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Stop Playing with my feelings
You give me false hope
One day you need me
the next you don't.

Stop playing with My feelings
You break me apart
One day I feel happy inside
the next you shatter my heart.

Stop playing with my feelings
I don't know what to do
should I choose you
or should I be leaving?
Hope you like it
3.0k · Apr 2015
I'm falling.



The smile that reaches your cheeks,
Your beautiful deep brown eyes,
Your wonderful humor that makes me laugh,
I'm falling,
for you.
Based on a celebrity crush hahaha.
2.3k · May 2015
Shouldn't have
My heart was shattered by you
but slowly the pieces were glued

The puzzle was finished
and I was done.

I walked away.

One day you came back
you told me to give you a chance

I myself just blurted without thinking,
I said yes.

You ruined that chance
you broke my heart again
I shouldn't have let you in my life
I shouldn't have.
Sorry for lack of poetry. I haven't had much inspiration lately.
1.5k · Apr 2015
Ode to my Goggles
Goggles grabbing my gleaming eyes with
a firm grip.
The suction
was maple syrup to my face
that left marks around my eyes.
My eyes
saw a new world with different colors.
A darker world,
but the world shielded my eyes from chlorine in the water
like a mother bird
protecting her particolored eggs from predators.
Sometimes the dark world gets
filled with water
and the world gets a hurricane.
The hurricane
blinds my eyes
and I lose my sight through the water.
The straps
wrap around my head
sometimes are as tight as knots on string,
they cause headaches.
Once in a while
the straps
loosen themselves
and they fall down to my neck,
and the dark world that once shielded my eyes
1.1k · Mar 2018
Unpleasant Buildings
surround me and
cover me
from the sun.
Never walked away
from these
to try to find the sun until
the realization
that they are blocking
the only light
of my life.
seeing the mistakes
I have made
Must be foolish
to not see
all of this.
How dreadful it was,
and shocking
to not have discovered
all of this
Hey guys! I'm alive and I'm really going to try to be active on here again. Also if you haven't noticed, I tried to make the poem shaped like the buildings in a city.
928 · May 2015
First broken
We always think
differently when we're in love

We always think positive
and never negative

Who would've have thought
that one person
could change your life

Who would've thought
that one person
could break you

You never forget
your first love,
but you also never forget
your first heartbreak.
Based on a book.
883 · Apr 2015
All the Time
Eyes covered with goggles
Head covered with a cap
Nose filled with chlorine
Body wrapped with a suit
Hands clutching the board
Ears listening for the whistle

Body leaps into the water
Finger tips meet the water
Arms and legs moving fast

So yup. I'm a swimmer...
686 · Jun 2015
My apology for running
I know you will never see this
but I am sorry.

I am sorry for leaving you
at a rough time

I am sorry for causing you pain
for leaving you with regret that you shouldn't even feel.

You shouldn't feel anything
for this is my fault.

I am sorry.
597 · Sep 2016
Cheesy Rhymes
So many things going through my head
It's becoming harder to go to bed

I want to know if we have feelings that are true
Before I think about being with you

These are cheesy rhymes
But this is what I must say if you don't mind

I would swim miles
To see you smile,
But would you do this too
if you knew what I thought about you?

Being around you is great and all
but I wonder why you never answer or call

You might think I'm crazy
but you always seem to make everything hazy

Any words that come out of your mouth
makes little voices in my head want to shout

Your eyes are like shimmering stars
they seem so near but they are so far

Maybe one day you will know what I think
but I hope that the friendship we have will never ever shrink.
Hey guys. I am so sorry I haven't been on in FOREVER. I always promise I'll update more but that never happens. I think I'll upload when I get inspiration though. I hope that you enjoyed the poem.
541 · Sep 2015

Rain is falling
but it's sunny outside.


There's isn't a cloud in the sky.


The sun is shining.


What do we see?
Drops are still falling.
Flood of water

Not coming from the sky,
but eyes.
Eyes flooding up with rain.


When will this rainstorm end?
I read this amazing book yesterday and I just balled my eyes out. It inspired me to write this. I hope you enjoy!
534 · Aug 2015
Why are you so perfect?

Unobtainable, beautiful, untouchable.

You stand in the sun, and don't realize what you look like to me.

Your smile is brighter than sunshine
your voice music to my ears.

