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309 · Jan 2016
Learning truth
Gary Jan 2016
It was the perfect night
That night
I had thought
That night
I had bought you flowers
In the park

Seranated you a song
That had your name

I thought the feeling was right
But I saw that look, in moons light
It wasn't glistening stars
In your eyes sight
But was the darkest silouette
Wind blown cloudy sky

Tear filled rain
Of broken tries instead

Silence can make the heart heavy
The darkest of night
Is the sunniest of days
When all you have worked for
Is walking away

Walk away,
Spread your wings and fly
I wish you nothing but happiness
As much as once was mine
In days of you and I
309 · Nov 2014
The Real Me
Gary Nov 2014
Keep me in your prayers,  please.
Not prayers of sympathy,
But prayers of hope for strength.
Lend me your ear, please.
Not to listen, but be heard.
Take your time to understand why. Why I chose you to trust in confidence.
Leave both your ears and mind open.
Let both be willing to accept my truths, not your beliefs.
Just this once listen, hear, and absorb my mind.
Feel the existence of my true presence.
-the real me.
307 · Apr 2015
Violets Violence
Gary Apr 2015
The sky was blood red
From the stars bleeding heart
The weeping of the moon
Left a mist in the midnights air

My soul - the moon
Had melted that night
Turning a once blue sky,
To a now, deep shade of red
The once happy sunshine filled sky
Was now darkened, from one heart
Broken, with despise

The sky hid inside
The cloud filled tear
As our only wish,  
relied on a single star
A dream to last only until
Its final destination burning out
Of falling  to ground
Never to be thought of again.

A soulful thought,
With a hopeful beat
Once makes a stand
Now forced to take a seat
Once a star
Now just another color
Blending into the deep sky
Setting back
more with each glimpse
Until finally it has faded
To nothing.

The sky wore purple bruises
Trying to mask the violence
Taking out on a un protected soul
Covered in pain
Lashed in lies,
To be looked upon
Or thought of
Never the same

I weep like the willow
As I sit here staring at her grave
Rope burns in my mind
Her swinging body
Lifeless I would find.
307 · Jun 2019
Gary May 2015
The last  poem that stood the  earth
Traveled hard, traveled long
Yearning its words to be read
To be heard, to be understood
Bred from the thoughts of a poet
To be carved in the finest parchment
By the sharpest of quills
Bleeding in its own ink
To be felt, once read,
As it was when once born.

-The silence held in a once poets mind.
My mind is a desert
Thoughts and tears
It's rain.

A once lavish field
Turned to a sandstorm
Of lies and pain.

With a shell as hard
As the deserts land
my once freedom lies
In the enemies hand

Forming around is a crust
Of stone
To protect, the very little
I still call my own.

Thoughts no more-
The once strong and bold
Have now
Dried and shriveled
And are
Buried deep in some hole.

I drain these once were words
Turned to thoughts.
From my pen, to paper
Yet you still refuse to read them.
As my pen ink drys
And tears subside.
Thinking this road,
Has come to an end, for tonight.
I swig my whiskey,  
Stare in my mirror,
Are you going to let them stop you?
All of your fears?
I curse to God, for he's  the only one who cares.
Light a smoke, as it rolls to my eye
The last of my ink, in my pen has died.
These words are no good,
Yet these thoughts, must be read.
I must carry on,
The message in my head.
I grab my worthy pen,
"Let's make history my friend "
Jabbing it's point to my heart
Filling it with my thoughts,
Torn apart.
Now I will write in blood
My thoughts of strength flood
My mind sets free
As my heart still bleeds.
Dying slowly, I smile
Finally you see my style.
Read these words, of once was I
Then burn them with my soul aside
Set them free to the sky
Scattered ashes, say goodbye.
300 · Dec 2016
Gary Dec 2016

Ohh no
Here we go
Don't know
Who to show

What's my id?
Where am I from?
Once had a name
Now I'm just numb

Captured in this half life
Desert hands
In captured lands
Killing all
Whos wrong and right
Living in this half life
I'm spliced

Don't know who to show
Which puppet is in the know

All it Seems is we are all wired at the seems
Living half lives
Where we each are spliced

Am I dead?
Are you alive?
Is this my dream?
Or is this the time?
That darkness came in
To take my light.

It all seems we are wired at our seems
We all move frantically
Trying to tare them
To break free.

