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Oh midnight muse of mine,
The clock ticks by, yet, seems frozen in time
Your gentle breath whispering thoughts of grand design
Pulsating softly, smoothly, and sanctuously in rhyme
"I think you can, I know you can, feel yourself shine
I think you can, I know you can, allow your dreams to align."

Just as the day's about to break my spiritual back
And I lay down to obsess about all that I lack,
We deeply connect through channels unknown
My inner self ignites, burning deep down to the bone
I feel a warmth entangle every inner part of me,
Those that said there is nothing I can have, do or be,
And when it grabs hold of these negativities,
They sieze and melt instantaneously.

What a wonder it is to watch your flame burn
Who knew, that by watching, I, too, would yearn
To fervently learn. A hunger for more begins to stir
Driving me, forcing me, inspiring these words.

Oh midnight muse of mine,
you release me from this box we call time
and, in this eternal and bliss-filled stasis,
Creativity, gratitude, and love are my basis
What a foundation to build upon, so strong and so true
On which I will build a bridge beaming towards you.

Though my eye lids flutter with ever increasing weight
I am gently pulled forward by the energy you eminate
Into a world where I am absolutely free
No shackles or lack pulls or binds this new me

Goodnight, midnight muse of mine
Shall we meet again?  Same place?  Same time?
I need not hear an answer for I feel it so loud
I will join you now behind this familiar dark shroud

My gentle breath whispering thoughts of grand design
Pulsating softly, smoothly, and sanctuously in rhyme
"I think I can, I know I can, feel myself shine
I think I can, I know I can, thanks to you, midnight muse of mine."

- BPW  12/24/2013
Inventor Sam invented a life
Full of bright and sunny days
With clouds in the sky, peacefully passing on by,
And beautiful birds singing in all sorts of nice ways.

Inventor Sam, with a wave of his little right hand,
Invented mountains that reached up towards the stars
And with a wave and a flick, in an instant, quite quick,
He made rivers and valleys stretched out afar.

Inventor Sam, what a grand little man,
Invented some animals too
He called them Zebras, Giraffes, and Orangutans
Even people like me and like you

Inventor Sam then sat back to enjoy all that he made
But he noticed that something was missing
Not apples, nor reindeer, nor trees and their cool shade
Not eagles, nor bananas, nor snakes and their hissing

Inventor Sam looked closely at the animals that stuck out
Those on two legs, with little hair and one tiny snout,
They walked aimlessly around with no purpose at all
Stiff legged and hollow like fragile china dolls

Inventor Sam then sat up with a smile on his face
For he knew what would be his very last application
With a wave of both arms, and lightning for effect
He made people Inventors with their very own imagination.

-BPW  12/27/2013
My God, your God, our God, no God
The bickering drones on and on for days
Despite the gruesome injustices repeated in time
We still fight, we still push and pull in all ways!

What good does it do to prove someone else wrong?
Does it make you more right?  Does it help us get along?
How can we call ourselves elite, evolved and free
When we can't let go of our choke holds and just let it all be?

Let it be.  Lennon had it right.  Live high.  Mraz did too.
And I didn't need a book or doctrines to develop this view.
No, these philosophies were communicated through song
Frequencies and vibrations that bypass all "right" and all "wrong."

We're all just doing our best
To stand tall and hold up our chest
To walk paths filled with smiles and sunny skies
And skip those filled with darkness and filthy lies

We just want to love,
though it sounds so cliche
Peace, happiness and acceptance for all
These drinks are on me, so, drink up, I say.

Drink 'til you're drunk on positive vibes
Let them shake your iron fist loose
Let go, for once, of your need to win
Otherwise we're just tightening this ridiculous noose.

I don't know about you, but I don't wish to hang
With guilt on my mind for persuading you to change
So I'll just stand back and offer peace of mind:
Follow your bliss, let it be, smile, and live high!

Although it seems to be,
when it comes down to me,
I am not working seamlessly,
I am broken, I am defunct, indubitably!

