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I'm sorry that I can't keep my hands off of you
But it's like you have your own gravitational field that only affects me and even when I'm right next to you I want to be holding your hand or playing with your hair or rubbing your back. And maybe it's me. Maybe I'm afraid that if I don't hold on to you with all I have that you'll fall out of my bubble and my gravitational field won't affect you anymore and maybe our paths will never cross so closely again and maybe what could have been something absolutely amazing, like the fact that God placed the earth the perfect distance from the sun, will end up as insignificant as the distance between pluto and an asteroid out in the abyss
Eternity to me is, Boundless Moments, of Lost hearts... yours and Mine.*

©The Unspoken
Missing you comes in waves
crashing down against the shore,
  washing me away.
   Crimson flows like a river from my body,
    salt water streaming down my face.
     Missing you is a storm
       inside my head.
        Thunder pounding in my skull,
         wind gusting voices through my ears,
           lightening flashes memories of us,
             speeding by the countless i spent loving you
              and now i spend those hours missing you.
                I am washed away.
 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
This love
Big love
     sweet, salty
          kissing, sweaty skin love
          licking the lengths,
              and slow,
                   to savor love
     heat builds, slick
          fingers, lips thick
               wanting, wanting,
                     wanting this love.

This love
Big love
      hot, deep
          electric, passing love
                 fingers to chests
                      tongue to tongue
                            hips to hips
     building in a moment, love
           this bliss.
                   this love...
 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
I'm not eye catching
I do not turn heads
I'm no more special than the next
For somebody else is always better
Prettier, smarter, stronger, wiser
That I would be moronic to believe
Anybody would stop to stare at me
I'm exceptionally ordinary
But then again
There is probably somebody
Who is better at that too
Uni got me like
 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
I'll compare your beauty to art,
And you'll silence me,
For my words are too bitter sweet,
But I'll always try to make you my muse,
Even if you won't admit to your bitter sweet looks.
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