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Feb 2016 · 680
Lyn Feb 2016
Since when numbers became so important,
That even an "i love you"
Doesn't seem to mean anything
Without an "i love you too"?
Apr 2015 · 610
What If
Lyn Apr 2015
What if I find someone who sings me to sleep every night
But I still hear your voice even in a crowded room?

What if I find someone who makes my heart beat so fast that it might burst
But my breathing almost stops every times you walk by?

What if I find someone whose touch is as warm as the blanket
But I can't drink my morning coffee without thinking about your brown orbs?

What if I find someone who takes me to another world with his spell
But I can't even  imagine myself being in different picture with you?

What if you have found someone new,
But I can't even get rid of your shadow?
Feb 2015 · 864
The Sky's Tears
Lyn Feb 2015
The Sky cries once in a while
From missing The Land too much

But look at The Land,
He grows flowers from her tears,
Collect them for his organs to breathe
Jan 2015 · 973
Galaxy and Fallen Stars
Lyn Jan 2015
Those tantalizing eyes of yours
Have once conquered a galaxy,
But now,
They could barely grasp a constellation
Without having their glasses broken

*As they send stardust falling across your freckled cheeks
Jan 2015 · 1.7k
The Necklace
Lyn Jan 2015
Who would have thought,
The soft breathe that whispered sweet nothings against my neck every night
Would be the necklace that was choking me?
Jan 2015 · 499
Love or Idiocy?
Lyn Jan 2015
You fed me poison,
Yet I still believe it was chocolate.

*Was it love or idiocy?
Jan 2015 · 987
The Ink
Lyn Jan 2015
The ink screams the words,
I could not even whisper.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Sharp Objects
Lyn Dec 2014
You can tear my heart open with scissors
You can stitch them up with needles

I don't care
*As they both require sharp objects
Dec 2014 · 815
The Stars in Your Eyes
Lyn Dec 2014
I beg forgiveness to the sky
For stealing two of the brightest stars
To to put them into your eyes

Because I swear,
Every time I look into those eyes of yours
*My heart already made a wish,
Before my mind could even form a sentence
Dec 2014 · 776
Lyn Dec 2014
And at night,
When my fingers meet the keyboard
When the ink hits the paper

Is when my mind betrays me,
Spilling all the secrets I wish to keep,
The words I wish to remain untold,
The letters I wish to remain unsent,
The love I wish to remain hidden

All disguised as *poems
posting it again because i accidentally deleted the previous one :<
Dec 2014 · 703
Dearest Heart,
Lyn Dec 2014
You pump breath to every single organs,
But forget to do so for yourself.

So, why am I not surprised,
When you continuously bleed his pain,
While he is ******* every oxygen left of you?
Dec 2014 · 365
The Irony
Lyn Dec 2014
She loves black,
But she hates darkness

She loves rain,
But she hates water

*She loves you,
But she hates liars
Dec 2014 · 4.8k
Sweetest Daydream
Lyn Dec 2014
He was the walking catastrophe
I was the quiescent calamity

People said we were each other's worst nightmare
I said we are each other's *sweetest daydream
Dec 2014 · 461
The Scale
Lyn Dec 2014
I thought everything was in the perfect balance
Me and You,
We were both standing in each sides of the scale,

I was just about to run to you
But before I could even moved my feet,
Suddenly she came, to your side

The perfect balances was messed up,
It was heavier on your side,
While here, I felt like everything was taken away from me,
That made the weights difference even bigger

*As I watch you walked away with her,
From up here
Dec 2014 · 667
Lyn Dec 2014
You are the non-existent full-stop
To my never ending question marks

To love you,
Is like firing a gun
That has no bullets
p o i n t l e s s

The more I love you,
The more ink gone to waste
And it's fading--the question marks,
As they almost fill the whole blank paper up
And still, no full-stop.

Oh, by the way,
It's not my love that fades,

*My hope does.
Nov 2014 · 590
North and South
Lyn Nov 2014
We live in the same region
But why do I feel like
We're living in two different parts of the world?