You are perfect

to me.
So I haven't been inspired lately as you can see. This poem was based off of a romance novel I just read. I hope you guys like this.
533 · Mar 2019
Ode to the Lost
You are hidden
in the back of my brain and repressed
in an attempt to be forgotten.
Only to be remembered
when triggered by a touch or voice.

You rise from the shadows,
making yourself known,
conquering all my other memories,
pushing everything aside.

You dominate my head,
I applaud you for your assertiveness,
always winning the battle,
King of my mind,
until you are lost
no more.
518 · May 2016
I don't know
I don't know
Who's there for me.

I don't know
what I want.

I don't know
what my place is.

I don't know
why things sometimes happen.

I don't know
what is in store for me.

I don't know anymore.
470 · Apr 2018

Falling from the sky
and unwanted from their owner
the cloud.


Left wondering why they were released
and the cloud never telling them


Screaming as they hit the ground,
scared to disappear from existence.
Pounding the new world around them
so people around them
hear their cry for help.


The clouds cry on
for they have lost
a part of themselves forever.


Only thing left
in the hollows of their hearts is



This just came to my head with all the rain I've been getting recently. I'm not down or anything, I was just listening to the sounds the raindrops were making on my umbrella. Doesn't the sound of raindrops falling sound satisfying sometimes? The pitter patter just sounds so satisfying on umbrellas. Anyways, thanks for reading!
464 · Apr 2015
I Wish
I wish you read
These poems I wrote.

I wish you felt
the way I felt,

the same things I thought

I wish.
This was inspired by Chris Green

WOW! Thank you so much to those who read my poems!! Having a trending poem means so much to me!!
459 · Apr 2015
Separated Memories
One day
we will go our separate ways

We will look back at the past
and laugh at the good memories,
and frown at the bad.

One day
We might bump into each other
on the street
and ask what is going on
in our lives

Crushes and enemies
long forgotten
Just companions
who used to be together

One day
Some of us will be leaders
of this countries
One day
Some of us will be stars
known all around the world.

One day
we will be thankful
for what we had in the past
because we know it helped us with our future.

Even when we are separated
our memories will stay.
This is kind of like a graduation poem.
430 · Apr 2015
As I Suspected
I saw you
standing by the bus stop

I called you
and you looked confused

You hopped onto the bus
but didn't know where you were going

Trying to be the good sister
I followed you

Little did I know
The pieces of you I saw
were all in my head.
This poem is based on the Book Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver
427 · Apr 2015
We were just friends
People who shared
secrets and thoughts.
People we went to for
help and support.

Then we had crushes
and then we weren't friends
but we became crushes.

I lied.
I lied on that day
I lied when I told you to go.

Sad posts on your feed
I wondered what was wrong

I thought you missed me
I thought you wanted me back

But it turns out it in the end
it wasn't me.

It wasn't me.
Based this on a close friend of mine.
421 · Jan 2016
She was laying in his arms
the day she gave him her heart
He said he would keep it forever
and he gave her his.

Little did she know
nothing lasts forever.

He told her I love you,
I will always be there
She believed him.

Little did she know
nothing lasts forever.

Time passed
She still loved him
and was always there.

Little did she know
nothing lasts forever.

He ripped her heart
tore it apart
and left her
in broken pieces.

Now she knows
nothing lasts forever.
Lol this just came to me so quickly. This might become a song. Sorry I've been inactive... Haven't had a lot of motivation...
406 · Apr 2015
I thought
You were always busy
never any time for me

I always thought that you were the one to be.

Then my biggest fear came true
my friends' suspicions about you

My love for you was undeniable
but you gave all of it away

When I saw you with her in the park
and you were holding her hand.
391 · Apr 2015
Book Reports
book reports
are so boring.
I need to find
two poems that
relate to the
theme of guilt and suspicion.
Can anyone help me?
Soooo hey… Yeah I really need help with finding a good suspicion poem. Can any of you help me find one? Sorry for being so desperate...
377 · Jun 2015
Powerful words
I walked right past you
in the hall

I pretended not to notice you.

You grabbed my shoulder
spoke two words and walked away.

I stood in the hall
thinking about you

and now my feelings are true
for you again.
Ahhh yes I'm alive!! I will be posting more since I am off of school. I'm not really feeling this poem at the moment, but I hope you like it.
369 · Sep 2017
I don’t know
Here I go again
Trying to sleep
But you won’t leave me alone

Why can’t you ever leave me alone?
Why can’t I forget that sometimes you exist?
Please just vanish
and everything will be better.