In this mis matched life
We want to be one
But in reality
All we are is spliced.
299 · Aug 2015
Lost my beautiful
Gary Aug 2015
As my casket fills with tears
I lye in my own sorrows
Slowly gasping for my last breath
As I drown in my fears

Nail this coffin tight
Bury it deep
Don't let my monsters
Get out and roam these streets

The river is a snake
Feeding off my mistakes
Lightnings storm
Slices the sky
Covering the sea in blood
The world in disarray
For all I have done.

The sea now as empty
Like the once filled heart
Now not whole

Clouds guard our souls
Locked in a sanctuary
Waiting their parole

Drown me- my fears
Guide me- my tears
Suffer no more
Deep in this hole
299 · Feb 2016
Gary Feb 2016
When you strive on speaking nothing but
Yet accept someones blatant lies to avoid
297 · Mar 2017
Summers blues
Gary Mar 2017
Mixing feelings
It's you I miss

Steam rises to its sun
Running home
From the ground.

The ground has cooled
Now the fire's gone
Leaving water in puddles
All alone.
297 · Jun 2016
A morphing of nature
Gary Jun 2016
Walking through the fresh scent of dew.
Morning hasn't awoke as the moon slowly falls down and asleep.
I witness the lullaby as sun shines alarm starts to rise.
So loud at first, it burns my eyes.
A new born day starts where nighttime lays.
Like standing in natures paradox understanding it all through dew filled skies between the fall of the rise.
295 · Apr 2016
Vanishing memories
Gary Apr 2016
Bullied and beaten his whole life.
His body drown,
His soul trapped under ice.
Judged by a town,
He was a only  few,  
no one told their secret,
But, they all knew.
In the creek, in the town
Under ice, they’d be found
Wooden cross, sacrifice
Belief so strong, it took their mind.
Judging all who doubted a faith
Killing in the name of
Their fathers grace.
Nightmarish screams
Echo across the lake.
In a deserted town
Who’d never admit their mistakes.

Resurfacing his demons of the past.
He climbs a thorn filled vine
To scape over the tallest of brick walls.
Nail like thorns breaking off in his palms,
With each slightest movement of hand.
Some briars even as deep as breaking through the backside of his hand.
Although the pain immense,
His grip holds tight, to achieve the top of wall.
His legs shredded, from the razor like thorns.
Pants completely  torn,
As soon will be his flesh.
They say once a king has taught his men all they can learn. To beware, beware for some men take the gift of kindness to their advantage. Once shown the strength held in numbers, if his men choose anarchy. They can defeat and overthrow. Un-grateful,  un-knowing, selfish beings.
Unleash the Lions!  As he run for his life. With each grasp, climbing higher each time. Bloodied, torn and exhausted. Finally he lay his beaten body on the top of the wall. His once followers, never man enough to follow his call. Cowards! He yell with his last whimper in voice. ******* go to hell,
Once given no choice.
You trust in no one,
Keeping your eyes squeezed tight.
Hoping they won’t  see you,
As you turn out the light.

Like smoke,you want to disappear,
To the night.
Hoping to blend in with the shadows
Keeping you out of limes light.

Never again,
Will you allow them to see you.
Never again,
Can they judge your will.

Hear your thoughts- in a passing bye.
See your face- in the darkest of night.

****** to a nation,
Of judge mental peers.
Painting the story of your life,
Filling your head with fear.

Click your heals together,  tonight,
Disappear, deep in the darkened night.

Abandoned, darkened and cold
Is the only place safe enough to call home.

Where being you, is feeling so real,
Not to live up to their lies.
Without  judgment
Of their dagger filled eyes.

The sun don’t  need to shine
Let it stay behind

Welcome darkness
Sky so dark
Take over my feelings
Fill my heart

Stay behind, forever more
Take from me, my memories
Throw them from the seas shore.

Waves crash, like my emotions
Into a the breaker wall.

Never trying to understand
Just forgetting, it all.
292 · Aug 2016
Establishing the truth
Gary Aug 2016
My eyes hung heavy
Thoughts density,  
fill my mind

Shaking my head rapidly
Like a rabid infestation of mites had migrated to my mind.

I drink heavily to drown the *******!
**** the ******* thoughts
Of killing myself.

These placid thoughts,
From a outside world.
A outside world of farces.
Plastic people with their plastic minds
The heartless and soulless  carbon copied pigs of society.

Pretend your pretty life
Is pretty.
Pretend your petrified smile
Is real.
Infect me with your lies
Through the poisonous food
You graciously say is safe to eat.

