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She rolls down the western edge
The bucolic Spiral path
Coincides with the horizon
Gray foot print
Slowly mingles with dark
As the Bats of evening find back to home

Gentle Breeze to dangle
Purple haze of Four O'clock
The Crossroads, Wait behind
Where to start, or what end is!
Poetry continuing as the falls of pain

Afternoon's Lyrics said good bye
Today's bright Star does not rise
What they chase during the run out!
Why come back again
Along with the known way!

Moonlit falls on the ways of Standing hill
Beyond the horizon
Dark fading, while
Lost love fusions with her colors
Across the Monsoon, Autumn, Winter
Finally the Spring is on the way
@Musfiq us shaleheen
It's not the poison that it's poisoning you
Is the reason why you take the poison
I pic my poison and it's you
Nothing can **** me like you do
Little by little
I come no closer to understanding
Why I long for closeness
(An introvert like me)

My friends might deny it
But I know
Why the dogs don't tug on their leashes
And why I never wave hello to their owners

There are moments when
I am reminded of a stranger saying
"It's difficult, huh?
Having a sister that's an extrovert?"

In the middle of the night I wake up thinking
"No, but what's difficult
Is wanting to be the best friend I can be
(An introvert like me)"
I used to be totally at ease with being an introvert (unaware of it, even) until I realized social success comes to people who are outgoing, and that's when I craned my neck to see if the grass really WAS greener on the other side. Guess what? It was.
My rose bud love
Is yet to bloom
In the light of hope
From the midnight moon
 Feb 2016 Chloe Zafonte
From the Valley of the Dead
She cries out to be fed
Why does she hunger so
Only an addict could ever know...
Traveler Tim
re to 1-18
I used to flip through my pages
There were some interesting points
  Some high, some low, some kind of just sitting in-between after the good and the bad cancelled each other out, but mostly I
       Skimmed by,

         Until I met you,

                 You can't be summed up, there's too much to you, you're too rich, too deep
Too interesting to be confined to a few measly paragraphs and sped-read through

     You deserve attention, you deserve time,

       And the more I've gotten to know you, the more I realize you're the entire book, the entire story in beautiful, vivid detail.

                *I'm going to take my time getting to the end of you, and I dog-eared the page where you entered my heart, so that if I ever forget how it feels to fall for you, I can go back to the start
I look at the stars,
And I want to leave this place.
I want to see the sky,
For the first time,
Standing in someone else's shoes.
Can a boy's face be described as beautiful?

Because that's all I think about when I see him.
Whispers, whispers, everywhere.

Whispers, whispers, all do stare.

Whispers, whispers, disgust for me.

Whispers, whispers, my life I don't see.
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