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2.6k · Aug 2016
I have a crush
With every word she speaks of him
It hurts my soul
It looks like
blood soaking through paper
1.5k · Aug 2016
Dark nights, dark fog
The spirit is dark.
We all have it in us
*unpleasable nature
1.3k · Aug 2016
Winds of high speed
Lift me to the sky
Vision's a blur.
My words slur
Amidst the whirl of dust.
Dirt coats my throat
i think i just saw a boat
And amoung all this madness
All this chaos
All i can think of is you
Its your birthday in two days
I ordered you flowers
And a nice little birthday card lies on my table.
And here i am about to die
i should be praying
i should be crying
But i guess i'll take
Your memory to my grave.
Its too bad
This tornado
Is going to litterally
Rip me
From you
Ever think of someone really important in a dangerous situation?
My account was accepted today
I was so excited  to start.
I read some poems.
so good
This place
Hello poetry.
Is really nice.
I read a fiew people's  words.
Bleeding diamonds
Toxic  moon
Its gonna make sense.
But  they have some **** good poetry.
Ashton proves life can be livable.
Bleeding diamonds proves that  he can havr fun and be serious through  abuse.
Toxic moon  has a genre  of relations.
And ita gonna  make sense lays it down flat for ya.
Hello poetry
My first  night  tonight
And i know
I love it.
Smash the  hearts
Repost my words.
Though  i have some questions
Why  does bleeding diamonds bleed?
Or why does ashton feel so trapped?
Things  I'd  love to  learn
On hello poetry
A shout out to these  people who  made hello  poetry home  already
Bleeding diamonds
Its gonna make sense
And more to come
702 · Jul 2016
Can i be your goals?
I cannot decide
Wrether to let this be
And let things die down
Do i let you know i love you
Show  you i am brave
And that  i can be the guy to make you laugh
And smile
And giggle
And repeat.
I wanna know
If i can hold you
And kiss you
And cuddle  you.
Because you  are so worth it
Can i be
Your goals?
695 · Jul 2016
I bit my lip
It bled.
The blood trickled down
I desire your touch.
I desire you.
I wish you could see
Im like a loverboy with a sign
Making my love for you so obvious.
Im not average.
I wanna show you
What i can be.
Its just...
Im sorry
I love you
613 · Jul 2016
I often contemplate if being normal
*is normal
603 · Jul 2016
Go away
Let me be.
I cannot live with you here.
I despise you.
I hate everything about  you.
I wish  you would just  leave.
You hurt me
You  sabatoge me
You hate me.
I cant do it anymore
You  are damning my soul
Go away
564 · Aug 2016
Bleeding diamonds
He calls himself bleeding diamonds
But truth is,
He bleeds more than diamonds.
He bled through abuse.
He bled through igonorance.
Through pain.
I just met him a week ago.
He was one of my first favorites when i began here on hello poetry.
I asked a question
why does bleeding diamonds bleed
I found out.
See his poetry shows his life.
His loneliness some days.
His passion for abuse to end
I dont think enough people take his seriously.
My friend,
This is your poem.
i hear you.
I am a fan,
And i follow you.
Though only 15,
Zach has saved many people, i believe
He saved me.
And he told me hes proud of me?
I feel he is more than a poet.
A local legend.
And here,
This is where we tell him
What he means to us.
B.d is going through hard times.
And we need to be here for him,
Just as he would be
and has been
For us.
A link to his profile

I love you man!
547 · Aug 2016
Why she's alone
She was obsessed and suicidal
what else can i say.
I could only be there so much.
527 · Jul 2016
I have a question
If your child was  being beaten
He couldn't  stand up
Because  of your spouse.
You would help
wouldn't  you?
my mom didn't.
She  watched.
Even helped
I cannot count on my mother to save me.
She is too in love.
She  agrees
Though she never had before.
My mother is
A *****
A backstabber
And a coward.
Help your  child if they need it
*No matter  the cost
Dedicated all to my mom
473 · Jul 2016
Tell me what to say
*my mouth is no longer mine
439 · Aug 2016
One heart for sale.
Its broken and shattered

It needs a girl to rebuild it.
To hold it.
It wants to sail away in the wind.
Act now,
While my heart is still beating
Inside of my heavily scarred chest.
Act now
Before the loneliness
slits my
*delicate wrists
406 · Jul 2016
Damage done
Damage taken.
Spirit is done
Spirit is taken.
Love is done
Love is taken
Is the lead they  hold on to
And that is why  they  fail.
Open the  mind
Not the mouth.
Learn a little.
Before your  dignity
Becomes done and taken
405 · Jul 2016
Fall tonight, die tonight
Life cannot prevail
Without  lessons from the wise.
So dont die tonight
Because the rain
Cannot constrain
A death
That came too soon.
Dont wish  upon a burdon to great.
Or it will
Take you.
387 · Jul 2016
I am ****** in the head
will you still love me?

True love
Knows no limits
377 · Aug 2016
Beauty is beautiful
The thought of someone loving you.
Though times so thick
And other moments pass by so quick
There is always someone to love you.
She knows me,
She is my best friend and my lover
She often catches me in freefall herself.
I am in awe that she loves me
She is my countess.
My supreme leader.
My girlfriend
She loves star wars too,
And cod zombies are a hobby for her as well
I found my match,
She is the type of girl
Who could kick my *** too, if she wanted.
But somehow so tollerating.
Its so cool
To believe
to know
That she loves me
376 · Aug 2016
Dark days are coming.
Through thick scars and a veil of disapointment
i see that now
My darkness seems to penetrate the light
Like church bells in a quiet breeze.
I am losing myself on a base that cannot be recovered.
This hell is my obituary.
This is me letting go.
Accepting my fate.
I hunt my challenge
And prepare
To live
374 · Jul 2016
Ive lost happiness
Cherished memories
Flocked  by the dark.
Fragmented  into the Saturday
Every thing began.
Hell raised
Pain stays
Healing  turns scars  into memoirs.
You've  done what no one else could
You  broke me beyond repair.
Ive lost my will
To breathe  another day
Because There  is nothing left to say
363 · Aug 2016
God is the manna of our life.
If we choose to take him and alow him in our lives, he will nurture us and make us strong. God has always been here for us, and always will be. That is what is so amazing about god our father. He is an all knowing, all loving father, who is faithful and just to forgive
330 · Jul 2016
Dont wish darkly.
Darkness consumes all

And soon
If you embrace it
It will controll you.
302 · Jul 2016
Dad bewear
Thank  you.
From me

Because that is what you want to hear.
That is what you hope i say.
But i am strong

I know  you were wrong.
And that is what  I'll  say
300 · Jul 2016
If you want to get big,
*you gotta be likable
269 · Jul 2016
Just wait
In time

*we shall survive
245 · Jul 2016
Tonights the night.
I will rise up
I will love with all my heart
I will write you everything  you want
*love me back
241 · Jul 2016
You remind me of a politician
*i cant believe a **** word you say

— The End —