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You're all I taste..

Besides the nicotine
and the alcohol
I've been doing since
you were gone.
Looking at you
I cannot help but think
That the stars made love
And gave birth to you
It represents:
A­nd whatever
You want it
It is a symbol
On our wrists,
To cover the scars
And say,
"Make a wish."
An upside down
Can mean so much
to a group of people
That speak in 140
Characters or less.
The light is struck away in a cold confusing slash of night
  Black creeping at my windowsill signifying the strangeness of unfamiliar surroundings
          Changed and twisted by the lack of sound the sleep of others brings
      I stay roused in the dark
      Silence biting at my ears
            My mind asking itself rhetorical questions

        Pacing and pacing and pacing
         and pacing and pacing

Staring out my window at slanted shadows that seem to smile back
           They're very telling
They want to get in, and bad.

       *I pray to God they don't.
At every word they utter,
every time you suffer.
Everything they do,
you crush it under your shoe.
Accuses made,  
the price you pay.
Every time you you fall,
and hurt 'cause of them all.
Every time you've been set up ,
no matter what, you get up.
No matter how you try,
they always make you cry.
You write and store the up,
tie them up,
push it in,
cork it up.
But one day,
the cover wont fit,
and you're gonna
burst . . .
I'm good at tying up loose ends;
i spend my free time fastening nooses from the intestines of bad memories.
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