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 Jun 2015 Cookieman
I only loved your presence
I didn't love you

Or maybe

I did fall in love with you
And I think I miss your presence

But maybe

I still  love you
And I miss everything about you

I have to stop lying to myself

I love you
I really do

And maybe

You feel the same way too
 May 2015 Cookieman
 May 2015 Cookieman
Of atheism, you want to be the God of your own life.
 Jan 2015 Cookieman
Nathan Cross
She's smiling, but she's hiding.
Every girl is like the moon,
Parts are almost always hidden.
I learn those parts first,
and just watch the rest.

I do not write because my poems are good
Nor do  write to truly feel
I merely write because I have worth
In these words that are so real

I don’t consider myself a great writer
And I don’t write as a simple pass time
I write because I define myself
In every syllable and every rhyme

I write because I live in words
And breathe in each sentence
And honestly it brings me peace
To write of my repentance

I think that pain is easier to speak of
When I don’t have to use actual words
And people listen a lot better
And my statements don’t go unheard.

Writing my only escape
From the sadness I always dwell
And writing my happiness
The only way to reverse this spell.

I write because its right
I do it because I know I was meant to
I write so my brokenness isn't forgotten
I truthfully write for you.
 Oct 2014 Cookieman
one llucy
As I open the door

The cold engulfs me first
raising hairs on my neck, shivers down my spine, prickles on my scalp

Next the smell
so mild, pleasant, crisp. similar to rain or dew
my lungs take in this air for the first time

The light begins to peek over the mountains
clearing the fog, cutting away the dark

The quiet is both a comfort and an uneasiness
Only the earth under my feet whispers as I walk the dirt path

The lake unblemished, like a mirror for the sky to look upon
no wind, no waves, no life

standing there, absorbing the surroundings
I am the one to break the silence, to shatter the utopia
as I drop the pebble in the waters…

these ripples go on                                                              *­Forever
This is to all of you who feel worthless
Who find comfort in the words that sting
Im writing this cause I'm the same
I no longer feel worth anything

This is to those who smile
When their world is crashing down
To those of you who laugh it off
When at night it's in your own tears you drown

Today i want you to stand firm
And raise your head up to the sky
For today it may be raining like your tears
But now the heavens, with you, they cry.

It may seem that you are nothing
You may feel as if you're alone
But i promise if as raise our heads together
We will never be on our own.

Even if you cry at night
Cause no one else can see
I have down that for years now
You're the same as me

I'm taking this moment to say this
In case you've never heard it before
You're worth everything to someone
So don't give up, you're so much more.
I write this despite the pain i feel, and the desire to just give up. So please stand with me!
I've been writing in different styles
Trying to find something new
Yet it seems that all the good ones
Are mainly about you

Joshua if you're reading this
I just wanted to let you know
I could live a million eternities
And still never let you go
Because when i say i love you
It's not just for fun
I didn't think that i could love
But yet.. you're the one
The one who gave me hope
The one who loves me through my flaws
And now everyone knows
See the standing ovation? Hear the applauds?
This is not some crush
And you are not some guy
I know it's way too soon
But this life is for you and i

And for everyone reading this
Please share your words
And tell the ones you love
The things they've never heard

I love you
 Sep 2014 Cookieman
Behind my mask of silver and gold
My identity is hidden well
No one sees past the masquerade
The beauty of the mask puts them under a spell
They get lost in swirling patterns
Of crushed velvet in midnight blue
In a trance and blind to the truth
Tears run down my face like morning dew
But no one notices
The pain that I bear
Because I still dance in circles
With the moonlight in my hair
And the mask on my face
Is where it shall stay
Because my life is a masquerade
And it fools the world every day

— The End —