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Damian Murphy Mar 2017
The deepest wounds leave scars that never go
Perhaps so that we and others may know
That all our pain and suffering is real
And becomes a part of us as we heal.
Tho' often 'tis the deepest wound by far
Which hurts most yet leaves no visible scar.
Damian Murphy Mar 2017
Who knows all the right answers
Though intelligent may be...
Who knows all the right questions
So much wiser are truly.
Damian Murphy Feb 2017
When lost in the depths of despair,
When all hope appears to be gone,
One has to dig even deeper
To find the strength to carry on.
Though one may doubt the strength is there,
It lies within us all somewhere.
Damian Murphy Feb 2017
Though darkness will often descend
One should remember on such days
That dark days shall come to an end
And the light will return always.
Damian Murphy Feb 2017
If to Fear we would succumb,
Nothing then would we become.
Damian Murphy Feb 2017
Entwined, despair and hope
As two strands of the one rope...
Damian Murphy Feb 2017
"What will be will be"
Seems like a cop out to me?
Where there is a will...
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