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 Jan 2016
I'm Bi.*
So What?
There I'm out!!
 Jan 2016
Who am I?
I am whatever they want
me to be.
Which means I'm me,
but not me.
A different version of me.
That is what I am,
but not the version I want to be.

One. The "Church Me".
Two. The "School Me".
Three. The "Work Me".
Four. The "Home Me".
Five. The "Real Me". Who is She?
These are the versions of me.

It's so hard to stop the bleeding
together of the versions of me.
The "Church Me" would never
accept the "Real Me".
The "Work Me" would cancel out
the "School Me".
And the "Home Me",
just doesn't fit.

There's too many versions.
Too many.
need to delete
the lies.
I need to
Delete, Delete, Delete, Delete
the versions of me.

Tell me.
What would happen if
one of the 'Me's' deleted was
The "Real Me"?

Who Would I Be?
 Jan 2016
Is The
Light Of
*The World.
 Jan 2016

It is easy
To say the
When you are alone.
But saying the
To your friends or family
Is as hard as over-baked cookies.

About myself, wants
To be free!
It wants someone to know.
The words want
To burst from my lips,
Like water breaking from a dam.
I'm so nervous. I won't let it.
Not because I'm afraid
They wouldn't understand.
They will. I know they will.
But saying the
Would make it

And I don't know,
If I'm ready for that.
The truth is out now, and I can't believe how much better I feel!!:)
 Jan 2016
Tick tock, tick tock.
Seconds go by.
Minutes, Hours, Days
Pass me by.
Feels like a lifetime has passed.
But, its only been 5 minutes.
Waiting for the bell to ring.
Waiting for the birds to sing.
Waiting until it´s my turn.
My turn to live my life.
 Jan 2016
Persephone Springs
I didn't fall in love with you on purpose
****, they don't call it falling in love for nothing
It's not called jumping in love
I mean, for purposes of accuracy, I didn't just go and fall in love with you
You tripped me
Everything was fine
Until you tripped me
Then I was falling
And just for a second
Before I collided face-first with reality
My God, we were flying
So no, I didn't fall in love with you on purpose
But it's no mistake that I haven't gotten up
 Jan 2016
JR Rhine
Frondescent coats shed
Stark limbs shivering idly
Til flurries arrive
A haiku for the first snow.
 Jan 2016
Jordan Rowan
She's never been known to talk too much
But she's not afraid to touch the ones she loves
She won't run away

She never has much to say
But when she does you don't look away
Or close your eyes
Yeah, she's a good girl
And she's been good to me

She says she's not afraid to die
But when she does, don't be afraid to cry
It's alright

She talks of life and what it means
Her voice is quiet and her words are clean
She's lost in a daydream
Yeah, she's a good girl
And she's been good to me

I wish I could always be
As good to her as she's been to me

But I get lost and stuck sometimes
And she's the furthest thing from my mind
It's sad to say
But ****, she's a good girl
And she's been good to me
 Jan 2016
erin walts
Everyone wants more of them  
So, their cells (and soul) begin to multiply
Once the death sets in
They are free
These are the ones that never survive
And suddenly everything they have ever created
Means more

If I could write like I am dying
I could write like I am free
But this is a lie
And nothing will suddenly
Mean more
 Jan 2016
Mike Hauser
Daddy somebody shot that man
I heard this eleven year old say
I didn't really understand at the time
I just knew a man was dead

But with the years that followed
I came to learn how much he meant
To this world in its great need
And how well that time was spent

He preached of equality he preached of peace
As he spoke of man as one
He marched his way down city streets
Facing adversity with the face of love

He was done with all the hatred
That fills so many lives
To him color was a vision
Of equality in his eyes

A life so young a life cut short
By the wicked in us all
Will you stand with me and follow him
Will you heed his righteous call

To call every man your brother
The way Martin Luther King Jr. did
To keep the vision of this visionary alive
A reality in which all mankind should live
I've run this the past couple years but this great man made such an impact on my life that it bears repeating.  We need more men like him today...a true hero! (Oh and I'm not back yet from my sabbatical, so don't tell anyone I was here...let's keep that our little secret)
 Jan 2016
I know you're strong.
A force to be embraced and not confined.
I can't grasp you,
You're too powerful.
But I can lay here with you and enjoy your fury.
I can wait for you to move me...

You are a hurricane
I feel your force and I know that you can cause damage.
I do not question your abilities, but I push your boundaries.
I want to hear you crash on my shore and pour down upon me.
Break me.
Don't hold back.
Show me what your made of.
 Jan 2016
The silence pierces my heart
The calmness tears me apart
numbness is getting over
To my declination I'm getting closer

Can feel the boiling tears in my eye
while the stuffed throat is dry
my tears are ready to flow
while heavy breath is getting slow

Crying in the darkness
can feel this numbness
hoping one day you'll call
and save me from this fall

Now life seems to be a burden
'To feel dead, you don't need to be one.'
that's what I've learn
from the "love" that I've spun (yarn)

'To say hello, one must say bye;
To live again, one must die'
with your thoughts I'll sleep
burry me somewhere deep.
P.S.- Hurting self to hurt you
          crying in order to feel you!
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