Although the jitters ring true,
as I lay here next to you,
This isn't a cold, no fever, no flu
I am not helpless, I know what I must do

I must feel these pangs of doubt inside
I must not quiver, run away or hide
Instead, I'll give this wild wave a ride
Feel it fully, head up, with arms stretched out wide

It won't disperse right here and right now
But at least, deep down, I know I know how
To keep this darkness from furrowing my brow
I'll smile to myself, stand tall, breathe in and vow:

I am not broken, I am simply alive
I am not broken, with every tool to thrive
I am not broken, my journey has just begun
I am not broken because I can't see the sun

Darkness is only darkness because of the light
Waiting and watching right over the other side
I shall keep walking, as straight and as true
Repeating to myself, "I love you, I love you!"

I am not broken, the stars are shining above
I am not broken, just cultivating self-love
I am not broken, but I am starting to be
No, not broken, a stronger version of me!

Tick tock.
The shock of glancing at the clock
realizing 10 years have come and gone
without adding so much as one lyric to your song.

It’s not as if you haven’t tried,
Haven’t mulled over thousands of words to scribe
Haven’t heard the melody, so soft and so sweet,
Driven towards insanity as it infinitely repeats.

How does one materialize the immaterial?
****** the spectre from the world of ethereal?
Add substance to air without choking to death,
and learn to take a different kind of breath?

Perhaps you need a second hard slap,
waking you, once more, from your aqueous nap.
If only you could emerge from this dark
free as a bird, with the voice of a Lark.

The creation of an emanation of the purest vibration
is all you would need for your divine transformation.
So what is preventing these sacred sound waves,
and forcing you down into this deep, dark cave?

There is a way out
or haven’t you heard?
Just open your mouth
and speak one, true word.

As long as it bounces around in your head,
hidden, secret, and not to be read,
you’ll forever be waiting for your time to come,
the day you’ll break free and bask in the sun.

Take a deep breath and walk up to the ledge
Place your back to the wind and repeat this pledge:

"I am a true artist, right now and right here
I give up my doubt and release all my fear.

With this I am free, I am boundless, and great
I have what it takes to express and create.

And when I sing true, aligned with my heart,
nothing can stop me from playing my part.

For I have a role, and it’s perfectly unique,
I harness my strength and empower the weak.

I give all that I am with joy and with ease
And surrender myself to life’s gentle breeze.

I am ready to jump, to leap into the air,
confront the unknown, and love and to share.

I pledge my allegiance to all that’s inside
to give it a voice and never to hide.

Now all that’s left is for me to say this:
I am a true artist, I will follow my bliss!"

Turn around, inhale, and reach your arms up tall.
Step forward and exhale as you begin to fall.

You’re free as a bird now, ready to fly,
ready to sing, and soar through the sky.
Free from the burden of stagnant “what-ifs”
Free to spread out all your wonderful gifts.

You’ll no longer feel that sharp, stagnant, shock
Because you’re finally free from that sound:

Tick Tock.

Ever eluding formless form,
An ephemeral enigma, expressed.
Gone with joy, gone with doubt,
No future, no end, no past.

Streaming streams, weaving tears,
An absolute, borderless, unimaginable Void.
Blackness so bright it dulls distinction;
The ethereal haze returns home.

Unspoken mysteries perplex, but why?
Beyond the patina, cracked to the core,
To the everlasting end, lies an answer.

Holding on to threads once torn,
Grasping the buzz that fills the warmth,
Tying up wind with seasonal chains,
Setting it free then pulling the reins.
Adorning its crown with ribbons of gold,
Running with fear when tones turn cold,
Remembering love as melodies soften,
Ceasing to Be - a self-inflicted coffin.

It is.
It shall.
It can.
It will.

Go forth and phonate silence,
With stillness prevailing all.
Go forth and leave no trail behind,
Trekking far with no reward.

A label-less label deserves one of its own:
Vibratory Substantiality,
The silent spectre of my dreams.
Take one step back
into the space behind
the busy street filled with tears,
filled with mirrors, and all mine.

Stand, or sit, or lay and be there
with Eyes listening, Ears watching,
and no-thing between here and now,
and a time with words - then and how.

Can you taste the sounds of random melody?
Eighth notes galloping across the wild plains
forced to abdicate their very nature
and, instead, liquify to pure impurity...

Sense is chucked and the tin lid slammed.
Reverberation echoes with concentric chaos.
The end of life is strung tight
and bound and tuned with nothing but sweet loss.

The prelude, which this proves to be,
is forever without a name.
Buzzing with streams of liquid dreams,
transparent with eyes all the same.

— The End —