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 Aug 2015
Robert Blankenship
I understand not the power
Of the ignorance and craziness
Of the stupid political term
Political correctness

Political correctness
Influences the feeble minded
Clouds their mind to thinking
And their eyes to truth are blinded

If you stand for what is right
No malice toward none in mind
You are labeled as politically incorrect
And are unjustifiable maligned

To be accepted by the few
Who love political correctness to instill
You must give up your beliefs
And be moulded to their will

Political correctness is a farce
An evil policy of disguise
It truly has no meaning
Just as do the politicians lies

Stand for what you believe
If in your heart you believe it is right
Be done with political correctness
It is an evil blight

Think always for yourself
Make your own decisions
Political correctness does nothing
But cause great division

We do not all think the same
About politics or creation
Let us put political correctness to death
And be a united nation

 Aug 2015

C'mon baby, don't be shy!
Oh, how fast the time goes by!
Don't come up for air to even sigh!
Don't argue it, don't question why
It feels good, and that's no lie!
We feel like our hearts can fly!
I'm your girl, and you're my guy
The passion's there, my oh MY!
We're so lit up we could cry!
Together we could touch the SKY!
Yeah, kissing is a contact high!

Watch those hands tho...
don't you TRY... O:-)

(C) 8/5/2015
Love is something you can't buy!

 Aug 2015

I reposted this poem for
I feel it is important you
read it. I'm sure sorry that
I can't read right now.
My mom is recovering from
a serious illness.  Read at least
the footnotes. Thanks!

I am a follower of
The Lord Jesus Christ.
He teaches me
To embrace the strife
In this place
Of trial and pain
To learn to bear
The extreme strain
He had hardship
Here on earth
He showed folk their
Inner worth
With humility and grace
He bore all and ran His race
He prayed the Father
Up above
Would lead His children
To learn LOVE
Putting pride upon the shelf
To love your neighbor

And I honestly believe
'Tis better to give
Than to receive

In these tenants I am free
I'll walk the walk


Catherine Jarvis
(C) 8/8/2015
I will hold to my creed
'Til the day I die.
God has proven Himself to me

My mom has been quite ill
for the last few days.
God bless all who have been
Praying for us...

I may not be able to read
or be on site for a while more
as she still needs more care
right now. Please continue your
good thoughts and prayers.


 Aug 2015
I stop counting my blessing
And start just being thankful
Of each passing day.

I may not be lucky in love
Or blessed with good things
Or great looks LIFE has to offer
But I am fortunate enough to live this LIFE
As good as I wanted it to be.
We are still fortunate. Just me, being optimistic about my life, a start of my new aging life, another year of living a new age. Be thankful.
 Aug 2015
It is not the
existence of God
in which I find
myself a doubt,
but the existence
of my own in
which I find
myself without

 Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia
There was once a man so bright,
Who led a nation full of might,
He worked day and night,
Earned respect but never showed pride,
His motto was to 'work, work and work'.
His dedication so strong,
Could convince a person what's right or wrong,
His words so deep,
Could awaken the nation from their sleep,
This magnificent personality is no other than Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Thank you sir for everything you have done :)
Dedicated to M. Ali Jinnah our hero,our leader. He has done so much for us in such little time.. Don't know how we can repay him.
 Aug 2015
Awake this day...
And never fear.
I believe...
everything would be much clearer.
This day more than most...

For this day...
And everyday forward,
the sun would rise in haste to propose a toast...
to the undoubtedly most significant people... 

in my heart...

The moon would pull on the tides...
My thoughts and well wishes on waves they ride,
racing to farthest reaches of your recluse.

Just so this day you'd know
More than most days would show...
That my belief will withstand the fires of a hundred guns.
That my love would blaze with the fury of a thousand suns.

Know that,
this day the planets and stars finally would inherit their orbit true.

This day...
And everyday forth...

the universe would and must revolve around you.
For the writers who've left...
 Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia
I've seen a thousand stars,
But I've never seen one like ours <3
Golden laced
repeat patterns dance
beneath closed lashes
Sunlight finding it's way

through shimmering ripples, 
I see before me
Woman of the Water.
Stance of resilience,

silloute to sky. She
skims the surface.
An apparition.
This Goddess dancing atop

the waves. Paddle in hand,
solid upon her watercraft.
She knows her strength, gliding
above a sparkling world of secrets.*

~Christi Michaels~June 2015~

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
 Aug 2015
Keycel Robin
Dust if you must, but wouldn't it be be better
To paint a picture or write a letter,
Bake a cake or plant a seed,
Ponder the difference between want and need?

Dust if you must, but there's not much time,
With rivers to swim and mountains to climb,
Music to hear and books to read,
Friends to cherish and life to lead.

Dust if you must, but the world's out there
With the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair,
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain.
This day will not come around again.

dust if you must, but bear in mind,
Old age will come and it's not kind.
And when you go - and go you must -
You, yourself will make more dust.

- Rose Milligan
Favorite poem ever.
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
Through toil great wisdom instilled in my box
In that case I reckoned that I am a blessed fox
But it seems to me that all in vain
Because of my succumb that I can't refrain

Alas... Death to its fangs all our knowledge will be wrack
And who knows what's beyond death, might be all totally black
Are we still sting with the same looping dilemma
In the land of dead are we still haunt by this kind of enigma
Bold and Shameless is a book written by yours truly in the year of 2002.
 Aug 2015
When hope is lost
And the map is torn,
When you bear the cross
And are crowned with thorns,
When the love has gone
And the tears dried out,
When your steadfast faith
Has been turned to doubt,
When your joy is done
And you smile no more,
When you long for the sun
But the rain does pour,
Know that I walk with you,
You will come to no harm.
And should you get too weary,
I will carry you in my arms
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