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 May 2014
Twinkle, twinkle you were right beside me
When I blink, there's no you that I see
I never expect nor I didn't see this coming around
Because all I know is we were happy, safe and sound

Run, run, run, as I shout your name
Thinking you're hiding and this is just a game
But then I found you, do you feel a little shame?
Even the sky cry hard as it started to rain

It feels like you stabbed my heart with an invisible knife
It might not bleed, but it hurts the same way
And I don't know if I can go on with this life
You left me hanging without a word to say

But then I woke up at 2am
I realized I should listen to them
You're not the guy to cry every night
I deserve better and I know this is right

All those I love you's, forever and always
Are now become words that just go to waste
But still I want you not to forget those little things
And the girl who loves the fading sound of strummed guitar strings.
Sometimes, even if it's over, you still dont want to be forgotten by that someone. Even if it hurts you, you still think of all the good memories you shared.

This is an old poem. I used a lot of song titles or lyrics if you noticed. I do love music :D
 May 2014
Pride, personified, Satan.
Lucifer's pride his desire to compete with God
his fall from Heaven, and his resultant transformation into Satan.

Pride personified, but what of us, the humans,not Angels
What pride are we guilty of?
The original and most deadly of the seven.

The original and most serious of the seven deadly sins,
the source of the others
Pride is sometimes viewed as excessive or as a vice.

Pride, Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbour", but
Pride involves exhilarated pleasure and a feeling of accomplishment.

What accomplishment?
That one is better than others?
Our social and economic standing?

Our supercilious ego's?
A better house? The pride that comes with snobbery?
Our arrogance at believing in only ourselves?

Yet, through negativity,positivity can come of pride,
results from satisfaction with meeting personal goals;
Family, friends, education.

Amplified and multiplied, pride
takes a satisfied place in all our hearts.
A complex secondary emotion.

The first and strongest emotion being love
Love cannot be prideful
Yet, pride comes before a fall.

And we as humans fall in love

One definition of pride in the first sense comes from St. Augustine: "the love of one's own excellence".In this sense, the opposite of pride is either humility or guilt.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Secret Of The Soul

Im opening up a window
In the center of my soul
So all the world can finally see
This secret that I hold

This secret that I share with you
Is precious to my heart
Hidden for so very long
That I dont know where to start

My secret tells a story
Of two soul's lost in time
And of a love that has been found
Between your heart and mine

A secret life of loving you
Hiding feeling deep inside
While knowing what I wanted most
Was to have you by my side

As tender mercy turns the page
I  know now  it is time
I will spend my future in your arms
And start a brand new life

So im openimg up a window
In the center of my soul
So all the world can finally see
This secret that I hold

Carl Joseph Roberts
This poem was written with the help and encouragement of Mike Hauser. He tried to break me out of my sappy love poems but apparently I am just a helpless romantic and fell back into my sure and true Little changes Mike little changes and I break out in about one in ten poems. Also Bob Browning contributed a few changes in lines to make this more smooth. This is  what I call asking for help and receiving it when you have a block and need a push. Great thanks to Mike and Bob for this help.
 May 2014
Hate not blood course through my veins
I want to laugh in your face, when you feel the pain
My fury is my story not yours to tell
Mine to yell, demonstrate, remonstrate
Wrath, in its purest form, presents with self-destructiveness, violence, and hate that provokes feuds that go on for centuries.
Wrath persists long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. But, wrath is mine to feel, to touch, to taste.
Feelings of anger impatience, revenge, and lividity.
Wrath is allowing my revenge, call it self-destructive, call it
bad behaviour, my sin of wrath is directed internally toward me.
Suicide, deemed as the ultimate, albeit tragic, expression of hatred directed inwardly, a final rejection of God's gifts.
But,you made me angry so it's you I reject.
When cold tempered steel,
meets hot vengeful blood
Dante described vengeance as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite". In its original form, the sin of wrath also encompassed anger pointed internally as well as externally.
 May 2014
i want to kiss her. not because i want to feel the softness of her fair lips or the warmth of her breath as she exhales against me. i want to kiss her because i can’t think of any other way to fully express the beauty that she is. i want her to know that i see her as perfect. that she is perfect.
- bzq
 May 2014
I crave the way you touch me with your lips and the way your fingers float across my hips.
 I crave the way your legs go in between mine and the way your smile gives me butterflies inside.
 I crave hearing your voice the way you say I love you and I crave falling asleep feeling safe and sound next to you.
- bzq
Daylong I bemoan justice denied to me
Till breaking through my nightly peace
They gather around me seeking justice.

In someone’s eyes I sculpted a rain
In someone’s life a desert
In someone’s loss I found my gain
Broke someone’s delicate heart!

On someone’s face etched a dark shadow
A scar in someone’s mind
From someone’s face stole moon’s glow
In the dark left someone behind!

They surround me breaking night’s peace
Each someone I hurt on the way
My wrongs' phantoms come for justice
From the ruins of the gone by day!
 May 2014
When did sorry become throwaway?
When did remorse become a game to play?
When did I become an adult?
When did I lock myself in a vault?

When did life become so serious?
When did life become so meaningless?
When did you and I last cry?
When did we both ask why?

When did we re-evaluate our pain?
When did we measure our gain?
When did you and I remain,
Together,  forever, in emotion and shame?
 May 2014
They always thought that it was my last choice
I want to tell them no, but it seems like I don't have a voice
They told me that I'll grow up not having one
That I'll get my dream job, finish my studies, read all the novels and still in the line.

It's not my intention to give them motive
But they said that I'm always busy about my priority
What they don't know is I am searching too
Looking for someone that will love me like what others do.

I also wanted to be wanted
Sometimes I have this feeling of being haunted
I aw always dreaming for someone who can hold me
I am always praying for a fairy tale.

In my daydream I am always longing for a Prince Charming
No matter how busy I am in my priorities,
I'm still looking forward in the time when the GREEN LIGHT STOPS
The time that I can GO.
Usually in the traffic light, GREEN LIGHT is the sign for GO. And this poem is about waiting for that moment, PATIENTLY WAITING WHEN THE GREEN LIGHT STOPS, the moment WHEN I CAN GO.
 May 2014
The Unspoken
My spectacular scene in this life.
Feels like am losing my mind, or you are ******* it instead.
Right from the day you said you liked me...
After your pals told me you had observed me from a distance...
Day after Day...
I simply cant get less of you.

I don't know the new charm you have on me, but it is divine.I swore never to let me fall for anyone after Beth,
But how you do it, I have no idea.
Just the simplest of all I have ever met, known.
Held onto the ground, steady.
The melody...
The care...The support.
How you speak sense to my lost self
Ever insistingly pointing me to the right path.
Your touch when am angry that just calms me.

Mam'...I may not know how to say this face to face now...
But each morning I wake, I wish...that you will make me YOURS
Coz there is no one else I'd rather belong to.*

©The Unspoken
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