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 Jan 2015 Dagoth I Am
Rolling the dice time after time
Adding up points to bank a roll
Betting the odds in numbers and rhyme
Losing it all starts taking its toll

Betting the odds though it isn't a game
A thousand points at the roll of a die
Losing your heart in a useless hand
As you gamble your love upon a lie
 Jan 2015 Dagoth I Am
Distance holds possibilities
As life plays
With dreams yet unseen
 Jan 2015 Dagoth I Am
Love transcends time and distance
Death cannot quell the loving heart
But each mile weighs a thousand pounds
And we are a thousand miles apart

Darlin' the universe has spoken
And rained down from the skies
Birthed reality in our souls
As it opened up our eyes

Life is bathed in hues of gold
The heart now beats in time
With souls who searched millenia
To be complete, sublime

But each mile weighs a thousand pounds
And we are a thousand miles apart
Love transcends time and distance
Even death can't quell a loving heart
 Jan 2015 Dagoth I Am
This poem has been submitted for possible publication.  It will be reposted as soon as possible upon final determination.  Please feel free to peruse my poesy at your leisure.

Thank you so much,
For Him
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
The drummer of my heart
Pumps me into being
My very blood dances to the beat
The drummer of my heart
Turns the silence into music
As my essence glides across those sticks
The drummer of my heart
Keeps time with my joy
Happily beating fear into submission
The drummer of my heart
Makes me race in excitement
Accelerating and elevating my love
The drummer of my heart
Plays the stars as his drum set
And is the very rhythm of my soul
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
There it is again
The screaming silence
Stabbing my brain
Void of visceral sound
The pain is real
All too real
Darkness bears questions
Where the quiet births doubt
And my mind rots full of holes
Sanity and sense leak like rain
Pouring down my flesh
Painting me loud enough
For others to hear
And i wonder just how naked
My ghosts really are
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
The voices
          In my head
                    Aren't always
                              The best company
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
In the dark of night I see her
In the shadows of night she lingers
Eyes piercing the smoke of yesterdays dreams
Stabbing the life out of my lungs
With the nightmare of truth
With the longing for honor
With the screaming memories
Not of what used to be
But of used-to-coulds
When she appears
All that is left is the grit at the bottom of the cup of life
The leftover flavor of dreams gone by
The reality that I am not what I could have been
That dreams torture reality with rainbows and lullabies
With pastel hues of perfection
In the dark of night I see her
In the shadows of night she lingers
The girl I almost was
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
There you are in a picture of joy
The smile in your eyes giving birth to my own
There you are in the hole in my heart
Filling the void and sealing the fissures
There you are in my archives of pain
Burning the pages of those useless emotions
There you are in the doubt in my mind
Pointing out all the reasons i can
There you are in my eyes in the mirror
Showing me there is beauty to be seen
There you are in the cracks in my soul
Giving me light to guide my path
And I open my eyes to see you are here
The reality of a dream I never dreamt
For I could not fathom the existence of an angel of my very own
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
Her eyes entice you
Your lust wraps around her soul
She feels like your dreams
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