Pretend I'm okay
As you strip my life away
Pretend to help
As you infect my veins.

**** all your followers
With ******* and lies
Tell all your children
How ******* hard you tried.
292 · Sep 2015
Vision cut precision
Gary Sep 2015
Looking glass, I see
Soul's my strength
Eyes of clarity.

Helping hands, reach
Arms in length
Allow me to breathe.

Tides are storms
That roll in lifes way
The heart's the roads answer
To the soul that has strayed.

Words, wisdoms, thoughts and beliefs
Give the courage and power and tools to succeed.

Looking glass, I do see
The strength in my soul
With my eyes reflections
Staring back at me.
290 · Dec 2014
Until (deaths freedom poem)
Gary Dec 2014
Death isn't where we lay
Yet, is where we are born
As I lay in silence
Breaking  the silence
You heard, in your mind
One to many times
Silently our memory screams
Never to be heard,
until it is too late
the echoe from all the silence
Screams so loud
that our ears bleed
Until the echoe of that silence
Is heard,
it is free
it breaks the chains of silence
its soul breaks free
290 · Dec 2019
To grow up above yourself
Gary Dec 2019
I write words of wisdoms
And some of truth.
I live for my world
Delivering emotions in forces so brut
My words caused wars in days of then
All of the enemies were once so called friends
I only deliver love and words of kindness
Developed from drudge
Living my life with every step being judged
My life is so simple, my words seem complexed
Your life so dangerous,  you block out the rest
To create our peace in any state we're in
Is the only way to heal and be proud of where we've all been.
289 · Dec 2015
The forests shadow
Gary Dec 2015
Dark are her eyes
As midnights soul
Mystery her mind
Which we all want to know

A cloudless sky
Holds a crescent of moon
With a tear in ones eye
Wind taketh away to soon

Cry to the sky
On my knees I beg
Howl to the moon
To be alive again

Bleed with tears
Chant my fears
The end of darkness
Drawing near

Trapped under ice
In a land if then
Starring at a reflection
Of what once was a friend

Cry to the sky
On my knees I beg
Just one more night
Let me stay
287 · Sep 2016
Building the strong
Gary Sep 2016
Ants drowning in a puddle
Single file dropping off one by one
Waiting to see which one of them could swim.
The swimmer would be the leader
The strongest of ants, to help build a stronger community.
Unless the swimmer is last
With out any help, he is as weak as any.
With out help he can not strive, like he once did.
With out help he can no longer swim
283 · Mar 2016
Footprints in sky
Gary Mar 2016
Timmy two shoes
Was just a kid
Buried  wearing one shoe
Hung were two
Marking what they did

Holding one shoe
In their hands
Jimmy left life to soon
For different color of bands.
283 · Oct 2016
After the love has gone
Gary Oct 2016
I never meant to hurt you
she said
I always have loved you
As she got up from her chair
Leaving a lit cigarette in the tray

I loved you she said
I loved you
With her back toward me
I whispered I'm sorry

Wiped the tears from my eyes
And she was gone
Gone forever

She loved me
I was no good
She really loved me
I never treated her like I should

Learning love is more then a word
Is the hardest memory I will ever have
Learning how hard words hit the soul
Is a lesson I will always know.
281 · Jan 2016
Cold Feet (12 wds)
Gary Jan 2016
Ice forms on feet
Frozen to the ground
Stopping us from dancing
281 · Sep 2016
Peacefully serene
Gary Sep 2016
The world - our window
Its people - its soul

All people - together
For our strength - to grow

Hearts - warm as sun
Oxygen as important - as the soul

Take my hand, we'll be the bees
Polenated with love
Spread with a sneeze

Like a wild flower in the snow
Any where- our love will grow

Making a land of all colors and blooms
Where we all live as one
Where being born is our only due.
280 · May 2015
Life's scripture
Gary May 2015
The script is never finished
This rewritten bogle of the once poetic mind
Is now just a lonely road
to non sensual loving words
Leading to a heart,  with nothing to show except for its deadening one way street for the broken and untrusting.
This world burns of fire, as it freezes our soul.
Stopping life in its tracks
Painting some abstract strokes
Of a now still life.
Of a life that was, once known
This battered city of the hopeful hearted has devoured every dream
And blackened all its goals
Leading the newly blind
To steal and collect there souls
Rewritten words,
claimed as new thoughts
Piles of guilt
Innocence now lost
Rewritten is this script
Taking from all its originality
Claimed by others as knowing
Known by me
As never learnt.
280 · Oct 2016
love for our mother
Gary Oct 2016
Give to me your knowledge
As I sit crossed legged
In the summers sun.

