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 Jun 2014 Ashley Rae
Jake Hodges
Oh, you are much too wonderful to need me
Yet here we peacefully lay together on this rampant sea,
And should the rush of the waves carry me in my sleep,
I’d hear you swim away; swim out to save me
Oh, you are much too wonderful to see the sea as I see
 May 2014 Ashley Rae
Ryan Jakes
Please don't take those pills
the ones you told me about.
Lined up, neat rows, single file
in all colours, organised harm.
You said you'd had enough
bone tired, broken you
crying down the line
to bone tired, broken me
as if I could save you from yourself.
No-one ever could.
Sacrifice yourself to life, not death
death is darkness and you, sweetest girl
are light beyond vibrancy
my lullaby at night, my morning song
my fragile, fearsome, wondrous friend.
For my cousin and partner in crime, she's having a hard time at the moment. I'm hoping she reads this and understands that she is awesome and that we need her.
When you first looked at me like I was a rare gem, I saw your eyes glisten like the ocean when the Sun at sunrise hits it. I fell in love with you 30 seconds after you told me I was "beautiful"

2. The first time we kissed I swore to God it felt like a dream. All my nightmares left me and I was somewhere over the horizon with clouds on my mind and you in my veins. I tasted you for the next several weeks, I never kissed your lips again after that first time.

3. I thought that once you see someone naked you see them extensively and into their soul. When I touched your paled skin I felt like an astronaut and explored your skin like Armstrong on the moon. I've never witnessed something so beautiful and lovely. But you were the  moon who never fully showed her face. I realized I should've listened in astronomy class.

4.  You wrote pieces inside my rib cage and opened a new chapter inside me. Helping me realize I wasn't halfway near to where I needed to be.

5. I fell in love with the idea of you.

5. I fell in love with the idea of you.

5. I fell in love with you.

6. It took me over a month to come to the conclusion that I loved you.

7. I still love you.

8. I don't know where you are, or how you've been. You severed our way of communicating and I am so so lost without you.

9. Time has a way of putting things in order, but what do I do if the hands on the clock have developed arthritis and I am still forgetting memories. I am losing my memory. Sometimes I recall half of one, and pick up the ending of another, what does it mean?

10. I still love you.

10. I miss you.

10. I think I miss you more than I love you.
 May 2014 Ashley Rae
 May 2014 Ashley Rae
i am not who I think i am
but for a moment i was who i wish i could be

i was in class when it began
a clap of thunder and a bolt of lightning shook the sky

i walked out with my head held high
and smiled when the first droplets met my face

i laughed when a puddle soaked my shoes through and through
the feeling of clear, cold water settling on my *****, warm skin

i was by myself but i was not alone
the journey became my friend, my co-conspirator

i don’t know why i did it
but i hope that i never stop feeling it
so the story behind this was that it started raining during school and I dreaded having to walk back to my car in the rain but it turned out to be very a fun and nostalgic experience
I turned you into poetry.
my 3am thoughts.
you became my nightmare
and my everlasting joy.
I can never remove you from my mind
unless I remove you from my heart.
I want to feel you.
Scraping against me.
I want to taste the,
Mango in your kiss.

Drag from your chest to your neck.
to claw from your ribs down to your hip.
I want to feel you on me.
And taste the citrus on your lips.

Starving for the touch of,
Hoping for your grip.
Trying not to think too much.
About your blackberry bliss.

Distracted by your hammer hits.
The water against the ship.
The boat begins to tip.
Spilling fruit into the wavy rift.
there are stars
and there are choices
i can talk about the ones that shoot across the sky
or i can talk about the sparkle in your eyes.
 May 2014 Ashley Rae
Don't  tell me you care because you don't.

When was the last time you cared about another more than yourself?

Don't tell me you care because you don't.

When was the last time you went out of your way to help a stranger in need?

Don't tell me you care because you don't.

When was the last time you gave random acts of kindness to the people around you?

Don't tell me you care because you don't

When was the last time you gave your friend or family a hug, and told them you love them?

When was the last time you gave generously to someone even though they didn't desrve it?

Don't tell me you care because you don't.

Don't tell me you care just show it.

Words are just words until they are done.
Words and actions always work together. Never only one working by itself.
 May 2014 Ashley Rae
grades do not always reflect your full potential
that's all they wanna see.
i feel like ****.
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