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 Dec 2017
when people step back
don't call them
They step back
only to give
a better jump..
 Dec 2017
Lim Peh
Me Myself and I.
I, My, Me.
They say we are the average of the five people around us.
Yet three of them are We.
But why do I still put others before I put Me?
 Dec 2017
You rain with glitter
You are made of gold
You are far too precious
To exist in this world
Only to be sold*

You touch everything
The way your mom had taught you to:
With delicate hands and a mouth made
For soundness

You are yours
And yours only
Do not let them touch you
And pull your soul out
Of its porcelain cage

You are yours,
You will always be
you are not anyone's. don't ever make anyone try to put up a flag on you and declare they're yours
 Dec 2017
You can't keep going on forever like this
You know who you are
and you know what I mean
You've tried to hide it
You've tried to fight it
You've tried to run away from it all
But despite everything you've tried
You. Still. Hear. Their. Call.
The voice in your head
that says you should drop dead.
That little devil on your shoulder
that makes your heart grow a little colder.

This isn't the way to live
No not in the least!
Aren't you tired of fearing for your life
From this dreaded beast?

Stand firm and tall
Put down your arms and lay down your shield
Slow down my friend. It's time to yield.
This fight, you can not hope to win alone.
It's as useful as bashing ice chips on stone.

It's time to ask for help
It's time you told them what you need
It's time you took the time to help yourself, not out of selfish greed.
It's time my friend. To start feeling free.

Don't you dare say later.
Not eventually.
Don't you dare...end up like
 Dec 2017
i fall in a way
day to day
to the words
i fail to say

you are silent
but my dear
in heart, the words you say
i can vividly hear
all these quiet moments between us, i treasure so.
 Dec 2017
They're the ones you call
your brothers and sisters of your heart
that when people see you
they can't tear you apart.

They're the ones you call
through your best times
and through your worst
they're the ones
that's been with you
through it all.

They're the ones that have a clear shot at your back
and you sit there wondering when it'll come
that fatal blow, that vengeful attack
but just as true friends do
they'll slap you in the face
to make you wake up
to see what is true.

They'll say what needs to be said
be it words of comfort for the soul
or a harsh reality that needed to be told.

Good friends
are good for the soul
take heed good advice
lest you pay the toll.
 Dec 2017
Three angels came to greet me,
They said they seek for a friend to be,
First is the Angel of Death,
whom I befriended with,
Now my soul would be reaped with care,
Second is the Angel of Sorrow,
whom I befriended with,
To accompany me on a blue day,
Third is the Angel of Love,
whom I befriended with not,
For love only hurt,So I wouldn't dare.
Love hurts.A lot.
 Dec 2017
A heart that is gold may hold
But a heart that is clear shows fear
For everything inside is displayed to show
How much I’ve been feeling so horridly low

A heart may be there
But not in despair
And calling it weak
Or empty and bleak

Does nothing for you
And they haven’t a clue
To which it feels
To have your hopes slowly peeled
Off the bone and skin
So take your complaints to the garbage bin

I’m not being petty, or stupid and naive
But problems will fall like the brown autumn leaves
And now they are blackened and rot and decay
And I want the sun blotted out and to go far far away

My heart is in tears, but I need not express
For a suffering fool does his part to best
When he admits quietly and with wise dignity
So do shut up and come back when you see
That this is no exaggeration
Merely a human’s limitation
To how far emotions can go
Yet you still whine, “SO?!”

I’m done with today, I want to black out
And I can’t do so much as emit one quick shout
Because a suffering fool admits it quietly
When his one true love is shredded before he.
Heartbreak is a b*tch.
 Dec 2017
All this time
You tried to knock me
off my feet
Onto my knees
but you only taught me
how to stand
and rise again
against you

All this time
You tried to silence
my voice
and my power
but you only showed me
how powerful my voice is

All this time you tried to
brainwash me
with your words
but you’ve made me
a forward independent thinker
because I know your tactics

All this time
you’ve wrecked my life
burned my bridges
tore apart my home
I was getting stronger
rising from the ashes

After all this time
I’ve realized
You don’t hate me
You’re afraid of me
and of what I’ve become
It’s been a rough year, but I can feel a revolution coming on. Trying to take triump in tribulation:)
December 25th~han
 Dec 2017
They say being different makes us unique
But when our skin is different we become incomplete
If we are born to that of a race that is to dark
And not white
We become outcast
I'm not being racist but why is it that being black
Is looked down upon
Growing up id feel the constant stares the hate filled looks
Being a little kid i didnt understand
Just miss understood
I never knew what i consider my beauty others consider my flaw
Because i'm not like them i had to fight each day
Because i'm not white
I had to worry about being shot
Or getting killed by the cops
I'm not saying this because i'm black
And i may seem racist but i'm stating facts
I'm am a person of colour but why does my colour define me
My skin is just a part of me like colour on a canvas there's a bigger picture
I am not the colour of my skin
I'm me
And why is that so hard to understand
When did our value become our skin
If i'm black and they are white
Why am i treated like i've got no right
The colour i am isn't me
Why does no one understand
To be seen as something other than right
I'm human not paper
Dipped in the wrong colour
but black isn't a colour its a shade
so what am i if not just human
I don't want to be name called and looked down upon
Have my colour become an insult
And hate myself because i'm
Not white
im not saying this because im racist ive just had so many people exclaim
oh your black
like it was out of the ordinary and people stare at me constantly on the street its weird suddenly being screamed at because of your skin
 Dec 2017
She Writes
If I could wake up tomorrow
And be someone new
I’d hope to be someone
That didn’t care about you

A person who wakes up
And smiles at the sun
Not a recluse
That hides from fun

Someone who looks in the mirror
And values themself
Not insecure
Loathing herself

I wish to be someone
Free as a bird
Not someone who cares
What others have heard

But when I wake up
I will still be me
Hoping and wishing
One day I’ll be free
 Dec 2017
Let me tell you a story
of a young woman
winsome and wise

Once a small flower
bloomed into something
more beautiful than a whole garden

Someone who gives joy
in a world with so much

A hidden diamond
exquisite and rare
treated more precious than jewelry

Once a blank paper
tainted with love
by her one and only

A daughter and a sister,
a friend and a lover,
and will soon be a mother

This is the story
of a young woman
winsome and wise,
special and loved.
Happy Birthday to my cousin!
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