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 Sep 2016
Just Me
I know my only fear would be not being able to watch over my loved ones.

I'd be scared that they might need me.

I'd be afraid they never knew how much they ment to me.

I'd be worried that they wouldn't get along, and regret it.

I'd be terrified that they would go separate ways.

I would feel guilty that I didn't show them how to be truly happy.

I'd know I lived my life for them, but I wouldn't regret it for a second.

I wouldn't want to leave them, but I wouldn't want to burden them.

When I die. I pray that I didn't leave before they were ready...

When I die...

Please know that loving and caring for you, was why I lived.
 Aug 2016
**** a love poem
Or those love to **** poems
I don't care about my heart
Or the desires in my bones
This is neither of those.
I met a woman last night
With a laugh that sounded like spring,
Eyes that smiled when she blinked
And the allure of a goddess.
I've never known such charm
But ******* you made me come alive
And every single person there that evening
Felt the same way
 Aug 2016
Dexter Aondofaseer
i have repeatedly lied my way to the top.
I am nothing and I have nothing.
want nothing, have nothing they say.
I have wanted it all and I still have nothing .
I can make up events that never occurred and time itself will have to try to remember if she skipped such moments.
I am a blizzard of deceptions
with no plans to slow down anytime soon.
and the best part of it all,
I ENJOY being this, a fraud.
Futura free #blond to
 Aug 2016
Ann M Johnson
Life is a rollercoaster filled with many ups and downs.
Life is a rollercoaster it can sometimes be scary to be swept off the ground.
Life is a rollercoaster there are moments can sometimes be exciting.
Life is a rollercoaster there are moments where you get knocked off balance and feel sick.
Life is a rollercoaster sometimes all you can do is hang on for your dear life and scream.
Life is a rollercoaster sometimes you reach out for your dreams no matter unpractical they may seem.
Life is a rollercoaster filled with little loop de loops that spin you around and hurl you around in a different direction.
Life is a rollercoaster filled with chaotic moments that make us feel blue.
Life is a rollercoaster, I don't know about you but at times it seems for many the ride ends too quickly without enough time to say goodbye.
Life is a rollercoaster filled with heartache and moments that make us cry.
Life is a rollercoaster and it is best to just face it instead of trying to hide.
Life is a rollercoaster it is good to take a supportive hand as we round the next bend.
Life is a rollercoaster we have this moment today to try to live life to the fullest and remember that it is best enjoyed with our friends and family by our side.
Life is a rollercoaster I am grateful that I have this opportunity to ride this ride.
Life is a rollercoaster so I'll do my best to take bad moments in stride, and focus more on the good moments that are held within each new day if I just choose to look around.
 Aug 2016
Dita H
Mundane duties,
Breaths of air,
Lungs expanding,
Stomach clenches,
Heart hanging by a string,
Jaws threatening to cave in,
Hands no longer yours,
Eyes eyeing the world,
Legs rested where they fall,
No one to pick them up.
Melt to the ground
Become one with one you held so dearly.
I feel like this poem is not finished... I would greatly appreciate some feedback and constructive criticism.
 Aug 2016
Just Me
Love so sweet, love so honest.
Love of my life...

You make my heart smile, you make my heart warm.

You make weak in the knees, and even laugh.

Butterflies, and starry skies, Sun sets, and beads of sweat. Hugs and kisses. nights never to long, mornings to soon. Long conversations.

Time flies with you...

Love letters, poems, roses, romance galore.

Love so passionate, love so kind, Love of body and mind.

Spooning, swooning, and all that stuff. Our naked bodies, so much lust.

Petty arguments, *******, cursing lots of pride.

Jealousy and ignorance all collide.

Love my friend.
Love my enemy.

My love, my lover in love with you now and forever.
He drives me crazy in only a way your best friend and lover can.
 Aug 2016
Just Me
He works so hard though the week.

How can I wake him from his sleep?

My body wants him. My tongue to.

My mind is racing on what we will do.
Should I wake him from his sleep? Gently kissing him, starting with his cheek.

I'm awake I always am, but should I wake this hard working man?

We had fun. We played today.

Touching each other in wonderfully messy ways.

He led me down. He ate out.
It was all that love and lust should be about.

Lips were licked and necks bit, bodies one, and finger fun.

Ankle gripping, legs were spread.
Then he bent me over the bed.

So fulfilling and ******.

Sweating, panting.
*** perfumed room.
Held hands, hair pulling and ******* to.

It couldn't be better don't get me wrong.
But all this writing and he won't be sleeping long.

I said if I woke him I would start with a gentle kiss on his cheek, but being reminded.... That would be weak.

When he wakes he better be prepared, because all this passion Must be fed.

So I'll wake him, and I'll wake his friend.....

I can't wait to start again.

With insomnia I've been cursed, but sometimes...... I know things could be worse.
This is a repost that I felt is fun enough to re share. Hope you all enjoy what my man makes me feel.
 Aug 2016
Just Me
He makes me write, because he makes me feel so much.

The control he has, he has no clue.

He only sees what he chooses to.

But he can make me smile like no other, and in an instant force my tears to flow.

When I think of comfort, he's number one.

But when I ready to run it's from him.

He makes me write because he seems deaf...

But when I write he is also blind...

Will our circle of ******* ever end?

I want to stay with him forever, and enjoy the beautiful part of him.

Its frozen deep down inside, and when it's thawed I am mesmerized.

Nobody could be sweeter or more understanding.

Nobody could hold me longer.

I think he has demons, as we all do...

But when his peek out, I think it wants to devore me.

Love heals all and I've never seen him lost long...

Yet it does seem often and that gives me cause to think me loving him is wrong.

He makes me write, because he still holds my heart.

He's the only man capable of tearing it apart.

He makes me write and he's still mine.

He makes me write and maybe it will be this way for the rest of our lives.
Love is so strong, but it's bumps hurt like he'll.
 Aug 2016
Just Me
A lie...

As white or as small as it might be...

A lie is all that puts emptiness between you and I.


No matter how few they may have been...

Are the things that stab at me.


A word rarely needed, always unwanted...

No matter how sweet your apology might be.

Understanding, so precious to me...

If only you took the time to see what your lack of empathy does to me.


It's what I am to you...


Is what you are when it comes to me.


Are our problems.

FAITH is what I have in us, but FEAR that I'm a FOOL is the end of US.
LOVE is our HOPE and FRIENDSHIP is what binds us.
LOVES ups and downs are kicking my ***. When your in such a fragile state as to be in love, it seems the smallest things are most important. I find myself alone in being understood and embarrassed that my issues with my significant other are so small, but hurt so much.....
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