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 Feb 2021 Blake
Shut Down
 Feb 2021 Blake
It was a long day for me, for her
I helped her walk and told her how tired I was-
Yet she did not respond
For she was as tired as me.
And I controlled her Body
Every moment
Every movement
Every sound that echoed around me
Every sight she sees through her Eyes.

I carried her to bed, her Legs dragging her away
Her Hands ripped off the school uniform
And replaced it with a Nirvana shirt
And blue shorts

She threw her Body onto the bed and lay there,
Her Eyes watched the ceiling as if something was about to happen
Her Lips let out a sigh and she took her phone
And her Fingers and I got ready for what she was about to type today
 Feb 2021 Blake
Emerson Nosreme
Do you try to write from your heart,
But then it goes into your head,
And comes out as a mess
Like me?

Do you have doctors talking
In a language like a label maker,
Saying "they're on this end, they won't make it through life."
But you've actually gone so far
But have a few struggles
That you can't deal with
Like me?

Do you have people around you
Say they understand you
But then they talk too loudly
Around you
Without regret
And you start to cry and tear out your hair
Like Me?

Do teachers or your boss tell you off
For things you can't control
And you start to cry and scream
Like me?

Do your parents tut and sigh
Ask why
And yell when they don't understand
And you just have to leave the room
Like me?

Please talk to me
Tell me
Are you like me?
Do you run on a different system
A beat of a different drum
The tune to a strange song

Do you understand me?
Do you know how I feel?
Do you feel?
Do you understand me?
How do you piece the puzzle?
How do you see it?
Do you understand me?
What do you see in people?
What do people see in you?
Do you understand me?

Do you look at people
Observe them and talk to them
And think about their actions
And wonder
If they
Are like you,
Like me?
 Feb 2021 Blake
Emerson Nosreme
How do I explain
To the person who is supposed
To help me with 'any problems'
That they are the problem?
Quick question (read the poems... Yeah the story is true)
 Feb 2021 Blake
Emerson Nosreme
Can you clear this up for me?
I was told autism is a 'spectrum disorder'
It is Autism Spectrum Disorder
Spectrum means a circle of unless colours in different shades
Light or dark
Hot or cold

So why is it rated by functionality?!

I am 'high functioning', I can succeed in life with no support.
If that is the truth
Why do I panic at every sound?
Why can't I process information?
Why am I not as social than I should be?

I know someone who is 'low functioning'
I am told they won't succeed at life
But they draw beautiful pictures
So does that mean they will not succeed?

So tell me
Is the spectrum a lie?
Or is the functionality a myth?
 Feb 2021 Blake
Emerson Nosreme
I know it sounds
So utterly dull
And strange to
Some of you
But here is
A description
Of me
Like you asked

I am a child born as snow fell
On the day David Bowie died
(Technically a few years before that)
A little late
But still good
I was as quiet as a mouse
I never cried or complained

But when I got older
Things changed
I didn’t act like other children
I wore brown each day
Which turned to purple
And now it is shades of
Blue, black and grey
Things were confusing
And a woman kept seeing me
In my home
Asking me questions
And showing me videos and pictures
Of a million different emotions
On a million different faces
And I mostly stayed alone
In the playground

I then researched myself
I found out what I have
It’s a little something
That makes me a little mad
But not bad
I don’t understand different emotions
I know what happy is
I know what sad is
But people don’t show their emotions truthfully
And I can’t understand it
I hate it when people talk
I don’t like trying new foods
I don’t like being touched that much
Unless I know the person
And processing information
Is a little hard

But I have a few abilities
So I’m not a disability
I see patterns everywhere
I remember random facts
I see the trees and not the forest
I am emotive and mostly understanding
And of course
I write my dreams
My thoughts
My opinions
My life
Through poems
And questions
And the nice thing is
No one minds
No one cares
They don’t mind that I am me
They don’t care how I do things
if you see any song lyrics that I am referencing or any other references, let me know!
 Feb 2021 Blake
Alien autopsy
 Feb 2021 Blake
Are going
Autopsy you
 Feb 2021 Blake
I have a fire in my heart. When I was a child, I was handed a bucket of water. “Pour it.” they told me. I knew what this meant. “No” I said. And I was overpowered, and it was sudden, and no part of me was left dry. They taught me to extinguish myself, and today I still grab the bucket, and when I bring it to my hot, fiery heart, my eyes still widen.
 Feb 2021 Blake
 Feb 2021 Blake
The compass inside me has always been fragile, broken. Do you know what happens to a child with no direction? They wear your face. I knew the grownups didn’t love me the way I was. I’ve never been loved. Not when I wore my own face.
The moment she says,
"Me too,"
The air evaporates from my chest.
My shoulders slump.
The weariness eases.
Sometimes connection
Is the best medicine.
I tell her she's found a friend in me.
 Feb 2021 Blake
I am like her, you know.
I am like Alice;
but the flowers and the rabbit, they speak a different language.
And when the Cheshire cat
tells me his riddles, I am alone.
My eyes see his moving mouth,
and I am a creature of Death

in my burning solitude.
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