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 Jan 2016
"Tell you this I am a failure but I still remain faithful so, to those who give up just know this get up and try cuz you never know that at the same time you are failing but at the sametime your opportunity is right there hiding where the failing is landing."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
Sweat drips down my face,
as I run and confront my thoughts.
I come to a realization of how I
shouldn't overthink things.
Chasing my own thoughts,
when they should be chasing me.
Creating problems in my mind
when I should be free.
but I'm past it now and have found
a way to deal with it.
So when the time comes I can fix
anything that may be broken.
Because isn't that the purpose
of being the best you.
understanding and helping others
is what everyone needs to do.
I was running today and got a real calm feeling this basically that. I realized sometimes I'm more selfish than I think and that I need understand others more.
 Jan 2016
drowning in caffeine
breathing the nicotine
my blood cant circulate - your love will stimulate.
the ****** of death in **** will simulate
your touch , my need
as we spiral in to sin

separation , depression , paranoia
anxiety - the absence of my sleep
aggression , desperation
toxicity - of a drama we are in
discoloration - i can't control the spin

screams - muted by bitter pills
our dreams - induced by the  acid
capsuled lives - longing self destruction
your embrace - disconnection
release me from what is real

obsession - for what we cannot fix
frustration - for what we can't control
memories - of what we used to be
delusions - of what we could have been
isolation - thoughts of being free
now voices dictate what i should feel
digging through my skin - opening the wounds
put your fingers in

remembering the days when we held
an illusion no drugs could replicate
i can't forget.
exchanging promises of never letting go
was it all in my head?
i can't escape the hole.
i walk the road alone.
 Jan 2016
Eunice Moral
Years now I still collect the shells of the bullets
from the gun you used to fire directly at my heart.
Wearing them around my neck,
- a reminder of how I have survived all
the breaking.
 Jan 2016
and so, just like that, you were all of me,
every part of my soul's anatomy
 Jan 2016
if i died
you wouldn't cry
you'd be sad
but it wouldn't be that bad
maybe you'd tear a bit
then instantly realize it's not worth it
you'd turn your head then walk away
because i was never worth the stay
cliché af.
comes from
the reconciliation

if you're seeking peace
reconcile first
your heart and mind
 Jan 2016
I Just Want To Sink
Into Oblivion..
To Stop These Tidal Waves Of Pain.
I'm Tired Of Feelings.
I'm Tired Of The Way
Everyone Makes Me
I Just Want To Be Done.
I'm Tired Of This Life.
I'm Tired Of Breathing.
&& I'm Tired Of Living.
I'm Just So Tired Of Being Tired.
Lord Help Me...
Before Its Too Late.
I'm hurting so bad right now. And noone knows. And noone cares.
 Jan 2016
Victoria Garcia
I can kick and scream
at the top of my lungs
but nothing will make you ever hear me
 Jan 2016
Lillian Harris
I cannot let myself
Be consumed by you
I am weak enough
Without taking
Your wounds
And making them
My own

Please know
That I will
Love you still,
But I cannot be
The nerve endings
To your
Spinal cord
Your pain has become mine.
 Jan 2016
The World Is Filled With Chaos.
Or Rather People Who Create It.
Filling The World With Their Lies,
And Pointless Sayings.
Breaking Hearts,
And Starting Wars.
On And Off The Battlefield
Until Our Body Is Broken,
And Our Soul Is Bruised.
When Will We Realize That All Wars Are Not Worth Fighting?
Sometimes It Is Better To Give Up
When The Person You're Trying To Save
Doesn't Want To Be Saved.
So Instead You Try To Save Yourself
From The World Of Dark Thoughts
But That Places You Right At The Beginning.
And No Matter How Much You Try To Change It,
You Are Stuck In The Cycle Of Life.
This is for what my best friend/fill-in mom are going through
 Jan 2016
The things we know do not surprise,
Because the things we know we’ve felt.
All the things we’ve saw with our eyes,
Were frozen ice truths about to melt.
But truths can make you go insane
When all you know is sanity.

You start to feel like an unmarked train
Or someone blind, who can not see.
But don’t believe, these are false hopes
Because the things you know are fake.
They confuse you more than you know you know
And breaks you just like an earthquake.
Just know sometimes in life you lose,
Because your battles you cannot pick and choose.
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