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 May 2014
I'm sorry for being so quiet the first time we met. Truth is that in my head, I couldn't stop writing poems about your eyes.
2. I still dream about your hands.
3. I can't stop playing with matches now. I remember how much you loved fire.
4. I can still taste you on my lips.
5. How could you walk away so easily? You can't tell me it wasn't real. [delete]
6. I love you understand?
7. There's a guy in my English class with the same colored eyes as you.
8. I've tried loving anyone with your accent. None of them say my name the way you do.
9. I can't sleep anymore. I keep waiting for you to wish me goodnight.
10. I miss you.
11. The moon is full and beautiful tonight and I can't stop thinking of you.
12. Will you come count the stars with me?
13. Remember when you complimented my poems? I wonder if you knew that they were all about you.
14. Are you thinking of me, too?
15. You always said you were addicted to me. Tell me, are you going through withdrawals?
 May 2014
Amber S
1 text in,
i hate the way my heart squeezes,
the way i see your eyes crashing into

2 texts in,
i will away the urge to call you up
make you believe i’m some ***** you
always wanted me to be.

3 texts in,
i fall asleep with the thought of you,
a you i’ve made up.
we were just like this text messages.

deleted too easily.
 May 2014
2:30 AM
How are you?
I miss you
I hope you're doing fine
I'm a lost cause without you
Darling, don't leave
I'm sorry
One more chance?
I love you

 May 2014
are you doing well? i hope you are.

christmas is coming up. all i really wanted was to spend it with you.

it's becoming increasingly difficult to rest without your soft breaths to lull me to sleep.

every single poem i've written in the last two months has been about you.

i hear your laugh in mine, sometimes.

your voice is the only thing that occupies my mind now. you've taken me over completely.

i'm not sure if you broke my heart or if i broke my own heart by letting you in.

do you write about me like you used to?

remember when we watched the great gatsby together? i still look at you like gatsby looked at daisy.

you mean everything to me. you always have.

i hate that i can't stop loving you. why was it so easy for you to stop loving me?

you are my augustus waters.

in the famous words of kate moss: "you're in my veins, you ****."

i am always wanting to start a conversation with you, but never knowing how to start it.

i think i love you more than i did before. i'm sorry it took us to separate for me to realize that.

i am in tears while writing this. it seems that whenever i think about you my eyes betray me.

i am still trying to figure out where we went wrong.

i had expected to feel bitter after you left. all i feel is nostalgic.

despite everything, i honestly hope you are happy.

i think i'll always get butterflies when i think about our first kiss. i'll always get butterflies
when i think about you, and what we used to have.
 May 2014
I hope you still watch the sunset without me [delete]

I hope you still remember to take your meds without me [delete]

I know you're colorblind and the bracelet I made you just looked black and white but you said it was beautiful anyways [delete]

I bet no one names constellations for you anymore [delete]

I still love you [delete]

the bottle of ***** above my kitchen sink is calling my name and you're no longer here to silence it [delete]

can you comeee findr me? Im drunk on your roaad and I neerd youi [delete]

I haven't brushed my hair since we last spoke, maybe your last "I love you" is still tangled in there [delete]

sometimes I tell people about you and they tell me how horrible you are but I still itch to tell them about the stars in your eyes [delete]

my mother washed my sheets and they don't smell like you anymore, I can't sleep [delete]

I hope even though we don't talk anymore that you notice how bad my dark circles have gotten [delete]

when you tried to talk to me last week I felt like throwing up [delete]

I hope you feel guilty [delete]

it's like drowning but I just won't ******* die [delete]

I've met someone new but I can't even try with him because of you [delete]

I will never trust again because of you [delete]

I don't want to breathe anymore [delete]
 May 2014
i miss you more than you think.

i haven't smiled in a while, but when i think about you i do.

you left your sweater here. i wear it to bed sometimes. do you want it back? [it still smells like you.]

i still remember how your favorite color was the sky right before sunset.

you said you loved me, what happened?

i'm still so sorry. i didn't mean to push you away.

please just hear me out. let me explain.