I'm in the North
on the 21st of December
When the temperature just dropped to the lowest
And I'm snuggling in my bed
With layers of sweaters to keep me warm,
Yet still failed to shoo the /ˈwɪntər/ in my heart away

While you're in the South
on the 21st of December
When the beach is at its finest  
And you're walking along the white sand, with her
With interlaced hands that add the /ˈsʌmə/  in your heart
What I feel. Right now. </3
Nov 2014 · 762
Lyn Nov 2014
You flooded my thoughts
Twenty-four seven

And I didn't know how to swim,
I did try to escape
I did try to swim to the surface
But, the more I tried
The more I drowned

You pulled my feet to the deepest sea
Prevented me from escaping
Not minding my cries that screamed agony, pain, and most of all love

You chained my feet
Then you threw away the key
Not minding where it went
Leaving me no chance to escape

*Just, why, do you have to be so sweet yet deathly at the same time?
Nov 2014 · 994
Broken Mirror
Lyn Nov 2014
I was so broken and sad and angry
That I punched the mirror
That showed the reflection of mine
Because I hate myself
But strangely, I didn't feel any pain
But instead, I felt satisfied

And with bloodshot eyes,
Blood dripped from my knuckles
I saw my broken reflection
Through the shattered glass

Said to the broken mirror
*"At least I'm not the only one who's broken now"
Nov 2014 · 535
She and Her
Lyn Nov 2014
I wish I was She
That started your sentences
With a loving smile
When you said to yourself
"She is everything I could ever ask for"

I wish I was Her
That ended your sentences
With a proud smile
When you said to your friends
"I love Her"

*Because you are both my He and Him
But I am not your She, nor your Her
it's past midnight, but he still haunts my sleep away. sighs.
Nov 2014 · 2.9k
Lyn Nov 2014
Loving him causes her nothing but pain
Yet she loves him anyway

She loves pain
Pain loves her back
Nov 2014 · 734
Killed Me Twice
Lyn Nov 2014
I wrote your name
In the sand
And the wave washed it away

I formed your name
With the fallen leaves
But the wind blew them away

I carved your name
In my skin
Hoping my tears could wipe them away

But instead,
It killed me *twice
Nov 2014 · 670
Fire [10w]
Lyn Nov 2014
He ignited a fire without any intentions to extinguish it.
Oct 2014 · 552
Lyn Oct 2014
Take me back
To the time when us still exist

Bring me back
To the place where us happened

Give me back
The love us once shared
Oct 2014 · 961
His Happiness, My Pain
Lyn Oct 2014
People said,
"If you really love someone,
All you wanted was for him to be happy
Even if you are not the reason."

You deserve to be happy,
Even if it's with her.
You deserve to be happy,
I know.

But please,
Not in front of me.

*Because I deserve to be happy too.
Oct 2014 · 662
Lyn Oct 2014
The reason why
I love walking in the rain
Was not because it hid my tears
But because it washed them away for me

Because I knew
I wouldn't do it for myself
Because I thought
What's the point of washing them away,
When I, myself know extremely well
They're gonna be there in the middle of the night,
Waking me up,
Keeping me up.
Oct 2014 · 532
Growing Up
Lyn Oct 2014
When I was a child
I thought the hardest thing to do
Was sharing my lunch box with the other kids

The scariest thing was
Fighting the monsters
In my dream

And the worst thing was
Having my toys taken from me
And not getting them back

But as I grew up
I finally realized that

The hardest thing to do
Was not sharing my lunch box
It was sharing itself

The scariest thing that could ever happened
Was not fighting the monsters in my dream
But fighting my own demons inside

And the worst thing
Was not having my toys taken away
It was letting them being taken away
And not do anything about it
Oct 2014 · 392
Lyn Oct 2014
Once my friends asked me
"What makes you love him that much?"

At first
I thought it was your eyes
As they were so beautiful yet mysterious

But then
I saw you smile
And I swore I could feel millions of butterflies in my stomach
Fighting their way out

Or maybe it was the way you talk
With so much confidence
That stole all the spotlights
And made me admire you even more

And the other things I've yet to mention

Because I think I've reached the point
Where I can't no longer see your flaws anymore
Where even your biggest flaws have became perfection in my eyes
Oct 2014 · 370
Your Name
Lyn Oct 2014
I tried to write something about love
But your name was the only words written on the whole paper
Like having them clouded inside my head wasn't enough

And it scared me
*Since when did you become this important to me?
Oct 2014 · 414
Lyn Oct 2014
Who said that we need water to drown?
I am drowning in your eyes
And I can't seem to find the surface
The more I try to escape
The more lost I become

*I slowly losing hope
Oct 2014 · 864
Lyn Oct 2014
It started with a silly crush
Over someone who I can't even touch
Someone unreachable
So unreachable that it felt so surreal

I kept denying the butterflies
I tried to shooed them away
I kept telling myself
That it was nothing

And by the time I realized it
The supposed-to-be silly crush
Has turned into something bigger
Something that I can't no longer control

It was not just a slight admiration anymore
And it made me wonder
How did he manage to make me love him,
Without even looking at me?

— The End —