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 Mar 2016
Chloe Zafonte
They say that the past is in the past, what they say is true but it never exactly fades for you. You don't do what you want when the voice of the person who brought you down lingers in your brain, as you still hear the angry footsteps stomping up the stairs even when you know they're no longer there. That rechid angry face still lingers your mind, you expect a harsh word or strike from anyone so kind, you learn to rely on yourself, you know that no one will show compassion, believe you or lift a finger to help. You close yourself off from the world feeling rejected by society, you were told that you were worthless
It hurts just as worse when they cut your skin while shirtless. Try and make your life at ease, grow older, step out of your comfort zone because you're the one to please.
 Mar 2016
Chloe Zafonte
Someone you've known for over a year
Can easily stab you in the back without warning, while someone you met last month may not do  such a thing so be warned, time means nothing to a cold soul.
Last year I took someone out of the "friend zone" to realize he wasn't worth a single conversation after nine months of dating while someone I met last month has been treating me better.
 Mar 2016
Life is like ***
When i get down on my knees
It is not to pray
 Mar 2016
Andie May ostrander
"Its very easy to put up with you, because your so damb wonderful."
I've never let words make up my worth,
what some people say, even if it hurts.
But, the way you speak makes me want to be,
to some how live up to the way you think of me.
I've fallen for your eyes, but they barley know me yet.
Don't these feelings you forget,
I'm in love tonight.
Your heart is what I want,
because mines yours to keep.
As long as you care,
I know I'm safe in your reach.
God I'm in love tonight.
With all these words that I write,
I value yours over mine.
So if these words you do forget,
I promise you I wont regret all the time that we have spent.
I've fallen for the look inside of your eyes,
I hope you find a home in mine.
I'm still falling for you yet,
God I'm in love tonight.
"Its very easy to put up with you because your so damb wonderful."
No I've never let words make up my worth,
But, I've fallen for the rest of my life,
I can see in your eyes.....
WOW, my first love poem.....Do you like it?....So yeah the ever so dark Andie, has fallen in love with someone...its scary to think that someone can effect me and my life so easily.....I just want to put it out their that this is not in any way me saying oh, now that I love someone even if they say im worthless I think I, if he ever did that yeah it would hurt but, I know its not only saying someone that I love who is not my mother, thinks that Im as wonderful as I think they are, and its going to make me open up more, wish me luck!
 Feb 2016
Ann M Johnson
Too many choices it makes it tough to choose
Don't want to make the wrong move in the game of political chess
We the people are the ones who have the most to lose in the political games
Regardless of the candidate's name
There every decision impacts us in some way
It will be that time of the year soon to be bombarded with seemly endless campaign Ads
I hate the negative ads that seem to  list a litany of their opponents sins
it does not even have to be true for them to publish them
They seem to have a desperate theme as they seem to scream, vote for me
I wish the politicians would have more Soul instead of cutting someone else down to get ahead in the polls
I wish they would display more compassion
I wish they had a poet's passion
I wish their words were more like Lincoln
I wish their speeches had more distinction
I wish they would more accurately represent the people, they are supposed to represent ( not everyone is a doctor or lawyer or a business major).
Perhaps it's time for a new political flavor ( politics can sure leave a bad taste in your mouth)
Do you see a blue collar worker or poor politician in office?
I wish I could vote for you fellow Poets
Poets wear their emotions on their sleeve
Poets should be less likely to deceive
I believe in you poet friends
On my next voting ballot, should I write you in?

Edit poem
 Feb 2016
Andie May ostrander
dear my heart is what I'm afraid of
Because I finally feel like I'm enough.
How have you captured me so easily
How did you make me fall in love
Love is what I am afraid of
in all its vulnerability
How easily you could brake me
And then still make me fall in love
Dear my heart is what I am afraid of
because in your hands it rests
Because you can care for it so easily
or make me feel like second best
 Feb 2016
Andie May ostrander
really how sweet is the rose that ****** one to many times?
You know the one that wilts but never dies
thinking its over you go to see if its all rite
but how sweet is the rose that makes you cry
bring her some flowers
act like you love her
see if she wants to get back together
you've pricked her small finger
still her heart lingers
because what is a rose without its thorns
She reverts back to the written not spoken to speak
because to her feelings she hides them to keep
just to keep you around and to see your bright eyes
but how sweet is the rose that only ****** and never dies?
The moon peeps out and she's just about home,
the day was so long without her,
on the phone, she'd said, 'soon',
but that was ages ago.

I watch the clock watching me
watch the clock and
she'll be
home soon.

She might blow away
she's so light and
it's windy,
it was windy earlier today
I didn't worry then
wasn't waiting then
when she was
you know.

Watching the watch
clocking the clock watching the clock clocking me,
she'll be home soon
the moon winks
the key in the lock turns and
I blink
my eyes.
 Feb 2016
Marshall CB Hiatt
The world isn't as you know it,
Everything is a lie.
Nothing has substantiality,
And everything is subjective,
And nothing is ever right.

We distract ourselves with the little things,
And don't see what's going on.
We play our little games,
And **** like it has meaning,
We pretend that nothing is wrong.

We don't see behind the scenes,
In fact nobody really does.
We fight these wars,
We **** these people,
And will ourselves to shed blood.

And no, I don't have the answers,
I don't think anyone does.
But I do know that if
We keep going like this,
The world will end just cause.
You tools. We're all just ******* puppets. Happy idiots who don't know **** and don't do ****.
**** I wish God would talk to me. Tell me the answers.
 Feb 2016
Luna Lynn
to grieve the loss of someone alive
makes me wish i were dead
facing fears we once faced together
i face alone instead
the unthinkable had to happen
though it'd been a long time coming
now the dust has settled
i'm no longer left wandering
i couldn't say goodbye
i couldn't even look at your face
the hole left in my chest
is such a hollow space
it was the opening of a door
that was meant for my way out
the one i had refused to open
i'm now being pushed out

i've seen four stages of grief
up until this moment
and now the only one left is
it isn't any less hurtful than the other four
and i've return like a stray
staring at the door

but it's not to be opened anymore.
(C) Maxwell 2016
 Feb 2016
Tommy Jackson
I wanna Drive on
To Canada to see the high top views
I wanna escape to Mexico
For the deserts cue.
Wanna take a cruise
To the Bay's of the middle East
I wanna fly to asia
Have a  good Chinese feast.
I wanna travel while getting older
Not getting older
While travelling.
Wanna be young in heart
And spirit. Let the brain do some unravelling.
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