But will everything be better
when you do vanish?
Is it better for you to just disappear?

I guess I will never know.
This is an old poem from a few months ago. I only recently added something on here. I'm reading all of these poems and I'm really just getting so inspired.
366 · Apr 2015
The Best Lie
I remember the day
I told you to go.

My heart was in pieces,
my chest was heavy,
Sometimes I wish

That day never happened,

because I lied.
364 · Apr 2015
So Sweet
His little taunts that he makes at me
to his caring encouraging side

He makes me fall.

I fall everyday
I fall when we speak
I fall when we say goodbye

I am falling for you.
Based on another friend of mine, and I was trying to make more happier love poems...
360 · Oct 2016
Seasonal Lies
I walk around outside
And I never thought that a season could lie.

Autumn has just begun
but why do I feel the warm summer sun?

I can't keep up with these different season lies

Staring ahead at the tree
Different colors grow on the leaves

It's so confusing
what is the season the trees are telling me?

I never thought a season could lie.
I hope some of you can catch on to the meaning of this poem.
348 · Jul 2015
What Happened?
I may not have shown it before,
but now
I have my feelings for you.

Your heart used to belong to mine
but my heart didn't belong to you.

Today my heart was broken
by someone you used to love.

That someone you loved is back
and here I am,
picking up my broken heart
and I am leaving you
344 · Jun 2015
Everything your eyes are

Don't make me fall

Everything always reminds me of you.
Your eyes are the sky on a sunny day
Crystal clear and beautiful
but sometimes misleading.

Your eyes
can bring me in with one glance
and I can fall for you again.

Your misleading eyes
can break me down forever and ever.
338 · Jun 2015
Can't Explain
Hair running in the wind
water spraying my face
beautiful sunny skies
I can't explain
what I feel
when I am outside in the summer.
This was a quick write. I hope you will enjoy it!
338 · Sep 2015
Good Night
Good night I say to you.

I say good night
but you won't hear me
I'll text good night
but you don't answer
I'll call to say good night
but you don't pick up.

l say good night to you in this poem
but you won't read it.
good night. Although expect more later.
332 · Apr 2015
Should be
well hello again.
I thought you were the one
who's love would never end.

It seems you want me back,
it seems you want me again.

I should be over
I should be done.
And now I realize
you are just a waste of time.
Hi guys. It's such a busy week at school. I hope that May will go by fast.
330 · Oct 2015
All you do

I see you by my side.

you never utter a word.


I hear your voice.

you are never talking to me.


I see your eyes.

they never look at me.

All you do is stand
and watch  the people pass
and look for her.

You never look at me.

All you do.
Hi guys. Hope you enjoyed the poem.
329 · Nov 2015
In the Wind
Two green leaves floating in the air
never leaving each other's

One left the other
and separated forever

2 leaves floating in the air
one orange, one green

Orange left green

All alone.

What is the purpose of these two leaves?
*People will eventually change, and leave you forever.
I don't know about this one. I got this idea from a poem I just read about leaves.
329 · Jan 2016
short thoughts series #2
I thought I was something important to you

I guess I was wrong.
324 · Apr 2015
I'm not falling.
I'm flying.

Flying away

My heart is free
and sewn together

My eyes do not water at every quote
I don't think about you everyday
I don't tense up when you're around

I'm free and flying
From you.
318 · May 2016
You (part 2)
Why you know not,
of the daydreams that fill my head.
Special scenarios that I know will never happen.

Smiles where I am the reason for,
give my day life and happiness.
Contagious laughter from the unobtainable makes for memorable memories.

Shy are you,
Hiding away from the crowd.
Trying best to be unnoticed,
staring often in the distance.
Little do you know,
quick glances out of the corner of my eyes I look at you.

You do not know
how I've never felt so far
when I'm right next to you.
I added a little more to one of my other poems. I hope you like it!
309 · May 2015
It was just
It was one picture
not something to be nervous
but your arm went around my waist

and my whole body
felt weak
I know you don't feel the same.

You are so sweet and charming
one day I hope you'll know
the way I feel.
This is definitely not one of my best, but it's something i used to experience.
308 · Apr 2015
We can stare
at each other
all day,

but I'm starting
to wonder
if I'm anything to you.

Do you even know who I am?
Am I just a person for help at school?
or am I something more?
Hi guys I'm having a hard time writing lately. This poem is based on a song I just listened to. Not exactly so proud of this poem, but I hope you guys like it.
308 · May 2015
There's a party tomorrow
and I want to know

Are you coming or not?

