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 Aug 2021
In pink she skips through the grass
She laughs at the butterflies
She basks in the warm sunshine

In white she soars through the sky
She jumps with the summer sun
She runs with the winter winds

In black she walks through the dark
She cries with the midnight moon
She screams at the stars above

In red she rests in our hearts
She sits among the flowers
She stands among the mourning

If only you could see us
Together again for you
All of us in black and red

If only we could show you
How many people love you
All the lives you’ve touched and changed

If only I could call you
Tell you how much I miss you
Tell you how much I love you

You didn’t have to leave us
You didn’t have to do it
You didn’t have to give up

I’m begging you to come back
I’m begging you to stay here
I’m begging you to live

I’m sorry for all the pain
I’m sorry for all the loss
You deserved to have better

Living was hard, I know it was
I’m so proud of you for trying
I can’t wait to see you again

“Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I’ve been changed for good.” -For Good, Wicked
Last month a friend of mine took her life. She was 19. I can’t begin to describe the pain of it. I miss her more every day. Hug your friends. You never know when you might lose them.
 Aug 2021
I hate that what I want from you
Is something you don't want to give me
I hate that I look at other faces
And I graphically dissect what ifs
 Aug 2021
Autumn is kissing the swamp maples
and God it feels like foreplay
The air is hinting at the frost to come
and it dances on my tongue
and crawls down my throat
The breeze grips me
like fingernails down my spine
My toes curl and my breath fogs
as I drink down the taste

Possessing a lover can be a feeling so addictive
and I've never know a lust like this
 Aug 2021
i’m still heartbroken,
lost without the person i turned to when my world was upside down.
but you proved that you stopped caring,
just like everyone else before you.
i know i am difficult,
a mess that’s so broken you kept getting cut on the pieces.
you promised me you would be there through thick and thin,
but now here i am becoming a narcissist writing about the pain you’ve caused.
 Aug 2021
It's like when you hear a song playing on gas station speakers at 1:30 in the morning and you swear you know it even though it is as foreign as wearing your left shoe on your right foot

It's like starting over a game to see if you get a new ending or find a new easter egg except you haven't started over and you're still staring at the credits

It's like being on a plane for your first flight and having the engine give out when you've just left the runway and never flying again

It's like holding onto a candlestick while burning liquid wax spills over scalding each of your fingers but the fame is too beautiful to put out

It's like being neck deep in the ocean with the spray coating your face and being unable to discern if the salt you taste on your lips is from your own tears or the waves threatening to drown you

It's like always falling asleep before sunset and never seeing the moon making you believe she was never real in the first place and everyone just wants you to look foolish
It's like writing notes telling your life story and putting them in code and actually meeting someone who has not only cracked your code but also writes you back

[Insert well-dressed penguin here]
 Aug 2021
I hate it when I don't get to be the cat.
 Aug 2021
I feel like my heart is breaking more than it ever has
And I'm afraid somehow I'll forget you
And I won't be able to fix it
And I don't know how to fix this
I was so foolish
But I don't want a do over
Because then it will really be over
Or it won't have ever started
Is it really better to have loved and lost
How many breaks can a heart take
Shattering shouldn't be a repeatable phenomenon
But with you it is
Everything with you destroys me
I am utterly demolished
And it is so lovely to be wrecked by you
I just hope you never stop bringing me pain
Because the day I stop hurting
Will be the day I know I've died
Idk man. This is just getting more insane and I don't know how to handle it/I'm terrified of mishandling it.
 Aug 2021
This is the other me
        The fake me
                The real me
                        The screaming
                The crying
        The Chain Smoking Cigarettes so I can Hurry Up Dying

Bitterly Hopeless
Sweetly Toxic

Maybe if I stare enough
You'll finally   u n l o c k   it
The secret I've buried
The one that I wish I had never seen
The secret I've carried
I spill my veins on the floor,   u n c l e a n
Hoping my insides Drown Me
Praying you forgot the key
Because you know what I know
The lie that I told
It's Rotted And Empty
Hollow like my head could be
So hurry, run, go
Before you understand

The Worst Part
           None of it was real
I'm just
           Me  .
Reality is a *****.

God, WickedHope was such a cu nt.
 Jul 2021
All is fair in love and war
Was full of it

Because how can something that burns so quickly and leaves charred corpses in it's wake be fair
How can something that uproots the lives of many while leaving the lives of those adjacent fine
It is wholly unfair fall victim merely for being in the wrong place or time

Battlefields consume souls
No matter their varied geography
The path is always the same
Destruction can not be avoided nor cheated
Like Sister Death, both lie in wait
Lurking and prowling to devour the unfortunate ones
Praying for fairness that doesn't exist
 Feb 2021
Whisper to me without words
Give me an eternity in an instant
Show me a new galaxy in a glance
Dazzling constellations contained in your eyes
Like a nebula, exploding, expanding with each moment we share
Kaleidoscope colors
Glistening and changing at a pace that feels like fireworks
But looks like stars
Stare into my soul with those hazel-green eyes
For my husband. I miss you so infinitely that I do not have words to describe the emptiness that is where you belong.
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