen stars from heavens sky.
He touched his arm for me to look.
It was covered in tattoos of stars. One wink and a single tear red touched me.
  Thank you for listening to this old man. You are the first and last to hear my truth. God bless you son.
A week later I had heard from police red had passed in his sleep on night.
Now I look to the stars, wondering which one he is.
And wondering when it will fall to earth again.
349 · Feb 2015
Listen in understanding
Gary Feb 2015
Little things like understanding.
once added together, can build a strength we never knew of.
Listening, before speaking.
Speaking in lyric of fact, not opinion.
All lead to a understanding.
A understanding of yourself, learning to accept truth and facts.
Learning it is o.k. to not always be right.
Learning it is o.k. to listen, absorb and give benifits of doubt, when necessary .
Let go of the angered pain,
Let go of the ego, of having to be right.
Understand, we all have the right to an open ear, from the open mind.
Theres a thought,
that enters my open mind.
Stoping the hate,
That fills my worlds time
in time
yours and mine.
the time.
In a still second pace.
Holding time, briefly
To see, it's beautiful face.

To this thought,
That has entered my mind.
That gave me clarity,
For a still second of time.
I thank you,
my soul,
For allowing me to see,
A more loving world,
Where we all
can be.

Time does not stand still,
I know.
If it could,
this is it's second, I would choose.

My wish for this same second-
To freeze in time.
For each, and every soul
To smile, in harmony.

For everbody to feel
The warmth from happiness.
For everyone to see.
If we all work together,
A smile for one second,
Can radiate a new born love.
For ourselves and each other.
All unite as one,
All are sister's and brother's.
349 · Nov 2014
Starting over
Gary Nov 2014
Beginnings, seeing the first contact of the meeting in our eyes.

Feeling, the first skip of my heart, as our souls are introduced for the first time.

Hearing, my mind calming to the tones of your voice.

Beginnings, aren't always just the start, but are also everyday

Since I met you.
348 · Jan 2016
My smart phone (ode to)
Gary Jan 2016
Living in my back pocket
Constantly snapping pictures
Of the insides of my jeans
Always auto correcting my ***.
343 · Sep 2016
forever soulmates
Gary Sep 2016
Eternal  love
341 · Apr 2015
I hate women repost
Gary Apr 2015
It was time for my usual nightly visit to zepes for my smokes and whisky.
It was a night same as the others,
Dark, cool, and smelled of the city's sewage.
I finally get to fourth and vine, walk into Zepes and get my nightly robbing 7.25 for a pack of sticks! I ***** about it to Joe, he humors me every night, knowing the rapping still won't stop me from coming back tomorrow.
Half way home I realized,  I forgot my fith.
Lucky for me Franks place was right across the smog filled dump, I call my street.
I go in and empty out my pockets.
Throwing all my change and some bills on the counter.  "Johnny walker" I said, guess he'll be my companion on this night of oblivion.
About 8 or 10 drinks later, some ****** comes up and sits next to me.
What do you want? I said. She answered "a drink." I slid her mine, and ordered a fresh one for myself.
"You get many women, with that fantastic personality of yours?"
I replied "I hate women!"
"Why you talking to me then?" She asked.
I still want to ****, I'm not gay.
Slid my drink at her, "here!" I want a fresh one.
The night was foggy and so were my thoughts, but I remember asking her to come back to my place to ****.
It was wild, we broke everything I own and ****** like beasts all night.
I woke up looking at the ceiling "what the!" My hands still cuffed to my bed posts from the night before.
"****!" You still here? I need out these **** cuffs!
Then the bathroom door opens,  she came walking out, reaching into my pants that were on the floor.  She opened my wallet and took my last five.
"You still hate women?"
More then ever, I said.
"Good I would have hated to disappoint you."
She opened my cell, dialed 911 set the key to the cuffs on my chest
And left.
This is 911 whats your emergency?
I'm handcuffed to my bed and need to ***, please come get me!
Man I hate women!
339 · Sep 2016
Blanket of the dead
Gary Sep 2016
Fall has taken its toll
Flowers are hidden
Tree leaves dying
Days shortened

The whirlwind of summers ashes
Coats our streets and yards
Covered in beautiful colors
Of dried leafs
Until the cool wind takes them away.

