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Brandi Feb 2019
Some things have changed on the outside and in.
Body is no longer curve less and thin.
Hair is choppy on most of the ends.
Short enough to reach just below my chin.

Some things have changed on the outside and in.
Resilience and strength rise from within.
May sometimes be foolish, may sometimes be sin.
But I know whose I am, and that is a win.

Some things have changed (oh but not this).
Not the way the sun sweeps across the eastern sky, signaling morning has arrived.
Not the way the moon sprinkles light where lovers hide.

Some things have changed (oh but not this).
Not the joy a baby brings when taking its first breath.
Not the flash of life once lived as approaching coming death.

Some things have changed (oh but not this).
Not the call to serve your own.
Not the fight to care for lives who have forgotten their true home.

Some things have changed (oh but not this).
Not the love for what is pure and true.
Not the hope that the Divine has rescued you.

Some things have changed (oh but not this).
Not this longing for seeing the innocent kids.
Have a chance in this world to experience bliss.
To have dreams without fear and to see crystal clear.
Their reflection, so beautiful, cherished so dear.
Those unaware of the sadness they share.
Are the sad ones themselves as reality bares with it anger and loneliness hid behind stares.
Stares so blank and so void that gravity cannot bear.
They find themselves in the black hole and stay there.
Unaware, truly and wholly unaware.

Many things have not changed (oh but not this).
From my sins, from within, I am made brand new.
For that is exactly what faith can do.
Not a preacher, a speaker or a song with a muse.
Not a seeker of praise from a million or two.
Just a girl with a laptop who decided to choose to speak with words that simply cannot be confused.
They cannot be anything else but the truth.
And that does not change all the time through.
February resolutions are still resolutions. Live in the truth and love physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
Jan 2019 · 2.6k
Beautiful Solitude
Brandi Jan 2019
Someone walks by and calls me beautiful
Beautiful because I am sitting alone at this bright red picnic table

I am surprised
It is such an unexpected and lovely occasion
To wonder if I am a melody of an unsung song

Something familiar to passers by
Yet entirely unique

Like an art form that is effortless
Simply because of my place in that moment of life
Surrounded by a cacophony of college students
Some of whom are my friends

This was my moment of solace
Of solitude

School photographer takes a picture of me tearing into my hamburger Piled high

Once the party is over
I am gone
Like a shooting star

He looks up in the sky and sees me
And while I want the one to join me ablaze
I feel the fear in his heart
Fear I will never be the fireball I once was
If I am suddenly plucked from the sky

Having this unsung
Imperfect type of beauty
I smile as I think of the one
The actual one
Knowing it is him
Always and forever
And walking up to the big bright picnic table
Hoping to stay awhile
We lift off ablaze into the night sky

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
Embracing isolation when it may come is freedom from its destruction. Realize inward beauty and keep shining.
Dec 2018 · 1.3k
A Jesus Man
Brandi Dec 2018
Jesus loves me this I know
But what I don't know scares me
Each night in silent or whispers of sorts
I say "Jesus, tuck me in"
He certainly does, and then sits by my bedside
Watching me all through the night

Now I ask you
Who does not have this Jesus in their life?

The girls in sundresses flowing to and fro
Clasp the necklace of the crucifixion cross
Except this cross is not old, rugged, or ******
They cry day in and day out in secret
For a Jesus man
Like one that may be worn as so many accessories before

Oh I pray Lord that I do not die each day in such misery
Instead, may I live in You and have you as my first love
Dec 2018 · 615
Piano Lessons
Brandi Dec 2018
Tap tap tap...
Break out the apple and cut in half

Tap tap tap...
One ee and ah
Two ee and ah

Rough as nails you see
Trust me it doesn't get easier
Practice is essential
Resilience of the mind and soul is helpful

Then wake up and what do you see
A great big world and you have the key

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
Dec 2018 · 1.7k
Brandi Dec 2018
"Phew", I say as I am catching my breath
Finding the words
Wanting chaos
Enough to be considered human
Enough comfort to be considered sane

Being free yet confined enough to not lose the compass direction
Where am I?
Have I found direction?
Why am I always running?
Where is the thrill of having memories just to place in storage?


So are the ways of the wild
Completely insane

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
Dec 2018 · 330
Brandi Dec 2018
Black and White
Ying and Yang
Light and Dark

If we match to be good
Then why does the sun rise and fall in rhythm with the moon and we fall in love with it?

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
Dec 2018 · 602
Brandi Dec 2018
I resolve not to have any in 2019 and many more years
Until I forsake the rebellion and child-like carelessness
These promises are only broken


I am tired of duct tape solutions
Time to figure things out like aged cheese does
With age comes experience and a few new sights
The wonderful, good, horrible, and everything in between

So I resolve to not resolve

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
Dec 2018 · 472
Dad, Please Tell Me
Brandi Dec 2018
Dad, please show me the finger tracks
The flick of the wrist
To see the flint stone find its place
As it hops across the Bluestone

Dad, please tell me how to master putt-putt
How to not be such a mulligan
Rushing into things unawares

Dad, please tell me - oh I can't say it
How to keep my heart from ever breaking again

Watching me in the rearview mirror
He knows I'm there
Living in rearview

And Dad,
I need you to tell me I can stay there awhile

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
Dec 2018 · 384
Brandi Dec 2018
It is night shift

One eye shut the other half open

Day dreaming
Night stalking thoughts

Thoughts of the beauty of reality

It is night shift
Tonight there is no need to dream

Someone is at work already
I guess I'll just keep the coffee brewing

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
Dec 2018 · 427
Brandi Dec 2018
We live in a world of irony

Mind is in circles
Yet fixed on you

Love is desired by many
Yet shared by few

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
Dec 2018 · 516
Brandi Dec 2018
In love with life
With memories
With you
(Who? Who?)


