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Now listen well and hear this tale
Of a sixteen year old lad
Who with his wit and flying skill
Made two great countries glad

The chasm was eight hundred feet
Across Niagara Falls
The travelers could not get across
The steep and spray soaked walls

“We need a bridge”, cried engineers
A modern thoroughfare
But how to reach the other side?
We cannot build on air

A rocket or an arrow? No.
But what about a kite?
Let’s have a contest for the youth
We’d have a start, though slight

The people came with kites prepared
For fame and a reward
And Homan Walsh was very first
To span the gorge with cord

A string, then ropes, then cables spanned
And soon the bridge was done
The mighty falls could now be crossed
With string it was begun

And every great accomplishment
Began with something small
Remember Homan and his kite
That bridged Niagara Falls
This is prosperity poem 28. You can see this poem on a background at
Here’s how you gain prosperity
Pick the type of person you’ll be
In picking, keep your mind intact
Don’t be acted upon, but act

Look around at great ones you know
Their successes easily show
That this one maxim they enact
Don’t be acted upon, but act

When trying on the victim stance
Or feeling passive, take a chance
Stay on task - remember this fact
Don’t be acted upon, but act

Don’t rely on muscles and brawn
Do act - not be acted upon
Memorize this, and never go back
Don’t be acted upon, but ACT
This is Prosperity Poem 30 - You can see it on a background here -
If wings from every butterfly
Can move the air so readily
Then every better thought I think
Will change the world quite steadily

If one small bird can sing a tune
That makes my soul feel lighter
Then I decide to act in ways
That make our futures brighter

If sunlight cutting inky clouds
Brings vibrant light to eye and heart
I know that every mighty change
Had small and subtle steps to start

For wings and tunes are wispy things
As gentle as a summer breeze
Prosperity comes not by force
Yet step by step, it comes with ease
This is Prosperity Poem 35.  You can see it on a background here -
First I am the architect
Using matter, pure and fine
I make the life that I intend
But in pattern, and design

Second, I am the builder
Taking steps to make it real
Shaping matter to my form
I create my life ideal

Then third, I am the owner
Using all I’ve built, with cheer
This is what I’ve labored for
I’ll enjoy life while I’m here

Then fourth, I am the teacher
Sharing truths that help and bless
Truth One: You are the architect
Of the pattern you express
This is prosperity poem 34 - you can see it on a background here -
I’ll use my mind with focus today
Pick all my thoughts, and not let them stray
My life is worth this - I have a will
My purpose I’ll fulfill

See the vision - act with pure intent
I decide on how my time is spent
Using my strengths - it’s easy to see
I have the victory

I’ll keep my eyes intent on my aim
Building with spirit, my wealth I’ll claim
Happily working - my mind expands
Serving with heart and hands

See the vision - act with pure intent
I decide on how my time is spent
Using my strengths - it’s easy to see
I have the victory
This is Prosperity Poem 33 - you can see it on a background at
Wisdom is better than rubies
Its harvest is better than gold
I’ll obtain and use this wisdom
Like the greatest people of old

Wisdom is deep and eternal
And guides me in meaningful ways
Its sense and witty inventions
Add wealth to my life and my days

Wisdom says, “Hearken unto me
And riches and honor will flow
Follow my ways purposefully
And your riches will surely grow”

Wisdom will fill me with treasure
Rejoicing in daily delight
Bringing me love and contentment
I’ll keep wisdom first in my sight
This is Prosperity Poem 32 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
What is the bridge between the worlds
Of matter and the mind?
That bridge is made with spoken words
Which contour and define

So if the wealth which I create
Depends on what I say
I will choose to enunciate
The strongest words today

With words I form and crystallize
And shape my world anew
With words I freshly realize
The work which I must do

Words are the bridge between the worlds
Of matter, thought, and will
I'm eager now to learn which words
Will all my dreams fulfill…!
This is Prosperity Poem 21 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
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