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Excuse my bliss-trance
I've been seduced by the fragrant floral pheromones flooding the air,
The lilac-laced wind has wrapped my lips in splendor and
Left my eyes heavy lidded hazy
Enraptured gazing at the velvet vulvas of lilies.
The blossoming world casts it's spell of subtle sensuality
And I am left stunned in a stupor,
Heart oozing out of my orifices,
Falling in love with everything I see
Simply because it exists.
I'll caress every snapdragon to uncover it's mysterious caverns,
Stretch to kiss the slender necks of tulips,
And weave violets into my crown so our essences intertwine.
My collarbone is blushing crimson
And my head is drained of reason -
Tis the season for romantic abandon.
And I said:

When you push her down,
I'll make sure she'll fall on me.
When you break her heart,
I'll make sure I will fix it all.
When you make her cry,
I'll make sure I'll wipe her tears.
When you leave her alone,
I'll make sure I am by her side.
And if you abandon her for good,
I'll take her in forever.
But you need to remember
That even if your actions destroy her
And I am the one who is always fixing her,
Her eyes will always be on you.
Her heart will always be with you.
And her mind
Will always be filled with thoughts of you.

It will never be me.
Wrote this a long time ago and i found it today. Tim, John and Savannah.
One soul to awaken
Two souls to make love
Three souls officiate a family
Five elements to keep in balance
Eight gateways to filter through
Thirteen to make it true
Twenty-one to set in stone
Thirty-four to seven the circuitry in I AM the will atones
 Apr 2015 fisharedrowning
Sit somewhere near the water
The blue sky, sea canvas is all that we have looked forward to all day, to this everything  
To this breeze between I and you 
Completely captivating 
There's no need for words, just breathe me in here 
Inhale and exhale every pore, and every lingering desire to be 
Allow the waves, as they crash in and out of us to calm this surface 
Slip your hands in between mine like the very sand that is surrounding us here 
Let's just stay awhile 
Before the carvings in these grains get washed away again 
Just like this moment between one and one 
Gone before it's gone 
Say the words that stir my soul
  Internet love my heart's ablaze
The fire, the nerves are your control
  Lover you have me amazed

More sympathetic than my friends
  In languid, sloth-like afternoons
Escape to you brings to an end
  The rise and power of my moon

I miss you, though we've never met
  Our souls attached somewhere in space
But someday physically we'll get
  To share a couch in the same place

I wonder can it really be
Six hundred miles between we
I promised myself I’d get to sleep before midnight,
But her sweet scent
Illuminates a thousand memories in my mind.

Of her tender touch,
Her soft, gentle fingers
Intertwined with my own.

The way her glance would make my heart
Like the eye of a storm,
But race again once I was able to return the gaze.

I never thought I’d ever miss her
Stealing all the blankets.
Her kicking me in her sleep
like a rabid goat.

All it took was an admission
That I was in fact,

I just had to look into those blue pools of heaven,
and tell her:
How much I cherished our love,
How the sun wouldn’t rise if ever I was to lose her.

But I just had to win this argument.
I knew she wouldn’t leave.
This wasn’t going to be the tip of the iceberg.

Now I look coldly
Upon the remnants of our
Broken love
That surround me.

The darkness consumes not only the room,
but my soul.
The only light is the clock, turning over

 Apr 2015 fisharedrowning
Just Me
Determined journey has left us cold and silent
Never had I imagined that we would be as such
Words would flow at ease to the calming comfort, that once was
The calming of such that would bring us to slumber
Beside one another through the still of night
Your guided will  no longer mine, our thoughts no longer intertwine
Our differences set in stone, now my nights are all alone
Thoughts of you rush through my mind, I wonder if you miss me at times
A dream that was once you and I has become a determined journey of I
Wonder where the dead go
is it to heaven or hell?
but belief is only an ego
where all faiths dwell!

Some think the dead turn to dust
everything ends with death
but are minds that trust
souls do reincarnate!

Some believe death is a shift
when ends earth’s traveled road
it’s one blessing of a gift
moving to God’s abode!

When I watch the night sky
thinking of ma eyes blur
I feel she really didn’t die
moved away far to be a star!
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