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Sandman Aug 2018
Every moment.
Any moment.
Could be that moment.
That last life breath would escape.
And you would fall
And die.
So in this moment of reckoning we stand still.
In the light of a new era
We breathe golden light.
Light pulled down from the heavens above.
We are rooted to the earth.
To the rivers.
To the rocks.
To mountains high.
Golden sacred light flows deep through the energy veins.
It flows through everyone of us causing a great surge of Enlightenment.
An infinite moment of peace for all life and all who dwell on this Blue and green planet.
Long has the fight between light and dark dwindled on the strings of the human race but now
We are free.
Now we stand together.
United we are everything.
The light will break every darkness and will echo through out time and the universe.
Sandman Aug 2018
When we were young and beautiful,
We would so gallantly bathe in glorious sunlight.
So that when dawn would break, the black ravans would flutter and float into the dying of the dark like swollen embers from a marmalade campfire.
I can not recall such bliss and happiness.
Seconds go by.
Minutes taken away.
A gratitude for life.
Hours gone by.
Its time to go in.
Days go by.
The moment of bliss slips through our fingers like dusty sand.
Weeks whizzing by.
Taxman coming down on us.
Years torn up like wasted paper.
You are dangling by your neck.
Decades crumbling down like collapsing buildings.
I my elderly self rests in my shallow presense enjoying the antique memories of what a happy life looks like.
Poem about a guy who recalls when he was young the small but yet blissful moments he had that were slowly etched away by not taking control of life.
Sandman Aug 2018
Till I escape, I am unkown.
Perceived in shattered reflections.
I am the absence of what I think I am.
Falsified reality shows me a series of random fates.
Lucid imagery clouding up my mind.
Stray from empty streets.
The lone wolf in me howling.
Till I break these iron shackles I remain tethered to an artificial world.
Sandman Jul 2018
Walking out on open water.
Where I am going I ask my self.
These shattered dreams
sewn through my soul like needle and thread.
A figment of the unknown.
Aware in all directions.
Life is in a rain drop falling from the tips of a sacred tree.
And you and me, we would dance in the rain.
Years flowing by and time after time we would get older and older.
into the stars.
Open up your heart and see the universe within.
So many colors in the sky.
Somewhere vivid cuts the light.
Beauty leaks from shattered points.
I do not know where I am going but in this place I know I am safe.
Sandman Jul 2018
Close your eyes.
Let your body relax.
Let every tissue, muscle and fiber dilate into the clouds.
Collapse into dust, into the other world, break out from this planet.
Reach out.
Way out there in the middle of nowhere, where nothing even exists, where you will soak in a cosmic bath of star waves.
Where you can drift on cosmic waves of energy then slowly dilate into a more vivid world.
Sandman Jul 2018
Life is something we can not even define yet it is the very reason that we wake up in the morning.
So many people in this earth and so many caught up this fools chase of money.
They never realize how special every single one of them is because all they've ever known is how to survive and EXIST in a world where nobody will ever warn them of their insanity because they are too busy paying attention how many likes or how many views their last post got.
In every moment you are granted a choice: live or exist.
Maybe wake up from this slumber and start loving the world around you.
Because if life is so important to us the that we fear losing it, then why do we spend our days trapping ourselves in a  game where all we do is exist.
Sandman Jul 2018
Ashes all around.
The bombs were blasting on the ground.
These city lights dying.
The airplanes in the sky.
Time stood still for a moment.
So you thought you could escape.
So you thought would run
And try to hide.
In the darkness of the night when the moon was bright and the light of dawn was breaking through, did the city collapse.
In the end the only one left was death.
All the faces we passed and all the smiles we shared are blowing around stupidly in the wind.
Heaven only knows
What golden light would peirce the clouds.
Reaching out to the sun
To the above.
We are all just fragmented space colliding amongst each other.
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