My palms are open
My mind cleansed free
Feel my love for you
Through my energy

Please help me heal through the pain
Cleanse my soul with your freshest rain

Help me see with your guided light
With strength in health of my mind

Mother please I beg of thee
For I am your son
And you I believe
278 · Nov 2014
Welcome my darkness
Gary Nov 2014
The sun don't  need to shine
Let it stay behind

Welcome darkness
Sky so dark
Take over my feelings
Fill my heart

Stay behind, forever more
Take from me, my memories
Throw them from the seas shore.

Waves crash, like my emotions
Into a the breaker wall.

Never trying to understand
Just forgetting, it all.
278 · Jan 2015
Of a better man (10wds)
Gary Jan 2015
The mirrors reflection
To find
What I've been searching for
278 · Jan 2016
The Right of wrong
Gary Jan 2016
They make their rules
Expecting all to oblige
But refuse to listen
To anyone elses side
Angered and pained
To be a force that's heard
Protesting in violence
So absurd

Let my shelter
Keep you warm and safe
May you benifit
From what you call mistakes

Yell my name
Use it in vain
Reassure all humanity
Has gone insane

White flags, black flags
Waving in blue sky
This not your land
But this land is yours and mine

Forgetful minds
Forget all times
The fist you wave now
Will one day be your demise

See with your heart
Learn with your mind
Judge nobody
With any others eyes
278 · Feb 2017
A mind inside Jekylls hyde
Gary Feb 2017
I'm cornered in
The blackened sky
Staring through its
Silver stars.

Darkness never felt this good
Darkness felt so good

eyelids close like a gates caged doors.
Locked in tight
The asylum of my mind.

Where my dreams once spoke
Now are just nightmares singing

We aren't really living
We are just not dead
The difference lies
In these lullabies
Dancing in my head

Closing my eyes
Locking in tight
The caged darkness
Of the living dead

Awake I do
To the stars above
Happiness my minds slavery
To a hateful - type of love.
277 · Aug 2016
Gary Aug 2016
Tears fallen from clouds
Down the face of the sky
Darkness there back round

The rumble of clouds collisions match this skies color
Deep, dark and intimidating

Why is there no sun shine?
Has it gone?
Or is it the menace behind this chaos?
The menace of the summers storm.

Who brought upon this dreadful dark encounter, of a summers day?
Pondering as I lay in my yard looking upon this storm.

My thoughts of how we all need water to survive help me
Realize this is nature surviving.
So I thank you mother earth for feeding your children
Whom brighten my everyday.

The sun hasn't gone away
It is helping the clouds feed our trees plants and flowers
To help them strive in its light.

And the darkness is beautiful  as well
For without it we could never stare at the stars to dream.
277 · Nov 2016
The shame of ourselves
Gary Nov 2016
I look for peace within a crushed and un locked society.
A society of rulers and fools following a road of unimaginable destruction.
Violence erupting over our lands security.  Violence breaking out do to colors on our skin. Violence to be heard. Violence to be understood.
Our future is more near everyday and everyday becomes shorter through time.
We need the strength of one another so then we can have a understanding of our country.
Just because it's controlled,  does not take away that it is still chaos.
If ignored much longer all this rioting, and killing one another will soon be our own demise in a anarchists dream of erasing all in genocide.
277 · Mar 2017
Gary Mar 2017
VooDoo child
Gypsy of the night
Saber tooth gemini
Carrying blood
On your knife
Kingdoms come
And kingdoms fall
Never ending
To the werewolves call
Howling screams
To the moon
To be nocturnal
Not to choose
A thirst for love
A love for hate
A lust for blood
A kiss to late
277 · Apr 2016
Summers Bath
Gary Apr 2016
She lay basting
In the sun rays
Her eyes of green
In the calmest of
This summers breeze
Gary Oct 2015
Its Sunday afternoon
You wanted ice cream
But it's to hot to float
In the summers sun

You cried,  I felt  bad
And made you a slushie
You gave me a dollar
With some numbers
It made me smile
Knowing that a stranger
Would call you that night.