Fall has gone
Its cold, barren and deserted outside
The ground is frozen shut
Grass still - from shock
Trees bare and stripped from color

Snow has fallen like an angel
Helping all of our mothers children
Covering the ground to keep it warm
Covering trees branches
Glistening  to give them new color

The snow has giving back the dignity of life in the most shocking of times.
A safety blanket for life in hopes of spring.
338 · May 2017
Life floating by
Gary May 2017
The lake holds my faces reflection
The winds effect, ripple my face.
Giving me stress lines and aging each minute that passes bye.
Like life in a mirror, is my reflection to this lake. The wind is the artist drawing his expressions of the world's weight in forms of lines on my face. I watch sitting patiently my self growing older as I think away my thoughts, setting each new one free to the sky like a bird in time. I don't need them any more, my thoughts,  what for?
Waste away my time, thinking of simpler times. Freedom is the detached feather floating in summers sky. This feather, is a feather  for the expression of my mind.
337 · Sep 2016
Poetic war zone
Gary Sep 2016
The poets battle field
Loaded pens of ink
Spraying their letters
into words of fire
For others to see

Forming alliances against one another
Challenging each
For the words they speak

Paper once used as a poetic escape
Now obsolete
It's fragile thin yellow and torn
Once strong words read
Now bleed through
To barley to be seen

Few poems escape from papers demise
To the computers screen
Laid out perfectly to be seen

Poetic communities
Welcome your find
To control your poetry
To change your mind

Poets captured
By their words
Being read, held hostage
Their thoughts above their head

Gang violence erupts
Killing once were words
Replacement of misspelled
And a mis lead art

Words verse emojies
Covered in slang
Raising white flags
Crawling back
To note books they hang.
336 · Apr 2015
The Claim
Gary Apr 2015
The script is never finished
This rewritten bogle of the once poetic mind
Is now just a lonely road
to non sensual loving words
Leading to a heart,  with nothing to show except for its deadening one way street for the broken and untrusting.
This world burns of fire, as it freezes our soul.
Stopping life in its tracks
Painting some abstract strokes
Of a now still life.
Of a life that was, once known
This battered city of the hopeful hearted has devoured every dream
And blackened all its goals
Leading the newly blind
To steal and collect there souls
Rewritten words,
claimed as new thoughts
Piles of guilt
Innocence now lost
Rewritten is this script
Taking from all its originality
Claimed by others as knowing
Known by me
As never learnt.
334 · Jun 2016
cages in emotion
Gary Jun 2016
Words held captive
Guilty of all we do
Yet thoughts are orphans
Sitting in cages like animals being abused.

Days of speaking in riddle
And writing in rhyme
Are now handed over
To some clown dressed as a mym.

Language and words are a thing of the past
Only to be used as a flaw in our law
To be used as a pass.

