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Maxwell Jan 2017
It hurts seeing you
and I see you every day.

It hurts sitting next to you.
It hurts having you so close
yet incredibly so far.

I am hurting all the time
for the wrong reasons.

I no longer know if this is love
or just a dangerous game of tag.
But I know that this is all consuming.

My love for you is consuming.
And I have to stop playing.
Maxwell Jan 2017

Your voice got lost in the noise of the streets
yet it echoed endlessly in my head.
For a split-second, I thought,
"I never knew two letters could hurt so bad."
But surprisingly, it didn't hurt as much.

The air got colder and I felt braver.
It was as if I grew a pair of wings
and took off to the night sky,
piercing thick clouds with speed.
I needed your no to see me free.

"But we could still be friends, right?"

Those are the words that deprived me
of my wings, my happiness, my freedom.
In a heartbeat, I was falling again.
The pavement zooms in as I crashed
to the cold hard ground.
Maxwell Nov 2016
Light-deprived, I've lived in the night.
Treading terrain was my life-long plight.
Defeated, I convinced myself that light
would never, never reach my sight.
Then suddenly, I saw you.

All at once, your stars clothed my night.
Fractals of your light illuminated the earth,
putting an end to these endless nights.
You gave a gentle pull at the seams.
My once dark world now brims with light.

I gazed into your eyes as it gazed upon me.
In it, I saw clusters of dying stars and galaxies.
You had the whole universe hiding in your eyes.
Falling in love at the rate of infinity times infinity,
You became the endless universe I became helpless in.
Maxwell Nov 2016
I don't recall falling to the ground
and getting back up, but here I am
falling for you all over again
Maxwell Nov 2016
We're either laughing or fighting
like our love is sailing
on tempestuous waters
Maxwell Nov 2016
I saw you the other night
Sneaking at the back of my heart
I watched as you sparked a light
A light that had spread to a fire
It flicked like a fragile flame on a wick
I let it dance on the kindling of my heart
I let it scar me, whip me until I bled
Your fire twirled as my blood ran red

You stole the reins to my heart
You roused me, galvanized me
It skipped to the music of your voice
I grasped my heart on my hands
Bloodied, bruised, burned, but still beating
And with the beats, it told me
That it would be better shared with you
With you and only you

Embrace me with tenderness
Beguile me with splendor
Drown me in your passion
Intoxicate me with your love
Oh, please, make me believe
There's nothing wrong with this love
Such an unreasonable reality
This is not what I hoped for
But as long as I'm with you
I don't care about anything else.
Maxwell Oct 2016
I write for love, for life
with the words I see fit
but if it's you I think about
I can't find the right words
for I am speechless, beguiled
by your beauty and essence

Perhaps there is none
no words, no rhymes
Or maybe there's too many
too many words, too many rhymes
so I sit here, beguiled yet again
silently, secretly admiring a masterpiece
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