The hopeful of being understood
Is always wanted
Even for a glimpse, from a voice
Never before heard

Sunday evening is over
You want to be left alone
But, there is no one to let know
Instead now you think
Just because someone else has your taste
Doesn't mean they want your spoon.
274 · Oct 2016
Winds of change
Gary Oct 2016
Thunderous skies
Tear filled eyes
The fussing and fighting
When love and hate

Rain falls
In the darkest sky
Winds of change
Turn the direction between
of once you and I

Our story of love
Trapped in the issues of hate
With our hearts so strong
There's still only so much
That one soul can take
274 · Nov 2014
Gary Nov 2014
Walking through the midnight air
Thinking of the times we shared
You were sunshine I was sky
Nothing could stop us Except the time
Time of what Wonder I do
As we change so do faces, streets and time But that still won’t change The memories that I find
This picture stays to my brain
Then this way your still the same
Without sunshine You can’t see sky
Now I’m fading Since you said goodbye Without sunshine There is no more sky This is the end.
                                            my sunshine
Gary Apr 2016
Doors open as I approach them
Slamming tight once passed
To assure they are closed, re locked
A one way ticket,
For a non stop journey
To keep moving forward

Locked behind are the doors
Once thought of never opening
Now are just past accomplishments
Never to be thought of our used

Now knowing accomplishments come
With determination, and the strength of accepting challenge
I know I can, I will concur all my goals
Capturing dreams and building strengths along this very unstable, yet very rewarding road of life.
269 · Jun 2016
Rising souls
Gary Jun 2016
To rise yet again
But how high will I fly
-This time

Coals of the ashes
Stay at a simmer
Awaiting my return

A constant failure
Of minimal victories
Is this man behind these flames
Of laughter.

To crash and burn
To never learn
Never to learn
When there are no lessons learned

Rise to victory
In flames of glory
The pain is burning

Wishing the pain to go away
Cool waves of air
Blow out the flame

Killing the body
Yet leaving its soul
Sending it down, to the coals.
268 · Apr 2016
4 word story (summer night)
Gary Apr 2016
Like whispers, nighttime speaks.
268 · Aug 2016
Gary Aug 2016
The candle burns, from two ends
With two flames, from two hands
Its center trapped,  with no escape
Dying to soon, dripping on plate.
Only to later be on a display
For the two hands to have their debate.
265 · Jan 2016
Haiku 5
Gary Jan 2016
Night time snow blowing
Sky filled with darkened cold
Coffee warms my soul
264 · Jan 2016
Haiku 4
Gary Jan 2016
Clouds cover sunshine
Hidden beauty awaits
Flowers deep in the ground
263 · Oct 2016
our love re born
Gary Oct 2016
Little things like understanding.
once added together, can build a strength we never knew of.
Listening, before speaking.
Speaking in lyric of fact, not opinion.
All lead to a understanding.
A understanding of yourself, learning to accept truth and facts.
Learning it is o.k. to not always be right.
Learning it is o.k. to listen, absorb and give benifits of doubt, when necessary .
Let go of the angered pain,
Let go of the ego, of having to be right.
Understand, we all have the right to an open ear, from the open mind.
Theres a thought,
that enters my open mind.
Stoping the hate,
That fills my worlds time
in time
yours and mine.
the time.
In a still second pace.
Holding time, briefly
To see, it's beautiful face.

To this thought,
That has entered my mind.
That gave me clarity,
For a still second of time.
I thank you,
my soul,
For allowing me to see,
A more loving world,
Where we all
can be.

Time does not stand still,
I know.
If it could,
this is it's second, I would choose.

My wish for this same second-
To freeze in time.
For each, and every soul
To smile, in harmony.

For everbody to feel
The warmth from happiness.
For everyone to see.
If we all work together,
A smile for one second,
Can radiate a new born love.
For ourselves and each other.
All unite as one,
All are sister's and brother's.
262 · Jan 2016
Gary Jan 2016
Death isn't where we lay
Yet, is where we are born
As I lay in silence
Breaking  the silence
You heard, in your mind
One to many times
Silently our memory screams
Never to be heard,
until it is too late
the echo from all the silence
Screams so loud
that our ears bleed
Until the echo of that silence
Is heard,
it is free
it breaks the chains of silence
its soul breaks free
261 · Oct 2016
Lifes scriptures
Gary Oct 2016
The script is never finished
This rewritten bogle of the once poetic mind
Is now just a lonely road
to non sensual loving words
Leading to a heart,  with nothing to show except for its deadening one way street for the broken and untrusting.
This world burns of fire, as it freezes our soul.
Stopping life in its tracks
Painting some abstract strokes
Of a now still life.
Of a life that was, once known
This battered city of the hopeful hearted has devoured every dream
And blackened all its goals
Leading the newly blind
To steal and collect there souls
Rewritten words,
claimed as new thoughts
Piles of guilt
Innocence now lost
Rewritten is this script
Taking from all its originality
Claimed by others as knowing
Known by me
As never learnt.

