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 Dec 2017
Cry myself to sleep
You aren't here anymore
Loneliness sinks
And strikes me right to the core

Our love was forbidden
And the world kept us apart
But I’ll forever keep your secrets
On every page of my heart

Hate that you came home too late
And yes I waited too long
So now I stare at  old text
And replay your voice like a song
 Dec 2017
Star BG
And I shall mix
my true feelings
with creative words
inside poetic vat of mind.
Churning carefully with spoon like pen
until its flavor is just right.
Blending words together
until they make a splendid porridge for eyes.

Sometimes it shall be hot
with dark words that strike
with spice-like tones perhaps to burn eyes.  

Other times,
with passionate waves of love
that sooth and provides blanket of light.  

And when mixture is emptied
upon vellum tablecloth,
I will take a stroll in breath
before once again
I’m inside the kitchen of my mind.

So do come to my table of verse
and taste it to fuel your heart.
It’s not fattening and I offer it freely
welcoming your company.
inspired by Rye Singh Thank you
 Dec 2017
Leah Oviedo
Walk to the edge of the forest, take off your shoes.
Let your feet dance on the earth, toes squiggly in rich, fertile soil.
Place your hands on a tree and feel life flowing through you both.
Walk through the cool, dark forest to the meadow, glistening in rays of sunshine, feel the warmth.
Lay in the grass, admire flowers, whistle with birds, make friends with bees.
See, feel, taste and smell what the concrete is foolishly trying to keep out.
Connect with your old mother, protect her as she has protected your ancestors.
Remember how you were created by her nurturing grace.
This is a work in progress. I want to make it longer, with more rhythm and a well rounded story
 Dec 2017
Amber Jacobs
If I told you about my past
Would you believe me
If I told you all the careless **** I’ve done
Would you judge me

Would you know I hide behind pain
Trying to mask behind the shame
The emptiness, the guilt
Its hard to tear down this wall I’ve built

How do you erase a memory
Close your eyes and it’s all you see
Nothing will ease this hate in me
Because I let you be free
 Dec 2017
chloe fleming
You can't love a poet.
Even though, you feel flattered by my witty one liners,
And my charming stanzas, you can't love a poet.
I will write the good and the bad and you won't like it.
You won't like my version of the fight
And you'll like my metaphors even less.
It will drive you crazy and you will tell your friends,
"She's obsessed".
I can't help the memories that stick like glue, imprinted on my brain
And I can't stop feeling the words exchanged 3 Sunday's ago that you forgot as soon as they left your mouth.
I will relive and reread until the end of my days and inevitably you will leave,
because you can't love a poet.
You can't love someone who will publish your intimacy and print your passion.
 Dec 2017
maybe I've been caring
     more than I should
     that's why I'm hurting
     more than I should
yep.. always more than I should..
 Dec 2017

There’s no two...
And a million numbers more.

It’s just me
In a blank story.

I’m the protagonist,
and the supporting characters.

I’m the hater,
The lover,
And the troubled.

I’m just another figure,
In another chapter,
Of the same story.
Thank you for supporting my first poem! Here’s one that I wrote while I was always...
 Dec 2017
Watch myself into the broken mirror,
thounsand reflections of my face,
and all of them are fail.
Their eye's are open,
but still I'm not awake.

I drown myself in tears,
sink down where no one can hear,
seeking for the light and hope,
they all remain silent.

I buried myself into the sand,
sand of the time which drift away,
reaching for the edge of this life,
it cuts, it's hurting me.

As I walk through with,
discolored tunnel vision.
Crippled by sorrow,
I wish I never existed.
So incompleted, so empty.
refill me with life,
beacuse I only know how to die.
Nobody needs me, neither do I

— The End —