Words no more
Actions of ******
Morals beaten, twisted and chained
Treated as a freak show
Looked upon as weak and insane.
333 · Nov 2014
Gary Nov 2014
The ground is damp,
My heart gone cold.
The sun don't  shine
Through the darkened clouds soul.
With fog filled eyes
And a near beaten heart.
My thoughts of you, grow further Each step, as we part.
The wind blows, to create a whirlwind of thoughts.
Questions to remain, forever,
To be answered in time - never.
For a new beginning,
With a vacant heart.
Moving on, alone,
For a brand new start.
Gary Nov 2014
He climbs a thorn filled vine
To scape over the tallest of brick walls.
Nail like thorns breaking off in his palms,
With each slightest movement of hand.
Some briars even as deep as breaking through the backside of his hand.
Although the pain immense,
His grip holds tight, to achieve the top of wall.
His legs shredded, from the razor like thorns.
Pants completely  torn,
As soon will be his flesh.
They say once a king has taught his men all they can learn. To beware, beware for some men take the gift of kindness to their advantage. Once shown the strength held in numbers, if his men choose anarchy. They can defeat and overthrow. Un grateful,  un knowing, selfish beings.
Unleash the Lions!  As he run for his life. With each grasp, climbing higher each time. Bloodied, torn and exhausted. Finally he lay his beaten body on the top of the wall. His once followers, never man enough to follow his call. Cowards! He yell with his last whimper in voice. ******* go to hell,
Once given no choice.
326 · Jan 2016
Eyes of silence
Gary Jan 2016
Father- look to the sun for the  answers my boy.
Son-why would I ask for answers from something I can only follow.
Father -because it is big and strong and can pave your road.
Son- my road is paved, paved of uncertainties and challenges which I openly accept.
Father- why would you not take the road we all chose for generations? Why must you disobey?
Son- I've seen all the damage caused by being followers, your once clean roads are now my bumpy travels. The abuse and misuse of generations have made a once easy choice almost unbearable. I chose to make my own mistakes,  on my chosen path. I choose to learn and teach my generation, and our future it is o.k. to think and live for "you."I will not preach my lessons as strength against others, but instead will pass them only, once they are aknowledged. Never will I  condone a life in the sunshines shadow. For I have lived in its realm long enough.
324 · Nov 2014
Gary Nov 2014
The day is dark as night
Once your heart grows cold

Your dreams, out of sight
wanting to reach, but feeling to old

The light that would once shine
Dims in the darkness,  
Trapped in my mind.

Never to escape,  
All these thoughts, left so far behind.
316 · Nov 2014
Questions In The Heart
Gary Nov 2014
Have you ever waited
for a storm?
Have you ever seen
darkness form?

Have you ever seen
the brightest of days,
Quickly turn,
Its light to grey?

Have you ever
Stood in the eye of storm?
Waiting  for its power
Wanting the rain to pour?

The darkness, breaks our silence
We sometimes hold so long
Until,  thunders warning
Brews a untamed storm.

Our bodies, our universe
The sun, be our heart
The weather, our emotions
Waves of love hate, do part

Darkened clouds of despair
Words so thunderously shared
With warmth of the sun
Once in lived the heart
Replaced  pasts memberance
With tears, to a new start.

With love now scorn
New life is born
The collision of love and hate
Create the perfect storm.
Gary Dec 2014
I bow to thee
Take my head
For I need it no more

I beg of thee
Slice it clean
Let my bottled thoughts
Absorb in the ground
As they pour from my mind
Bleeding patters of time.

As my thoughts pour
Unleash my sea of dreams
Unleash my once secret, secrets
For all to see,
while they still can
Until they all vanish deep
in the depths
of this trampled ground
To be buried for good.

I bow to thee,
in a guilt of plea
Take this life
And set me free
Gary Jan 2015
My mind is a desert
Thoughts and tears
It's rain.

A once lavish field
Turned to a sandstorm
Of lies and pain.

With a shell as hard
As the deserts land
my once freedom lyes
In the enemies hand

Forming around is a crust
Of stone
To protect, the very little
I still call my own.

Thoughts no more-
The once strong and bold
Have now
Dried and shriveled
And are
Buried deep in some hole.
310 · Jul 2014
Listening (the letter)
Gary Jul 2014
Keep me in your prayers,  please.
Not prayers of sympathy,
But prayers of hope for strength.
Lend me your ear, please.
Not to listen, but be heard.
Take your time to understand why. Why I chose you to trust in confidence.
Leave both your ears and mind open.
Let both be willing to accept my truths, not your beliefs.
Just this once listen, hear, and absorb my mind.
Feel the existence of my true presence.
-the real me.
Prayers in the night time rain.
309 · Jan 2016
Mirror Mirror
Gary Jan 2016
Fists fight
On words honor
Bruises heal
Both forgotten
In time

Guns fire
On words defense
Hearts and soul die
Both forgotten
In time
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