i left my beanie at your house. i know it was your favorite. can i come get it?

i wish you knew how i still felt about you.

i hope you haven't moved on, because i sure haven't.

i listened to real friends today, i remember when you made me listen to them. all i could think of was you.

do i still mean anything to you?

god i wish you knew how often i think about your eyes. i still think they resemble forest trees.

it's been two months. i'm still torn up.

i have spent so many night cuddling up to my pillow wishing it was you.

i can't think straight because i keep thinking about what you're doing right now.

do you still think about me?

i didn't know my heart could shatter over and over until i met you.
we could've been in love. i'm so sorry.

is this still affecting you as much as it is me?
 May 2014
Fenix Flight
I miss you, I miss the friend I once had in you. {Deleted, never sent}

I heard our song today, the one I Danced my solo to. {Deleted, never sent}

I was looking at my mothers pictures and came across our prom picture. {Deleted, never sent}

I was looking through my sisters room and found your old old navy shirt, it still smells like you. {Deleted , never sent}

I really miss going to your family christmas parties, I felt so accepted there. {Deleted, never sent}

Did you know I still hold on to the necklace you gave me? {Deleted never sent}

Did you know I still sleep with the tiger you gave me every once in a while? {Deleted, never sent}

Hey it's me again, Thanks for giving me your black sweatshirt its so cold here in the winter and your sweatshirt is so warm. {Deleted, never sent}

Do you ever think about me? Think about the friends we use to be? {deleted, never sent}

Will we ever be friends again? *{Deleted, never sent}
this is to my ex, I am very happy with my Fiance,
and although I dont wish to get back together with my ex
I still miss him becuase we were best friends before we started dating
and I miss that friendship
 May 2014
You told me that if I was going to hate myself... I had to hate you too. I couldn't do that. What did you mean?

Hey! I can't get your smell out of my mouth. Your taste is in my nose. Oh wait.. that's backwards.

You hate whenever I drink, so I just want you to know that I'm drunk.

I just took 27 pills; I love you.
 May 2014
did she make a home in the spaces between your ribs too?

2. i have still have your sweatshirt. it doesnt smell like you anymore. its okay though, i smell it every time i dream.

3. i miss looking in your eyes and seeing the galaxy.

4. they say you get a new layer of skin every 7 years and i cant wait to have skin you havent touched.

5. i miss you. i ******* hate you but i miss you.

6. i still have bruises, they just arent surface level anymore.

7. do you ever think of me anymore? today i saw a sweater that i'd know you'd love. i wonder if its the same for you.

8. i hope someone hurts you like you hurt me. karma is a ***** after all

9. you're so broken but so am i. we could of took our pain and made it into something beautiful, a mosaic of brokeness.

10. today i smiled and my eyes smiled too and its the beginning of finally moving on from you.
 May 2014
Breanna Legleiter
I still love you
I want this to work
you make me so angry
I can't live without you
I want to punch you in the face
why did you do this to me?
what did I do to deserve this?
come back to me
 May 2014
kyla marie
I can't believe how amazing you are. You're the only person who's made me feel this special in a long time [delete]

are you sure you just want to be 'friends', I think I'm in love with you [delete]

can I have a goodbye kiss? I love your kisses, they taste like summer [delete]

I wish you would just say "Hi" to me in the hallways [delete]

that girl you always walk with is beautiful, I can understand why you didn't want me [delete]

when you told me I was beautiful and **** and all you would ever want, was that all a lie too? [delete]

I got a mosquito bite today and it reminded me of when we slept outside and were attacked by them [delete]

it smells like the nights we spent together [delete]

one, two, three...I've lost count of how many drinks are for you [delete]

I wish you thought about me as much as I think of you [delete]

why are your words stuck in my head [delete]

I was naive and young, I'm sorry I actually thought you loved me [delete]

it's been months since the summer nights we spent together. please tell me you miss me. [delete]

my chest hurts. my heart aches. everything about you from the way your lips tasted to how I got chills down my spine from just one touch makes me want to explode [delete]

the blood running down my wrist contains the words you said but never meant [delete]

— The End —