© 2018
Brandi Keaton
Oct 2018 · 8.5k
We the People
Brandi Oct 2018
We the people built the wall
You can look left
You can look right

But we the people
Built the wall

He didn’t
She didn’t
We all did
Wall (“e” dropped)

The battlefield is one we meant to use in case of war with the enemy
When did the Enemy become one of our own?
Or an entire group?

When did the Enemy become the media?
The press?
When did it become Trump supporters?
Or Trump himself?
When did the Enemy become those who dislike Trump?
Or those who are politically liberal?

I believe we the people created the Enemy
As philosophical as that sounds
We, the people, did it

We the people touted diversity like the ticket to tranquility
Placing our bets that this warm embrace of peoples
Would be a true gift for all people
Rich or poor
Christian or Jew

Here is the truth of the matter
The pursuit of diversity
Of creating a mural of the American people
Was superficial
It was not carried out to its full potential

We became frightened
Untrusting of others
And so we unknowingly
Yet willingly
Began to build walls

It’s quiet
Then there’s a hurricane
A mass shooting
An election

And suddenly you look and see a black man
Or a black woman
Or maybe a younger black boy
Or black girl
Standing behind their call to action of support for the Black Lives Matter movement

And for several months it Is everyone’s story
But then it is not
And people
Any color
Feels disappointment
And the belief that walls will just keep growing taller

Because there is hate
There is a form of social paranoia that emerges
Which means more walls

An angel appears in the midst of the havoc
The grief
Under a night sky lit by vigil candlelight of yet another unfortunate event that stole the lives of our brothers and sisters
Saying that God did not mean for us to build walls and live behind them

So one day
A family makes a vow to spread kindness and love to their neighbors
The family comes together in unity
They keep the pieces of their individual walls
But now lay them down at their feet
As a way of getting somewhere
That way leads to their neighbor’s house

They reach out and take the hand of the hurting
No matter what color that hand is
No matter their beliefs
No matter what political wing they favor

It takes two wings for an eagle to fly
Left and right
An eagle with one wing would likely get exhausted
As many feel today

The neighbors receive kindness
And then they act
The walls come tumbling down
They do good regardless of the Enemy’s hatred of good
We the people can all agree
There is an Enemy
That we can be sure
And as we lie in confusion over who or what the Enemy is
We the people are all suffering
From all sides

As more and more people say one more kind word
And we the people find places
Music for the spirit
Food for the soul
That always has been
And always will be
Ours to share and appreciate

It is then we look left and right without a wall in sight
They did not disappear
For the walls simply laid down boards
Displaying the human nature of us all
As we
We the people
Stand on one unshakable
Indivisible bridge

That welcomes liberty and justice for all
That always has been
And always will be
A gift for we the people

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
I know this is a lengthy entry. Please read in it's entirety if possible. I hope in this time of trial and confusion this can bring some hope as one people. Join me in engaging in more kindness. Thank you!
Aug 2018 · 383
Car Lots
Brandi Aug 2018
Take your spot on the car lot
Vehicles shiny, polished, pressed, and folded
Folded into an ideal
Of how the family of four is transported
Of how the newlyweds expand their space
For her belly will expand
And the mister better break Miss Piggy
But the new cars don't know what's coming

War veterans, most certainly mini-vans
Can attest to the inevitable stink stains
Dog slobbers
Or maybe that's a big pile of no. 02
Praying it's not baby Jack's (he may eat it)
Soccer practice transport
School bus escort
Spy mobile on baby's first date

Finally, the key and fob is passed
Passed ceremonially to the firstborn
Slayed the piggy again
This time for "I got a driving teen" insurance
Enough to save the firstborn in her new (to her) ride
Not enough to save the stop sign
Or the tree
Or poor Miss Jones's cat

But through some elbow grease
Quality marketing
And precious time
She's back on the lot in the "used" section
"But don't worry folks she is only lightly used"
Coos the dealer
One thing for sure
This van isn't miniature anymore

© 2018
Brandi Keaton
For anyone who has ever been like me and put overthought into car lots.
Aug 2018 · 1.3k
An Eclipsed Vision
Brandi Aug 2018
All the sun had to do was kiss the moon
      One taste of her breath as the world looked on
             Slowly consuming the phenomenon
                      It can't be
                           How does this end so happily
                         Pictures click click click
                        Two minutes of totality quick quick quick
              Makes all the world of difference
As we commune with this galactic love affair
             ­                                     © 2018
                                            Brandi Keaton
Aug 2018 · 10.4k
Winter Candy Apple
Brandi Aug 2018
One squirt, one pump of my Christmas in a bottle
The ultimate cure for late summer anxiety
Which most certainly exists when one's life has changed so drastically And will soon be put to the test
Literally...piles of notes translated into tests


Being lotion would be liberating
So smooth
So satisfying
And if you were part of the signature collection
You would likely be a fan favorite of sorts
A must have in a bathroom cabinet
First (or last) date
Bringing delight in a nice portable cream

To my bottle of lotion
Thank you
Stay awhile
I don't mind the occasional mess you make in my bags when the cap is open

Keep the candy apples picked and ready
All year long
And to all a good night

                                             © 2018
                                        Brandi Keaton

— The End —