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 May 2016 Mheska
You had me there for a second. Had me believing. Wanting. Aching. And then....breaking. You had me like no boy has before. You held more then my thrusting hips, my lustful lips, my hand wrapped in yours like you were scared I'd diss...appear.
'What more, what more is there?' - you cry

Well foolish boy, don't act so surprised.
Didn't they ever tell you in your Sunday school teachings, that the seeds you sow grow and grow, when you water them?
Maybe you missed that day since you saw no crime in taking your sweet time to plant your love deep inside my soul and you fed that garden come sunshine or cold. But come season for reaping, you were nowhere to be seen. You fled when you saw the beautiful monster that flourished.  You only wanted a garden and could not handle my forest. But enough about you leaving, let's talk about loving. Ah.
That is all we want to hear about isn't it?
The ones that made it. The fairytale endings. The moments you searched for hidden cameras 'cause reality was too, too perfect. You always said perfect like something bitter on your tongue. Like you weren't deservèd of it, your excuse being we're too young. But you said my name like it was your favourite song and each night you cursed the days for being so long,
dismal and futile when lacking my presence. You fought battles with my insecurities and made best friends with my hopes.  
You said, 'we got this, let's go'
And boy did I go. But your hands grew slippery, your lungs too weak. You could not keep up, but I'm not one for defeat.
Please know that I kept going, long after you let go. Please know that I kept growing, long after the cruel winter snow.
Please know that I love you,
but this is not a love poem.
 Apr 2016 Mheska
Ahmed Usman
 Apr 2016 Mheska
Ahmed Usman
People seem to be born to come and go
and a precious few will touch your heart
if you love them you must let them grow
even though it may mean you grow apart
 Apr 2016 Mheska
Katie Anne
Growing up
Isn't what scares me

Growing apart, however
Terrifies me

The thought
Of growing away
From every branch that has supported
And held me up
To make roots in unfamiliar soil

Why can't we stay
In this eden?

Because we all know
How that ended.
Tales can't be rewritten

Flowers can't grow without sunlight
Even if it burns.
 Apr 2016 Mheska
Oh No One
I can already feel the bullet on the roof of my mouth.
I can taste the metal.
It's just the blood that lingers.
Happenings wear down innocence.
Time withers smiles.
They say everyone grows up eventually,
They keep asking when I will.
I've always wondered why people ask questions they know the answer to.
I guess they need to hear someone else say it.
Maybe it's just not real until someone says it aloud.
Maybe you don't know you love someone until you lose them in a crowd.
I think that's the real test
Do you remember what they were wearing?
Do you remember what they look like?
How much time did you spend today looking at them?
It's funny how little you actually remember about someone.
It's funny how much you do too.
I don't remember my mother's birthday, but I do remember what you were wearing the day I met you.
I remember the way you looked up from your coffee and smiled.
I remember your eyes, and how they reminded me of tall evergreens stretching into eternity.
Anything seemed possible when your lips curled into a smile.
I could conquer the world when you curled into my arms.
Even your sighs sounded like they must have been written by some famous composer.
But I guess that's all just love.
 Mar 2016 Mheska
So this is her  life .... Has been and probably will be forever.. Because She will always be depressed Sheannice who can never see the fun in things.. The girl who kills to make others happy because she herself cannot .... Pushes everyone away because she's afraid of Someone who will stay... She hides the things that hurt her most because re living them brings only more pain than it should.. Getting close to people is never a plan because nothing lasts forever, trapped in a world of what if's, struggling each day to stop the things that put her at the edge of goodbyes rather than hellos, smiles hide the pain, something no one can explain
 Mar 2016 Mheska
This is nothing but another depressed soul

Typing away all that I know

See I've been months clean

But there is things unseen

A smile that is fake

A laugh they can't take

Beneath it all something I couldn't take
 Feb 2016 Mheska
Rachel Cruz
i see you
lying there
face framed in silk
eyes shut
almost sleeping
yet too still to be real
i can see your skin
ghostly pale
unnaturally perfect
scarred by the pain of life no more
your hands rest neatly in your lap
palm on palm
never moving
to touch me again
you will never see this letter
never open your eyes again
they took you away from me
and i'll never take you home again
remember when we talked that night
about how we'd like to die
a shot to the head was your choice
while a peaceful sleep was mine
you got your wish
my ill-fated lover
as i see you laying today
in this church
filled with flowers
the same place
where you took your life away
i know why you did it
i know why you died
you couldn't take the pain any more
i can see it through your eyes
they never left you alone
they were constantly by your side
tempting you to do harm
tempting you to die
you went to god
to seek his help
and found only bells
ringing in a solemn tune
ringing for me
ringing for you
i hear those same bells today
chiming away
chiming away
we'll be together soon
lover, i miss you
lover, don't worry
lover, i'll see you later today.
27 June 2005.
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