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Frankie Gestone Jul 2021
Life is ravishing for those who dare to open it
And I am walking this path alone
No disturbances in the frequencies
Everyone, product of imagination
Reflections of an alternative self
This is my testimony I say to you
Don’t hear, but listen
Lift the veil, enter behind the curtains
The mist dances, revolves around the waterfall
Reflects us
Like you, me the water both flows in calmness and forces in destructive impacts
And on the other side is another dream
Not just a new chapter, but an entirely new book
A new entity like never seen, heard, or felt before
The mind opens its eyes and the heart follows suit
Dreams, life, reflection, reality, water, time, timeless, love, peace, understanding, enlightenment
Frankie Gestone Jul 2021
Dark Magic, you got the best of me
I just keep coming back effortlessly
For what it’s worth it got me temporarily
Bystander, the product of imagination
Jungle of animals calling into existence
To speak to me and you and show us true essence
Peak my mind beyond the limited sky
Ride the bridge through all time
Fly away, butterfly
Angel with wings
Temp me into your majesty, Oh Lord
Highways and freeways of many realms slide into my mind
Penetrate me
Blue diamond, green emerald
Color me inside out
Shoot me into timeless territory
Magic, dreams, timeless, life, love
Frankie Gestone Jul 2020
I yearn for the smell of autumn
A kiss from nature in the maze of trees
The ever changing colors and falling of days
The night owl's hoots whisper in my ears like dreams
And the day squirrel buries messages throughout the earth
The breezy twilight comes without warning revealing her beauty only to those lucky to see
The harvest moon reunites her golden glow with the black elegance of the sky
And the stars dance around decoratively for your eyes and mine
autumn fall dreams love peace leaves nature life
Frankie Gestone Jun 2020
Peace is flowing as a river, and I am on a boat sailing down this stream
That’s love- No pain, no worries
Just water playing her music to my ears
I am a guest in Nature’s house
It makes no difference who I am.
Nor if I am me or you, she or he, we or them
She treats us just the same
In this field, there is no pain, no separation between me and it, certainly no gain
Time runs not forwards nor backwards here
All is Now and All will never be back then or later
Because the All that was then and will be later is just Now falsely projected by the mind of separation
There is a comfort in knowing everything changes
But an even deeper comfort in understanding its essence remains the same
Taosim, Buddhism, Now, Present Moment, Peace, Life, River, Wu Wei, Time, Understanding, Love
Frankie Gestone Jul 2019
When the dust clears and you are near
The air brushes a wind straight through your hair
Sensations I cannot explain, sunshine or rain,
I see you see me call your name
In silence, the desperate call, I wait each night
If the stars align, and Jupiter meets Saturn, then it is the time
The gate will open and you will meet the lover’s nest
The owl awaits and watches the hawk below Venus once the sun sets
Frankie Gestone May 2019
You know you are a parasite
But I will let you feed off of me
Sometimes I desire the poison
And a little dose is healthy now and then
Because what I have is also yours
And I live for you, I eat for you, I survive for you
Your primary host
They say you will destroy me from the inside out
But I lured you in, I consciously made you part of me
You did not come uninvited, and that is the point
You came willingly
So I feed myself you as you nourish yourself through me
A symbiotic relationship
For I do not go where I am not wanted
Through good and bad times we (d)evolve together
A true matrimony
Now forever covalently bonded
Frankie Gestone Mar 2019
An eternal place of pure fire and brimstone
Cannot compare to the depths of an unrested mind
The depths to which you can find no relief or to run and hide
Hell is being alone in a crowded street or in a room with friends and family
Or alone in the comfort of a made bed with you pacing inside my mind freely
Heaven is all these things under different circumstances
And the difference is in the mood and state in which the soul dances
So the white dog lives with his obsession over his little black spot
For this, he wants to run out of his skin but he is trapped while his mind rots
Even to escape his body, he is always left with his mind worried where he buried his bone
And he knows the dirt from his paws will leave a trace for others to find and roam
His territory gets occupied from time to time
By dogs with bigger spots and darker shades of black
And his mind loses his dominance by inferior thoughts of all that he lacks
Hell is when the comfort of your home becomes another prison
And there is nowhere else to go but where you are
Heaven is making peace with this and the ability to surrender
For having lived backwards is the devil and to live in reverse is evil
The old dog can learn the new trick that to turn around and go forward is the way of God
Heaven Hell Dreams Dog Devil God Peace Acceptance
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