I prepare myself for you
to talk and explain

but you never even call out my name.

but why do I care so much?

There's no one to impress
You're just a stain
And I'm washing away the dirt.

Coming or not
I'll ignore
the apologies I've waited to hear
Hi guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a while.
306 · Apr 2015
From my past
I thought I lost it all

But now I've met you
And you need to help me because

I'm falling for you

My heart beats faster and faster
When you are near

My head fills with nausea
I feel dizzy

My face warms up
My stomach has butterflies
I feel weak.

Yes this is what I feel
When you walk through that door
So I realized that a lot of my poems are about heartbreak and I tried my best to write about falling in love. Hope you like it!!
305 · Apr 2015
The Same
When I look at the moon
In the night,
I realize we're looking at the same light.

The stars fill up the sky,
but they are never as bright as your eyes.

I sit by my window
thinking of you,
but I know
I'm never on your mind.

I hope when you look
at the moon,
We will see it together,
and you'll think of me.
Sorry for not posting. It's been a busy week and I am having a hard time writing.
305 · Apr 2015
She was right
She was right.
And now I'm in a plight.

I shouldn't have trusted someone like you
For apparently her suspicions were true

She thought you were trouble
But I thought you were a nice man with stubble

She said that you were someone who
will lure you into a trap
Just to leave you in a snap
and now I am crying boo hoo.
303 · Apr 2015
Let's play a game
Let's play a game.

It's called "When will it end?"

To win, you must talk to other person first.

Easy as it seems,
this is difficult.

The players in the game are
me and you.
Ignoring each other for two months,
This is not difficult.

Be the first to talk.
Be the first to end this game.
299 · Apr 2018
broken clocks
Turn it back to a time
when you didn’t know what day it was
and still called me pretty.

Turn it back to a time
when we talked all night
and comforted each other.

Turn it back to a time
when I smiled
because of you.

Turn it back to a time
when I wrote long letters
to say I cared.

Turn it back to a time
when I didn’t send that out of anger
because I was left…

Turn it back to a time
when I didn’t say
that I didn’t want to be friends anymore.

Turn it back to a time
when I could walk into a room
and wouldn’t tremble at the sight of you.

Turn it back to a time
when I didn’t have to get info
about you from someone else.

Turn it back to a time
when I still saw you

Turn it back to a time
when I still talked to you

Turn it back to a time
when we had some trust
in each other.

Turn it back to a time
when I didn’t have to write things
to temporarily forget you.

If only I could turn back time.
Don’t we all wish that we could turn back time sometimes? (By the way, broken clocks is my fav song by SZA)
297 · Sep 2015
He was there
He was there
when she scratched her knee

He was there
when she wanted to play

He was there
for her first crush

He was there
for her first heartbreak

He was there
when she was proposed to

He was there
at her wedding

She was there
for the final beat.
Based on this really good book I read.
289 · Apr 2015
Living in the past
I'm the type of person
who lives in the past

and saddens at the mention of
the past.

One day
I will look at the past
And smile.
288 · Nov 2015
What you think
I put on makeup
do you think I'm beautiful now?

My hair is done
am I prettier now?

I put on a dress
do I look better now?

No. Your appearance does not define who you are.

Beauty comes from what's inside
no one should be judged by their looks.
*play Christina Aguilera song*
285 · Apr 2018
Past Poems
I read my past poems
and think to myself
how childish I was
to write about someone
I thought mattered.

I read my past poems
and think to myself
how was I proud of this work?

I read my past poems
and think to myself
how much has changed.

I read my past poems
and I think to myself
the person I wrote about before
has changed
into you.

I read my past poems
and think to myself
is that what’s going to happen to us?

I read my past poems
and think to myself
are you worth starting over?

I read my past poems
and think to myself
that this is all a waste of my time
but I do it for you anyway.
Hahaha if you haven’t picked it up by now, this poem was inspired by my past poems. I hope you all enjoy it.
284 · Apr 2015
There was blood
Running down your cheek
I wonder what happened

Did they call you a geek?
Were  you hit in a fight?
You won't tell me now,
but I hope soon you will.
So YAY!!! I finally got off my writer's block!!! My friend gave me inspiration for this poem...
282 · Apr 2015

This cannot be!
Her heart is broken
and all can see

But no one is helping her
no one is talking

Why can't someone help her
she's falling!
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