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 Jun 2015
Ami Shae
So painfully aware of being apart
from that which gives me my breath
helps to maintain the rhythmic beating
of my swollen heart--

So horribly bereft at having said goodbye
to one who has always kept me here
who has cradled me, held me tight
through every moment of every sigh--

So hauntingly sure I will not survive
that life will have no meaning
with you not here to hold, to guard,
to keep me alive--

And so forlornly looking as you saunter away
your laugh, your jokes, your smiles and gentle heart
all that gave me reason to wake up
and live another god-forsaken day--

But so determined this time to carry on
to make it through without you here
to somehow hold myself together without you
and to just make it until the break of dawn...
each time someone gets too close anymore, I have to pull back. This was one of my best friends, then romantic love got in the way and I couldn't handle it and had to say goodbye. I wish I weren't so **** broken inside.
 Jun 2015
we don't see value in something
we lose it
i think it could be better meh, but yeah i wanted to write a 10w poem for a long time :/
 Jun 2015
it was the library
down by the corner
where Oak
and Pleasant Street
crossed every night
that I first saw you.
rugged hands
shifted the pages
of a worn-out Catcher in the Rye
when two spent faces
met one another
like gasoline
sparking up a dimmed campfire.
I took you home;
the sun rose;
and somewhere in between,
when the sheets were dancing
and my fingertips
read your skin
as if it were tattooed in brail
was the moment
I became a writer.

Copyright ©  2015 Alyssa Packard
All Rights Reserved
it was you
 Jun 2015
well, honey,
if you fall,
you'll get hurt.
- mom said when i was seven, playing in the garden.

you got hurt.
- i told myself whilst tears rolled down my cheek, like a flowing river.

i was falling in love,
and i forgot what mom once said
so when i remembered again,
my knees were already bleeding
and it was already all too late.
i'm not the only one...
 Jun 2015
Day Wing
It was never meant to break our spirits,
rather to prove we have beating hearts!
We mustn't succumb in the face of pain dear poets! Feeling pain is proof that we are alive! It proves that we have souls! It proves that we have beating hearts! :)
 Jun 2015
Roses  are red
So they always, have been
A love like ours
Is living in sin

Kisses under
The pale street light
A broken promise
To stay together
Till the end of time

I told her, I loved her
With a tear filled eye.
I told her I needed her,
All she could say was, goodbye.

Roses are red
Our love is dead

Walk away, in the pouring rain
My heart now of blue
Filled with all pain

Once the earth kissed the sky, then separated day from night, only to cause a rain storm from our heavens eyes.

Thunder and lightning
made our hearts collide
Bringing the once calm sea
To a roaring tide

Pulling our once love
Under the waves
Where it has died.
 Jun 2015
It's not right to pity over you
It's not right to crave for your touch
It's not right to talk, smile or even see you
It's not right to even remember you.

Because you've forgotten
Because you've changed
Because you like somebody else
Because you've moved on.
 Jun 2015
Aimee Harris
Never fall for a musician
Because even once they're out of your life
Their songs will still get stuck in your head
And it will break you
 Jun 2015
poetessa diabolica
Your love is like skydiving,
   an unnerving thought,
breathless & intoxicating
  elevations beyond exhilarating,
  as it transforms life's panorama
    nothing seemed ever the same,
         after the thrill of the fall
 Jun 2015
Strengthen these arms
for they only exist to hold up the black canopy
that is the night sky

May these legs find purchase
on this expanse of tilth
that has received the boon of yesterday's cry

Feel the cadence of my skipping heart
resulting in the breeze of faltering breaths
lulling you as you lie

Comfort the tremors of these quivering lips
as they whisper forth
promises of mysterious galaxies and
cryptic nebulae

These eyes would cast their gaze;
assuming the role of sentry
guarding from all who would pry

My being... My entirety was put here
so that your bed would remain safe
from future's winds come silent and sly
 Jun 2015
brandon nagley
One day
When they maketh love once they meeteth,
Their excretion
Shalt fall like midnight deluge

Heavy and hott!!!!
 Jun 2015
Mayra Castillo
Change means a new beginning
A  chance for renewal
A chance to start fresh
We shall let go of the darkness of winter to welcome the arrival of Spring
We shall throw out the old and bring forth the new.
A new beginning
A new life
Change is like a newborn, anxiously awaiting a breath of fresh air
The old rotten leaves of winter's trees have fallen, replenished by Spring flowers
We have awakened to a new life
A new beginning
A metamorphosis  has occurred
A chance to change the old to the new!


Mayra Castillo
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