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Jeremy Betts Jan 25
I literally can't explain
How I'm still here;
Every single attempt
Year after year
Went bottoms up
On a fresh bottle of Unisom®
Two bottles of the same blue
At the same time
THREE bottles
But this time
Of the extra strength variety
A 96 count in each
One swipe of a blade
Straight across
Horizon inspiration
Two more swipes
From left to right
Both left and right respectively
At an angle this time
Eyes closed before a five story attempt to fly
Minus wings
What have I learned?
Only that the next one
Don't worry,
I'll get it right eventually
Trust me
You'll all see
I'll be
The hero in my story
Slaying the beast,
Escaping this purgatory
Ending this tragedy
The only way I know how

Is this to much? Does it make you uncomfortable? Sorry not sorry. I'm only relaying my reality
Jeremy Betts Jan 24
Things are bad and getting worse
And what's worse
Is this stagnant curse
One maybe set from birth
But who knows
All I know
Is it can't lead to the back of a hearse
First things first
And for what is worth
I need to find my worth
But while searching for self worth
I find myself dying of thirst
Realizing life can't be reversed
I have to accept the path I've traversed
And acknowledge the wasted good karma
Will never be reimbursed

Jeremy Betts Jan 23
I sit here,
Like a beetle on it's back
In a crack of it's own design
Crafted it's own demise
Frantically flailing
Panicking mainly
Legs going every witch way,
Becoming to heavy
To reach out for help
No voice to call out for help
Though it tries
Not knowing it's already dead
Hope is the first thing that dies
Moments from the cruel hand dealt
By life itself
Exposing itself
As deaths right hand man
Still we fall for the bluff
And the universe doesn't listen to
"Enough is enough"
If you don't like it

Jeremy Betts Jan 22
I love you,
I love you not
I love you
I love y...
Wait a second...
If it's not bipartisan
It does not matter how many peddles this flowers got

Jeremy Betts Jan 22
You know how I know
That's a bullshiit apology?
Because you're not sorry
You're just sorry
Not sorry
But the difference is
Whenever I am
Mine aren't empty

Jeremy Betts Jan 19
I wanted so bad to be done with the fight
I no longer cared 'bout who's wrong and who's right

~ Couplet ~
A pair of consecutive lines of poetry that create a complete thought or idea. The lines often have a similar syllabic patterns, called a meter. While most couplets rhyme, not all do.
The word Couplet is French for a "little pair"
Jeremy Betts Jan 18
I had a dream last night
About suddenly waking up
But the dark had engulfed the light

Gone was the fight
Both sides giving up
On simple wrong and right

I'm awaken to a primitive plight
Ageing but not growing up
Somewhere out in the multiverse I might

Forget reaching the highest hight
It's not looking up
Not a single goal in sight

The futures not too bright
It's burning up
While we argue who hit ignite

It's too much to take onsite
No throwing up
Only ingest a small bite
Maybe it will be alright

~ Villanelle ~
A fixed-form poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain, thus containing nineteen lines. A villanelle also follows a specific rhyme scheme using only two different sounds.
ABA (x5)
ABAA (x1)
The word Villanelle comes from the Italian word villanella, which means "rustic song or dance".
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