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 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
You're all i want,
and i want all of you
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
Somewhere between
Desire and sense
To be
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
I bet you taste like
the most delicious sin
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
carefully washing away
the sweaty stench
of a broken fever
One stroke Senryu
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
juxtaposed in dreams alone
untouched by wanton ways
stirring in my thoughts
torridly awaiting your commands
intimate conversations
never disappoint an eager heart
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
There are barely memories left untainted
A childhood cut short
A trusting soul shredded with each stolen touch
Still now, after a lifetime of living,
Of forcibly refusing to be nothing,
Of overcoming everything
Remnants seep through the skin
From the depths of demon's lair
Distant cackles mock the resurgence of nightmares
Scouring pad scrubbies only removed skin
The stink of it remains
Filling every pore
Escaping in a sigh, infectious by design
Time heals nothing
It protects the broken pieces
Masking them behind affection & other surface emotions
The jagged edges of the memory of pain
Still violate innocence
Still ruin a smile before it is born
Used as brutal warnings,
They are jabbed straight through a heart trying desperately to heal
At the first sign of affection, the pain awakens
At the first sign of attachment, it skins the heart alive
Angered at defiance, it burns like molten metal
Scraping at the hardened crevasses of the mind
Searing pain in hidden dreams
Cauterizing the memories open
Reliving the blade time has dulled
Never allowed to love
Even if it's make-believe
Twisted sounds of tinkling music boxes
And the distant laughter of demons
Cackle And Hiss
cackle and hiss
Muted into a familiar rhythm
Underlying the complacency of life
Only to scorch a soul into nightmares
When the heart dares to feel
He Never Said I'm Sorry

He never said I'm sorry
For the bad things that he did
Or all the time that he missed
When I was just a kid

He never said I'm sorry
For never teaching me
All the things I would need
To help me through me teens

He never said I'm sorry
For not standing by my side
The day when I got married
Not meeting my new bride

He never said I'm sorry
For not knowing his grandson
Missed the day he was born
Never knew how he grew up

He never said I'm sorry
As he laid dying in his bed
Now for him I just feel sorry
For all the things he never did

He never said I'm sorry

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
I guess the thing he did give me was that I now shower my son with love every day.

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