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 Dec 2019 Gracie Anne
I was not born a


I was broken into


There is art
In your heart
Painting pictures
When I lay
My head down on your chest

There are songs in your eyes
Singing lullabies
When you hover
Pin me down
With your stare

There is a poem
On the tip
Of your tongue
I taste it
When I kiss you

You are tortured
My jaded lover
I hear it
When you won't talk
 Dec 2019 Gracie Anne
I have been attracted to you for a while
but didn’t think you felt the same.
but infact you might even like me more.
you think i’m beautiful and special indeed.
you’ve trapped me in your heart and blue eyes
you tell me you were to shy to tell me,
but i was too shy to tell you.
do you love me?
do I love you?
do you love me afterall?
you say things that make me blush.
and tell me what i want to hear.
you call me baby and your love.
things really did work out, didn’t they.
I’ve missed this feeling of love.
i guess you just might love me after all.
thank you, you.
My wounds are like a canyon
But Your love is like an ocean
Filling it up

My filth is like a mountain
But Your grace is like fresh snow
Falling over it

My rage is like a fire
But Your power is like a hurricane
Blowing it away
 Nov 2019 Gracie Anne
 Nov 2019 Gracie Anne
My eyes sting so bad

My arm stings more
I feel the drag
along my skin.
It's another day
that I gave in.

Gave in to escape
from the memory,
of all the things
you did to me.

Things so unbearable
yet it went on for years.
Silently I suffered
crying so many tears.

Tears don't come now
as I give in.
Instead, it's crimson
rolling down my skin.
 Nov 2019 Gracie Anne
 Nov 2019 Gracie Anne
not alive
not dead
not happy
not sad
not good
not bad
just empty
& that’s that
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