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Don't cut your wrist,
And don't cut you thighs,
But down the lighter,
Pull up your sleeves,
Show the world you are still alive,
Put the scale back,
Go eat some dinner,
Sweetheart you're worth it,
Please listen,
Stop your crying,
And dry those eyes,
Put the rope back,
And put down the gun,
Spit out the pills,
This isn't how your story ends,
You're only a child,
You shouldn't dream of death,
Please listen,
Stop faking that smile,
And let your eyes show your lies,
It'll be hard,
But please try,
You might discover,
That life isn't so hard...
Words I want to hear, but I am able  to say it to everyone and everyone says thank you, you helped me. I'm here because of you..But I can't seem to believe them out of my own mouth and I need to hear them from someone. I'm broken and lost but yet still here. Why?
My skies look dark,
for my stars have long faded before they could shine.
 Feb 2015 Aparajhitha Sudarsan
Some of my poetry was about him
And while none of his was about me
We shared our stanzas, our lines and thoughts
And I got a glimpse inside his head
And it was then that I started to understand
that there are a lot of things we don't understand in this world.
 Feb 2015 Aparajhitha Sudarsan
Saying goodbye like there is no tomorrow
Leaving like there was no yesterday
Stealing like there is nothing in the world
Caring like you have never fell apart

Writing like all I have felt was broken
what do i do if all i have ever felt was broken?
I fell apart
   I fell hard to the ground
Felt myself shatter into
some large pieces
and some small ones.
too small to pick up again.
                              ****** fingers-
                                            shards of glass.
Nothing could be done.

I fell apart
               identity split between
thousands    -       millions of
things that make me up.
split between

split between
                         "it was bad for me
                       worse for you"

how does this erase

                  how much light does this
                             How much love is
                shared and exchanged

    when we fall apart

                             by choice
You told me you didn't like my writing because it was sad,

But you still thought it was beautiful.

I hope that's how you feel about me.
The lights suddenly glimmered,
And all the faces shone,
All the beauty appeared,
In all directions.

But there was one corner,
Where the darkness still remained,
And the shadows of people,
Hid the corner more,
And with it, a person,
Slouched against the wall,
Stood there behind the shadows,
Giving up to stay tall.

No one saw her,
But she saw everything,
The lady in the fur,
Was talking stuff about her,
She tried to reach out for the lady,
But her skin burnt,
The moment she stepped out,
Of her corner.

Wasn't ignorance enough for her?
Or does she still have to stay in the shade?

Everyone passed beside her,
But no one noticed the thin shape,
Struggling to get out,
Get out of the gloom,
She lives in.

The lights went out,
And everything reappeared,
Clearer than ever,
And they finally noticed,
The blood that smeared,
Out of her heart,
They finnaly noticed all the wounds,
But like always,
When the lights came up again,
They just turned away,
And walked back in their path.
Rush not to her door
And startle her from slumber
Among her dreams
She treads with languid steps
Her heart beats softly
Soaking in the radiance
Unwrapping herself with ease
Letting herself bare
To grandeur of the landscape
Immaculately manicured garden
Golden rays welcome her
With open arms
Follow her footsteps
Lightly as they kiss the ground
Not aware of your presence
She’s yearning for you
Waiting for you to sneak in
And occupy here lonely chambers
Fill her life with your aroma
Rejuvenating the dreams
To become a constant reality
Rush not to her
She whispers her innermost feelings
To the trusted winds
Convey to you, the famed words
A celebration awaits the souls
As soon as you enter her dreams
Unaware of your presence
You take your time
Her door shall open for you
And there you both will be
For love’s till eternity
Dreams become a reality
Five nights ago,
at 10:31PM,
I whispered I loved you,
and you stumbled up
your porch steps,
grabbing the air,
laughing and saying,
"I love you, too."

Four nights ago,
I held your hand
as we
strolled through the park.
I ignored the rugged scuff
of your boots,
and you ignored
the pounding beat
of my heart.

Three nights ago,
you told me
to go home early.
Our movie
wasn't finished,
but you were.

Two nights ago,
I saw you
walking through the neighbourhood,
a beautiful girl
by your side.

Last night,
the air was still.

And tonight,
I don't think you'd care
if I didn't text back.
Sigh sigh sigh
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