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 May 2017 carissa
Just Melz
As I lay on the ground
Looking up at your smiling face
I can see the lie in your eyes
You're denying the truth
And leaving me in the dirt
Standing over my broken body
Watching my pain and hurt
Multiple with every comment
And ***** look
You put me down on this ***** ground
And lost love was all it took
I'm ashamed to say that I'd take you back
I'd let you pull me up into your arms
Cause without you I'm just a heart attack
Waiting to happen
Just broken pieces and shattered parts
Waiting for you to put me back together

Waiting for you to realize what you've done

Waiting for you to remember me

Waiting for your love

*Waiting for you
 May 2017 carissa
Just Melz
It's a blessing and a curse,
    this connection that we share
A balance between the love we feel
        and how much we should care
 May 2017 carissa
Jaimi M
 May 2017 carissa
Jaimi M
The excitement
of getting drunk
left me, but
I still drink daily.
Out of control?
Very possible.
Going to change it?
Probably not.
 May 2017 carissa
When I look at you
I feel like I can see the entire galaxy
Every planet, star, moon
Lives and breathes inside of you

The way your eyes light up when you smile
Is prettier than a sky full of stars
For you are as beautiful and mysterious
As the universe with a heartbeat
 May 2017 carissa
Toothless Nono
It's unfortunate
how the sky
is getting uglier
by the day --

I look up
and only see
the roof of a
I cannot be
 May 2017 carissa
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Doing well for yourself, you're on top of the world,
Son you could do anything,
Gain the confidence,
Use to be on the offense til you got your life I'm check,
Had bad days that you won't forget....
You use to fall , but now your all set,

I use to spend every waking moment going through a nightmare,
And the other moments trying to forget it,
I said that I would the absolute greatest in here,
I am the anomaly of myself so deal with it,
So you-see-now,
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