Now I kneel
And bow to thee
Take my head
For I need it no more

I beg of thee
Slice it clean

Let my bottled thoughts
Absorb to the ground

As they pour from my mind
Bleeding patters of time.

As my thoughts pour
Unleash my sea of dreams
Unleash my once secret,
Secrets for all to see.
(while they still can)
Until they all vanish deep
in the depths
of this trampled ground
To be buried for good.

I bow to thee,
in a guilt of plea
Take this life
set me free.

When the blood of one's thought becomes our sand.

I am a stone.
I am the mountains stone.
With your strength,
You pick at me,
until I become to weak.
Until I can't take no more.
Losing my grip, slowly I separate,
With each hit.
Until finally, I fall,
Plumething down.
Rolling, bouncing around,
This ragged mountains terrain.
Bouncing off rocks,
Crashing to trees,
A never ending journey,
This seems to be.
Finally I land in to the rivers bed.
separated from my old,
I'll make this, my new home.
Submerged in water,
Trapped in a corner -alone
you'll never see me again,
Moss covered, green
Blending in, society.
Watching your every move.
Protecting all who you bruise.
Thinking I'm not there.
yet I live in your lungs,
For I am now your air.
I will decide,  when to leave you.
For all you have done in these woods.
Once you've realized to late,
You have killed all that's good.

Remember the script is never finished, only recreated.
259 · Dec 2014
Thinking in the rain
Gary Dec 2014
The sky was as clear, as a poets  dark thoughts.
Like the rain to its cloud,
His thoughts only to be released in time.
Once the sunshine has refused to light the sky.
Only to battle the darkened cages where these thoughts lie.
These cages, we call clouds.
Once the sunshine, stands to defend darkness.
Melting these thoughts to rain, letting them fall free and speak bravely.
Once our trees soil has strengthened through truth.
Once the flowers have powered their way through stone.
Once we all have seen, then we may believe.
The power inside, the power learnt from failure, from disappointment from learning to accept all our faults.
Learning to work on our hardest of roads.
Learning with the true power,
of our own inner strength.
Learning all, is but a arms length away.
258 · Apr 2019
The perfect picture
Gary Apr 2019
when I saw you I believed in poetry
when I heard you I believed in music
when I saw you I believed in every stroke of the artists brush.
253 · Jul 2014
Never understanding
252 · Oct 2016
walking our earth
Gary Oct 2016
A thought in the mind
With a heart lined road
Builds the lives, creating our soul

Believing in trust, destine to us
Clearly to see, in all we may dream
Bring these beliefs,  
Watch them morph from our dreams
Lifting the once fog of the day showing the right road so we may never again stray.

Take my hand, as I trust in yours
Listen to my thoughts, without a word.
Build our strength, with two trusting hearts
Let the world see, a different way to live, without being scared to start.

Let The Love In This World, Be Our light.
Guided us to believe, help  build our strength in our sight.

May we see, all of our dreams
Holding hands, follow me.
Our footsteps help each,
follow our way.
Making our steps to humanity, easier each day.
252 · Mar 2016
Lines of contious
Gary Mar 2016
I walk with my back towards you
In your torn town, so blue

I do not want to see your face
For then you would need to confront your fears
Fears the truth

And I your contious
I can't face you
Since you don't want to see me
I feel like nothing to someone
I once was so highly held.

You ignore me to win
Arguments so minimal
You refused one time two many
To listen

Now you lost you
By not having me
Slowly disintegrating
For setting me free
251 · Aug 2016
black and white love
Gary Aug 2016
If a picture paints a 1,000 words.
Why am I speechless while staring at your beautiful face?
250 · May 2017
The poet and the spider
Gary May 2017
A true writer
Is not a writer who gloats
He is a person who asks
How can I improve?
How does this affect you?
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Have you seen him?
Do you know him?

He's the quiet one
The one who is studying every movement of that spider that is dangling over your coffee in his favorite cafe.

Deep logical movement
Correct use of language
Understanding his subject
Before illustration of his work can be read.

For if you did
This man
Is the man
The character of his own work
The spider struggling not to fall from its web into the scouring pits of a café mocha.
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